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獨家網 · 2012-03-21 · 來源:獨家網
美國文化冷戰 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /

【原文題目】Who Rules America?
【來       源】http://www.natvan.com/who-rules-america/
【原文作者】the research staff of National Vanguard Books
【譯       者】大頭李
【校       對】車幹
【聲       明】譯文為原創,轉載務必注明譯者及出處“獨家網dooo.cc”。
【摘      要】猶太人對媒體的控制決定了美國的外交政策,在決定戰爭還是和平的問題上,讓猶太人的利益優先于美國的利益。沒有猶太人的媒體控制,就不會有波斯灣戰爭,就不會有北約對南斯拉夫平民的屠殺,就不會有伊拉克戰爭,數千的生命就會得到挽救。美國就不會對猶太復國主義和以色列如此的支持,中東的仇恨、爭斗和恐怖活動就不會影響我們。


【譯      文】


       目前未被4大巨頭控制的小型電視臺和電影公司多數還是被猶太人控制。例如,由NBC和威望迪環球公司在2004年合并而成的NBC環球公司是另一家由猶太人控制的媒體巨人。NBC由猶太裔俄羅斯人Robert Sarnoff最先建立。Robert Sarnoff以其殘酷的商業策略和對對手版權的肆意侵犯著稱。1971年Robert Sarnoff去世后,NBC進過一系列的并購和收購后成長為媒體巨人。目前,NBC環球由GE和Comcast共同所有。2009年12月,Comcast,這家全美最大的有線系統提供商,通過協議收購了威望迪公司持有的全部股份。Comcast目前持有51%的控股股份。Comcast由三個猶太人建立——Ralph J. Roberts, Julian A. Brodsky和Daniel Aaron。Roberts的兒子Brian從父親手中接管了公司并成為CEO。Brian還代表美國隊在馬卡比運動會中得到銀牌,該運動會每四年在以色列舉辦一次,只允許猶太人參加。

       Comcast收購NBC環球之后,Roberts讓Stephen Bewkes取代了猶太裔主席Jeff Zucker的位置,前者據說也是猶太后裔。Mark Hoffman,CNBC猶太裔主席,與Bewkes一起監管著這個世界上最大的新聞網。

       猶太人Ron Meyer是環球影城的總裁和首席運營官。環球影業前任猶太裔主席Stacey Snider被另一位猶太人Debbie Liebling取代。NBC娛樂和NBC環球電視工作室的聯合主席Mark Graboff同樣是猶太人。

       NBC電視通過旗下200個電視臺向每一個美國家庭放送節目。NBC新聞則有一系列的新聞節目包括今日、會晤新聞界、晚間新聞:布萊恩•威廉姆斯和日界線。通過旗下的MSNBC,NBC環球向全球提供24小時的電視和網絡新聞服務。MSNBC在新聞主播Keith Olbermann和同性戀評論員Rachel Maddow的引領下一直被批評為在新聞報道中有自由主義傾向。

       NBC環球最近幾年也同樣向互聯網媒體市場進軍。它運營的Hulu網是一家視頻網站提供下載電視節目和電影剪輯片段的下載服務?;诤虵OX、時代華納、ABC、戲劇中心、MGM、MTV、派拉蒙和其他猶太人擁有的媒體公司的協議,Hulu為這些公司的電視節目和電影提供下載平臺。網絡最大的女性社區iVillage同樣由NBC環球擁有和運營,并且在猶太人Jodi Kahn的直接領導下。iVillage包括超過1000個留言板,并運營者NBC數字健康網、Astrology.com, GardenWeb和專為女性服務的新聞博客BlogHer。

       為了在快速增長的美國西班牙裔人口中占據更大份額,NBC環球在2002年收購了Telemundo。Telemundo是美國最大的西班牙語電視網,通過16個電視臺和45個分支機構,90%的西班牙裔是它的觀眾。Telemundo由NBC環球電視娛樂的猶太裔主席Jeff Gaspin掌管。

       望遠鏡影業作為“獨立”的電影制作公司制作了如第六感、驚爆內幕和上海正午等影片,但它是由作為聯合主席的創始人,猶太裔的Gary Barber和Roger Birnbaum所掌管。Jonathan Glickman是索尼影業的總裁,Paul Neinstein為猶太裔執行副CEO。望遠鏡影業為夢工廠SKG(維亞康姆的子公司)和沃爾特迪斯尼公司制作電影。望遠鏡影業有Cerebrus資產管理公司擁有,該公司是美國最大的私募基金,由猶太金融家Steve Feinberg所有。

       索尼一直以來被認為是日本的傳媒帝國。但在2009年,最后一個非猶太裔總裁日本人Ryoji Chubachi被晾在一邊并最終被猶太人取代。2009年2月,Chubachi被Howard Stringer趕下了臺。Stringer雖然說自己是威爾士后代,但事實上他是1965年從威爾士移民美國的猶太人。1997年來到索尼之前,Stringer是CBS的高級管理人員。Stringer帶領一干猶太人骨干占據了索尼和旗下公司的最重要的位置。Nicole Seligman是執行副總裁和總顧問,Robert Wiesenthal是索尼美國的執行副總裁的首席財務官。索尼影業的CEO是Michael Lynton,而哥倫比亞三星電影集團公司的主席Amy Pascal與Michael Lynton一道是索尼影業的聯合主席,二者都是猶太人。Lynton還控制著索尼旗下的米高梅、聯藝公司和獵戶座影業。這三家公司的領導均為猶太人。


       索尼BMG卷入到多起爭議的中心包括在音樂CD中植入非法軟件使得消費者的電腦更容易被病毒侵入等。2007年10月索尼BMG在針對音樂分享軟件的訴訟中獲勝。這些訴訟的第一個受害者是單身母親Jammie Thomas,她因為在自己家的電腦上允許24首歌曲共享而被判向索尼支付192萬美元的法定賠償。



       過去ABC、CBS和NBC是三家最大的電視廣播網。但隨著媒體帝國的聯合,這三家不在是彼此獨立的實體。從一開始,盡管彼此獨立,三家公司也是被猶太人控制:Leonard Goldenson控制著ABC;NBC最開始由David Sarnoff控制,后來被他兒子Robert控制;CBS的控制權從William Paley到Laurence Tisch。數十年來,這些電視網從上到下都是猶太雇員,即便歷經猶太傳媒帝國的整合,這一點也一直沒變。猶太人在電視新聞上的控制力一直都非常的強。







       維基是由互聯網投資人Jimmy Wales和博士生Larry Sanger在俄亥俄州建立的。Jimmy Wales是猶太人,還是Bomis的創始人,該網站為男性用戶提供色情文學搜索。一篇在2006年出版的“猶太人”雜志中的文章說Larry Sanger是猶太人,但其他的來源卻對此有爭議,Sanger2002年離開了維基。


       谷歌在1998年由猶太大學生Larry Page和Sergey Brin創立,并快速成長為世界最受歡迎的搜索引擎,擴張為數十億美元的互聯網企業。谷歌是互聯網最常被訪問的網站。谷歌有解決呢20000名驗工,在全球有數千臺服務器。每年的廣告收入超過100億美元。Brin成為美國最富有的人之一,凈資產超過180億美元。

       谷歌也已經受過了數個小型的子公司。2005年谷歌收購了Keyhole公司,這個公司的軟件最終成為了谷歌地圖。谷歌最大的子公司是2006年收購的廣受歡迎的YouTube。Youtube的CEO Chad Hurley也是猶太人。Chad Hurley數次前往以色列聯絡其猶太伙伴,以便在以色列推廣youtube。2009年,他主持了以色列總理Shimon Peres本人的youtube頻道的開播儀式。其他的谷歌的子公司包括JotSpot, DoubleClick, GrandCentral, Postini, On2 Technologies,和Teracent。谷歌還和時代華納合作以改善該公司視頻和電影的搜索結果。

       Brin盡管作為美國公民,但和以色列政府過從甚密,并在2008年與FACEBOOK猶太裔執行官一起受以色列總統Shimon Peres的邀請參加在耶路撒冷召開的關于互聯網技術的發展如何影響以色列和猶太人的會議。





       臉譜已經快速成長為互聯網最大的社交網絡,在全球擁有超過3億5千萬的注冊用戶。臉譜由猶太裔的哈佛學生Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz和他們的室友Chris Hughes在2004年創立。從那時起,盡管Saverin提供了公司的啟動資金,但是一直被排擠并最終離開了臉譜。

       隨著PayPal的猶太創始人Peter Thiel帶來的追加的投資,Zuckerberg將臉譜發展為年收入3億美元的公司。盡管如此成功,但Zuckerberg卻難以留住他的高管。2008年,聯合創始人Moskovitz與臉譜猶太裔工程經理Justin Rosenstein(谷歌前頂尖工程師)一起離開臉譜并創立了自己的公司。商務總監Netanel Jacobsson和發展總監Charlie Cheever同樣離開了公司。Zuckerman被指責對于員工要求過于苛刻。一個前雇員說“如果你搞砸了,今天你在公司,明天你就走人了,并成為不受歡迎的人?!?BR>
       作為臉譜CEO,Zuckerberg確保公司的大多數管理崗位都是猶太人。除了Zuckerberg本人,公司董事會還包括猶太富豪Jim Breyer。Breyer是加速伙伴公司的高級合伙人,這是一家風險投資公司,擁有超過200家公司的股份,涉及的領域從健康和生物科技到互聯網和多媒體服務。加速公司在2005年向臉譜注資1270萬美元,并致力于向以色列和歐洲的公司提供啟動資金。Breyer還是其他一些公司的董事包括驚奇娛樂公司和沃爾瑪。

       董事會成員Don Graham于2008年加入臉譜。Graham是華盛頓郵報公司的CEO和董事會主席。他是在1933年通過拍賣購得華盛頓郵報的猶太金融家Eugene Isaac Meyer的孫子,Eugene后來還成為美聯儲主席和世界銀行的第一任行長。

       Marc Andreessen也許是臉譜董事會唯一的非猶太裔成員,但其身份目前還不能確定。Andreessen是網景公司的原始創始人,因此一夜之間成為億萬富翁。2009年,Netscape和他的猶太金融家密友Ben Horowitz一起成立了風險投資公司Andreessen Horowitz。Horowitz是以色列種子合伙的主要投資人,該公司資助以色列的信息科技和生命技術公司。

       臉譜的公共關系部門執行官Elliot Schrage是猶太人。Schrage是一名貿易律師,也是谷歌前任聯絡和公共事務副總裁。他還是蓋普公司前全球事務高級副總裁,他在面對關于蓋普在海外的血汗工廠雇傭童工的指責時捍衛公司利益。在Sullivan and Cromwell律師事務所工作期間,他還負責為時任迪斯尼CEO的Michael Eisner建造歐洲迪斯尼時,保障其資金安全。他還是外交關系委員會的高級研究員。

       Sheryl Sandberg是臉譜的CEO,僅次于Zuckerberg的二號人物。Sandberg也是猶太人,是谷歌前任全球在線銷售和運營副總裁。她還是克林頓時期猶太裔財政部長Lawrence Summers的助理。她嫁給了雅虎前音樂部門總監猶太人David Goldberg。Sandberg在迪尼斯2009年的董事會上被CEO Robert Iger點名指出,認為其標志著臉譜或許正在加強其與猶太人控制的大型媒體公司的聯系。

       臉譜最近開始和斯坦福說服技術實驗室開始名為“peace.facebook.com”項目的合作,目的在于鼓勵在線跨種族和民族團體的交流。實驗室的主任室B.J. Fogg博士,專長于使用電腦技術操控人的行為和信念。他已經廣泛地利用臉譜來塑造公眾觀念和影響公眾對于不同事件的看法。


       互動集團(IAC)是世界最大的但也是最不為人所知的在線傳媒公司,年收入超過14億美元。IAC在全球有超過50個公司包括Ask.com, Excite, Urbanspoon, Gifts.com, Life123, Match.com, Dictionary.com, 以及受歡迎的視頻網站Vimeo。

       IAC的主席和CEO是猶太裔同性戀Barry Diller,他通過一系列精明的并購和收購建立了IAC。他是??怂构?、派拉蒙影業和QVC的前CEO。他目前還是艾派迪公司的主席,這是他和猶太裔伙伴Victor Kaufman共同經營的。艾派迪擁有數個非常盈利的旅游網站,包括Expedia.com, Hotels.com, 和Hotwire.com。Diller一直是好萊塢“天鵝絨黑手黨”的金主,這是用來形容同性戀政治游說團體成員的詞匯,該團體的成員大多是美國和全球時尚和娛樂行業的精英。他以對同性戀組織如Gay Men’s Health Crisis大量捐款而聞名,并且是主要的同性戀籌款人。Diller因為其暴脾氣和當中羞辱表現差勁的管理人員而出名,也是全球工資最高的CEO之一。他每年的從IAC得到接近3億美元的收入,從艾派迪得到1.75億美元。

       Diller是現在一些著名的猶太媒體巨頭的導師。他在Michael Eisner在派拉蒙工作還沒有接管迪斯尼之前就跟他在一起工作并幫助他。哥倫比亞影業的Dawn Steel和夢工廠前老板Jeffrey Katzenberg都曾在派拉蒙為Diller工作。Diller還是現任的聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)主席,猶太人Julius Genachowski的導師。Genachowski是IAC的前商業運營執行官。作為在2008年奧巴馬總統競選期間擔任其科技、媒體和通訊政策小組主席的回報,Genachowski被任命為FCC主席。





       美聯社是世界最大的新聞來源,向全球的數千家報紙出售新聞內容。實際上全球所有的報紙都采用美聯社證實過的故事。美聯社的新聞內容目前處于主席William Dean Singleton的控制之下,William領導著以猶太人為主的董事會,包括Sam Zell, Craig A. Dubow, R. Jack Fishman, Steven Newhouse, 和David Weston。


       猶太裔Newhouse兄弟Samuel Newhouse, Jr. 和Donald Newhouse通過貪婪的壟斷的經營,將競爭者趕出這個行業而建立了Advanced Publications報紙帝國。Advanced Publications的一個典型策略是收購兩家競爭者中的一家,然后通過大幅削減廣告費進行廣告大戰,最后讓兩家報紙都處于破產的邊緣。Advanced Publications然后介入并收購競爭對手。通常兩份報紙都會存續:一份是早報,一份是晚報。然而,最終其中一個報紙會關停,Newhouse兄弟就擁有了這個城市唯一的日報。比如在2001年,Newhouse兄弟關閉了Syracuse Herald-Journal,而讓他們的另外一家Syracuse報紙Post-Journal占據了壟斷地位。

       Newhouse媒體帝國不僅說明了美國的報紙之間缺乏真正的競爭,也表現出猶太人對于言論控制的貪婪追求。Newhouse有31家日報,包括幾個重要的日報,比如克利夫蘭平原商報、紐瓦克明星記事報和新奧爾良時代花絮報;以及Newhouse廣播集團,由電視臺和有線電視組成;星期日行走增刊,每周發行量是3500萬份;大約24份主要雜質,包括紐約客、時尚、Wired、魅力、名利場、新娘、紳士季刊、自我、家居和其他由Conde Nast集團全權擁有的雜志。雜志的雇員正如你所料,非常的符合猶太教義。行走就是一個例子:總裁兼發行人Randy Siegel,副總裁兼創意總監Ira Yoffe,科學編輯David H. Levy和健康編輯Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld都是猶太人。

       這個猶太帝國由俄羅斯移民Samuel Newhouse建立。當1979年他84歲去世的時候,他把估計13億美元的媒體留給了他的兩個兒子。通過一系列兼并,今天Advance Publications的凈資產已經超過90億美元。




       紐約時報的發行量是111萬9千份,是美國非官方的社會、時尚、娛樂、政治和文化指南。它告訴美國趕時髦的人該買什么書該看什么電影;哪種觀念在當下是流行的;哪些政客、教育家、精神領袖、藝術家和商人是真正成功的人。19世紀的幾十年中,它是一份真正的美國人的報紙。紐約時報在1851年由兩個非猶太裔創建,Henry J. Raymond和George Jones。他們死后,富有的猶太發行人Adolph Ochs從Jone的財產管理人手中購買了紐約時報。他的曾曾孫Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.是報紙目前的發行人和紐約時報集團的主席。副主席Michael Golden也是猶太人。數字運營高級副總裁Martin Nisenholtz也是猶太人,管理著他們的網絡運營。


       同樣重要的是華盛頓郵報,通過建立在華盛頓政府機構的眼線,它總是能得到關于聯邦政府的內幕消息。華盛頓郵報和紐約時報一樣是非猶太裔創立的。它在1877年由Stilson Hutchins開設,1905年賣給了John R. McLean,之后由Edward B. McLean繼承。1933年6月,在大蕭條的高峰,報紙被迫破產。在破產拍賣中,他被猶太金融家Eugene Meyer和前任的合作伙伴Bernard Baruch買下,后者因為在一戰期間成為美國工業的沙皇而臭名昭著。華盛頓郵報之后由Eugene Meyer的女兒Katherine Meyer Graham管理直到她去世。她是華盛頓郵報公司的主要股東和董事會主席;并在1979年任命她的兒子Donald Graham成為報紙的發行人。Donald Graham在1991年成為華盛頓郵報的CEO,1993年成為董事會主席。猶太人對華盛頓郵報的控制始終沒有間斷。該報的發行量是58萬,周日版超過了一百萬。

       華盛頓郵報還有擁有其他的報紙(Gazette新聞報,11種軍事出版物和西班牙語的El Tiempo Latino)和電視(底特律的WDIV、休斯頓的KPRC、邁阿密的WPLG、奧蘭多的WKMG、圣安東尼奧的KSAT、杰克遜維爾的WJXT)。華盛頓郵報公司的電視臺觀眾超過1千2百萬的家庭;他的有線電視一臺有近70萬的訂戶。它還有Newsweek.com, washingtonpost.com, Slate.com, BudgetTravel.com, 和Sprig.com等網站。


       新聞集團的Les Hinton是道瓊斯公司的CEO和華爾街日報的首席發行人。他與2009年得到了紐約猶太社區關系委員會的表彰,表彰他對猶太復國主義的大力支持和對以色列對巴勒斯坦采取強硬政策的支持。

       紐約其他的主要報紙也不能幸免。1993年1月,紐約每日新聞報(63萬發行量)被猶太裔房地產開發商Mortimer B. Zuckerman從猶太裔媒體大亨Robert Maxwell的繼承人手中買下。紐約郵報由開國元勛和內戰英雄Alexander Hamilton建立,現在也由猶太人、新聞集團高級副總裁Les Goodstein控制。這個全國持續發行時間最長的日報如今已經變成了國內新保守主義最有名的喉舌之一。








【原       文】
Other media companies

Most of today’s smaller television and movie production companies that are not owned by the four large media corporations are also controlled by Jews.NBC Universal, Inc, for example, is another Jewish run media conglomerate formed by the merger of NBC and Vivendi Universal (now known as Vivendi SA) in 2004. NBC was originally founded by Russian Jew Robert Sarnoff. Sarnoff was well known for his ruthless business tactics and willingness to infringe on his competitor’s copyrights. In the years since Sarnoff’s death in 1971, NBC has grown through a series of mergers and acquisitions into a multimedia giant.  In its current form, NBC Universal is jointly owned by General Electric (GE) and Comcast. Under terms of a December 2009 agreement, Vivendi’s shares were bought out by Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider. Comcast now holds a 51% controlling share in the company. Comcast was founded by a trio of Jews—Ralph J. Roberts, Julian A. Brodsky, and Daniel Aaron. Robert’s son, Brian, has taken the company’s reigns from his father and now presides as CEO. Of note, Brian Roberts won silver medals team of U.S. Jews at the Maccabiah Games, an Olympics-style sporting event for Jews-only held every four years in Israel. in squash for a Jewish Comcast CEO Brian Roberts.
Since Comcast’s takeover of NBC Universal, Roberts has replaced Jewish chairman Jeff Zucker with Stephen Bewkes, who is also reportedly of Jewish descent. Mark Hoffman, the Jewish president of CNBC, works directly with Bewkes to oversee the world’s largest business news network.
Ron Meyer, a Jew, is president and chief operating officer of Universal Studios. Former Jewish chairman of Universal Pictures Stacey Snider has since been replaced by another Jewess, Debbie Liebling. Mark Graboff, co-chairman of NBC Entertainment and NBC Universal Television Studio is also Jewish.
NBC Television broadcasts to over 200 affiliate stations and its programming reaches nearly every American home. NBC News broadcasts a number of daily news programs including Today, Meet the Press, Nightly News with Brian Williams, and Dateline NBC. Through its MSNBC affiliate, NBC Universal provides round-the-clock television and Internet news services around the world. MSNBC has been criticized for its steady stream of liberal-biased news coverage led by news anchor Keith Olbermann and homosexual political commentator Rachel Maddow.
NBC Universal has moved into the Internet media market in recent years as well. It runs Hulu, an online video service that offers downloadable television programming and movie clips. Under agreements brokered with Fox, Time Warner, Inc., ABC, Comedy Central, MGM, MTV, Paramount, and a number of other Jewish-owned media companies, Hulu  provides a platform for the download of a variety of TV shows and movies.  The Internet’s largest online community for women, iVillage is also owned and operated by NBC Universal under the direction of Jewish executive Jodi Kahn. iVillage contains over 1,000 message boards and operates the NBC Digital Health Network, Astrology.com, GardenWeb, and the leading news blog service for women, BlogHer.
In an effort to capture a larger share of the exploding U.S. Hispanic population, NBC Universal acquired Telemundo in 2002. Telemundo, the largest U.S. Spanish language television network, reaches over 90% of U.S. Hispanic viewers through 16 stations and 45 affiliates. It is overseen by the Jewish chairman of NBC Universal Television Entertainment Jeff Gaspin.
Spyglass Entertainment, an “independent” film producer which has made such films as The Sixth Sense, The Insider, and Shanghai Noon, is run by its Jewish founders Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, who are co-chairmen. Jonathan Glickman serves as president and Paul Neinstein is executive vice Jewish CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment Michael LyntonAmy Pascal is the head of Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group.president. Both men are Jews. Spyglass makes movies for DreamWorks SKG, a subsidiary of Viacom, and the Walt Disney Company. Spyglass is owned by Cerebrus Capital Management, one of the largest private equity firms in the US. Cerebrus is run by Jewish financier Steve Feinberg.
Sony has been traditionally thought of as a Japanese media conglomerate. However, in 2009 Japanese President of Sony Ryoji Chubachi became the latest in a long line of non-Jewish media executives to be pushed aside and replaced by Jews. In Feburary 2009 Chubachi was ousted by Howard Stringer. Stringer, while typically portraying him as being of Welsh ancestry, is actually a Jew who immigrated from Wales to the United States in 1965. Stringer was a former high level executive at CBS before moving to Sony in 1997. Stringer heads a heavily Jewish cadre in top positions at Sony and its subsidiaries. Nicole Seligman is executive vice president and general counsel, Robert Wiesenthal is executive vice president and Chief Financial Officer of Sony Corporation of America. CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment is Michael Lynton and his co-chair is Amy Pascal who also serves as chairman of Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group. Both executives are Jews. Lynton controls Sony subsidiary Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, United Artists, and Orion Pictures. All three studios are headed by Jewish executives.
Sony’s music division is the result of a merger with Jewish-owned media giant Bertelsmann. Sony BMG is now one of the world’s largest music distributors.
Sony BMG has been at the center of a number of controversies including the placement of illegal software on music CDs that made consumers’ computers more vulnerable to viruses.  In October 2007 Sony BMG began successfully suing users of music file sharing software. Their first victim was Jammie Thomas, a single mother, who was ordered to pay Sony BMG $1,920,000 in statutory damages for making 24 songs available for download on her home computer.
It is well known that Jews have controlled most of the production and distribution of films since shortly after the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of the 20th Century. When Walt Disney died in 1966, the last barrier to the total Jewish domination of Hollywood was gone, and Jews were able to grab ownership of the company that Walt built. Since then they have had everything their way in the movie industry.
Films produced by seven of the firms mentioned above—Disney, Warner Brothers, Paramount (Viacom), Universal (NBC Universal), 20th Century Fox (News Corp.), DreamWorks, and Columbia (Sony)—accounted for over 90% of total box-office receipts for the year 2009.
The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson; NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert; and CBS first by William Paley and then by Laurence Tisch. Over several decades these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other Jewish-dominated media corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong.
Internet Media Companies

The past decade has seen an explosion in the number of American homes with Internet access. Statistics from Nielson/NetRatings demonstrate that over 75% of Americans have access to the Internet from their homes. For children and teenagers the numbers approach 80%. A growing number of Americans are turning to the Internet for news, entertainment, and information. Most classrooms now have computers giving children access to Internet- based information sources as well as entertainment.
As with the traditional news and entertainment media, a small number of Internet companies, controlled by new elite of tech savvy entrepreneurs, are influencing how the public accesses information, interacts socially, communicates, and even shops. After the collapse of the dot com bubble in the early part of this decade a number of companies have emerged as dominant players in the field of Internet communications, information technology, and marketing. As with conventional media corporations, the Jewish influence in this rapidly growing field is also very pronounced.

Wikipedia was founded in 2001 and rapidly became the largest online collaborative encyclopedia in the world. Wikipedia articles are submitted by registered users and may be edited anonymously by anyone. Despite this fact, the bulk of Wikipedia articles are submitted by a cabal of regular frequent editors. New users have complained that their submissions are often heavily edited or removed entirely by this exclusive group.
Wikipedia has grown tremendously in the past five years and is now one of the top ten most visited Web sites in the world thanks to the very high search engine results it receives from Google, the world’s most popular search engine.  Wikipedia has been criticized for its lack of accuracy as well as pervasive bias on a number of social issues.  Despite this, Wikipedia has become one of the most cited informational sources for news articles, research articles, and numerous other projects.
Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales, an Internet entrepreneur, and Larry Sanger, a doctoral student at Ohio State. Jimmy Wales, who is Jewish, was also the founder of Bomis, a male-oriented search site offering soft-core pornography.  Larry Sanger has been named as a Jew in an article published by The Jewish Chronicle in 2006, but other sources have disputed this.  Sanger left Wikipedia in 2002.
A number of pro-Israeli groups have recently been exposed for their collaborative efforts to continuously edit and remove material from Wikipedia that is unflattering to Jews and to Israel. The Zionist group CAMERA (Commitee for Accuracy of Middle East Reporting in America) had a number of its internal emails exposed by the pro-Palestinian Web site Electronic Intifada (EI). EI accused CAMERA of “orchestrating a secret, long-term campaign to infiltrate Wikipedia to rewrite Palestinian history, pass off crude propaganda as fact, and take over Wikipedia administrative structures to ensure these changes go either undetected or unchallenged.”
Google, founded in 1998 by Jewish college students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, has quickly become the world’s most popular Internet search engine and branched out into a multibillion dollar Internet company. Google is currently ranked as the Internet’s most frequently visited site.  Google has nearly 20,000 employees and operates thousands of servers around the world. Its annual advertising revenue exceeds $10 billion. Brin is one of the wealthiest men in America with a net worth of over $18 billion.
As Google has grown, it has acquired a number of smaller subsidiaries.  In 2005 Google acquired Keyhole, Inc., which had developed the software that eventually became Google Earth.  Perhaps Google’s largest subsidiary is the wildly popular YouTube, which it acquired in 2006. The CEO of YouTube is Chad Hurley, who is also Jewish. Hurley has made several trips to Israel to network with fellow Jews and promote YouTube in Israel. In 2009 he presided over the inauguration of Israeli President Shimon Peres’ own YouTube channel.  Additional Google subsidiaries include JotSpot, DoubleClick, GrandCentral, Postini, On2 Technologies, and Teracent. Google has also teamed with Jewish-owned Time Warner to improve search results for that company’s videos and movies.
Brin, despite being a U.S. citizen, has cultivated close ties with the Israeli government and in 2008 was invited by Israeli president Shimon Peres, along with Jewish executives from Facebook, to a conference in Jerusalem focusing on how developing Internet technology will affect Israel and the Jewish people.
Both Page and Brin have donated heavily to a number of pro-Jewish political and humanitarian organizations.  In 2008 Brin donated one million dollars to HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a leftist Jewish organization originally founded in the late 1800s to assist in the immigration of Jews to the United States, but which now focuses primarily on relocating Third World immigrants throughout the United States and Europe.  In 2009 Page and other Google executives paid $150,000 to fund President Barack Obama’s inauguration party and donated heavily to his campaign.
Beginning in 2004, both Brin and Page have come under criticism for manipulating Google’s search results to censor Web sites and content some in the Jewish community find offensive. With the assistance of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), Google has identified hundreds of Web sites it considers offensive. Most deal with Holocaust revisionism, White pride, and persecution of Palestinians, though some fundamentalist Christian religious sites are also banned. These sites have effectively been removed from its search engine results. While not blocking access to these sites, Google has made finding them much more difficult for the average Internet user.  Left-wing extremist, socialist groups, hardcore pornography sites, as well as non-Christian religious fundamentalist Web sites are not censored by Google.
Google has also cooperated with the governments of foreign countries to censor the content available to their citizens. Google has created Internet filters for countries like China, France, Germany, and Britain limiting access to sites deemed dangerous by the governments of those nations. As a result, both Brin and Page have been heavily criticized by free speech advocates for limiting access to alternative points of view on controversial topics.

Facebook has rapidly become the largest social networking site on the Internet with well over 350 million registered users worldwide.  Facebook was founded by Jewish Harvard university students Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and their roomate Chris Hughes in 2004. Since that time, Saverin, despite providing the initial cash investment to start the company, was marginalized and eventually left Facebook.

With added capital provided by the Jewish founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, Zuckerberg has turned Facebook into a $300 million a year company. Despite his success, Zuckerberg has had difficulty holding onto his top executives. Co-founder Moskovitz departed with Jewish former Facebook engineering manager Justin Rosenstein (a former top engineer at Google) in 2008 to form his own company. Director of business development, Netanel Jacobsson, and developer Charlie Cheever have both also left the company. Zuckerman has been criticized for being overly demanding of his staff. According to one former employee “If you screw up, one day you are in, the next day out, persona non grata.”
As CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg has ensured that most top executive positions in his company are filled with Jews. In addition to Zuckerberg himself, Facebook’s board includes Jewish multimillionaire Jim Breyer. Breyer is a senior member of Accel Partners, a venture capital company with ownership in over 200 companies dealing in a wide variety of fields from healthcare and biotechnology to Internet and multimedia services.  Accel, which invested $12.7 million in Facebook in 2005, focuses on providing capital for start-up companies in Israel and Europe.  Breyer also sits on the board of companies such as Marvel Entertainment and Wal-Mart.
Board member Don Graham joined Facebook in 2008. As noted below, Graham is the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company. He is the grandson of Jewish financier Eugene Isaac Meyer, who purchased the Washington Post at auction in 1933, and later served as head of the Federal Reserve and first president of the World Bank.
Marc Andreessen may be the only non-Jewish Facebook board member though this cannot be verified at this time. Andreessen was one of the original founders of Netscape, which made him an overnight multimillionaire.  In 2009 in addition to his work at Facebook, Andreessen founded the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz with his close friend, Jewish financier Ben Horowitz. Horowitz is a primary investor in Israel Seed Partners, a company that focuses on funding Jewish information technology and life sciences companies.
Facebook’s head of public relations is Jewish executive Elliot Schrage. Schrage, an attorney by trade, was former vice president of communications and public affairs at Google.  He is a former senior VP of global affairs at Gap, Inc. where he defended the company against critics who accused it of using child labor in overseas sweatshops. He was also responsible for securing funding for then Disney CEO Michael Eisner to build Euro Disney while working for the Sullivan and Cromwell legal firm. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Elliot Schrage vice president of communications, public policy and platform marketing at Facebook Second in command at Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg
Sheryl Sandberg is chief operating officer at Facebook and the second most powerful executive after Zuckerberg. Sandberg, also Jewish, is the former vice president of global online sales and operations at Google She is former assistant to the Clinton administration’s Jewish Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers. She is married to former Yahoo! music head David Goldberg who is also Jewish. Sandberg was named to Disney’s board of directors in 2009 by CEO Robert Iger, a sign that Facebook may be looking to strengthen ties with other large Jewish-owned media companies.
Facebook has recently begun collaboration with the Stanford Persuasive Technology lab on a project entitled “peace.facebook.com”, designed to encourage online communication between different racial and ethnic groups. The director of the Stanford Persuasive Technology lab is Dr. B.J. Fogg, who specializes in the use of computer technology to manipulate human behavior and beliefs. He has written extensively on the use of Facebook to mold public opinion and influence the public’s worldview on a variety of topics.
InterActive Corp
InterActive Corp (IAC) is one of the world’s largest, yet least well-known, online media companies with an annual revenue exceeding $1.4 billion. IAC owns and operates over 50 businesses across the globe including Ask.com, Excite, Urbanspoon, Gifts.com, Life123, Match.com, Dictionary.com, and the popular video site Vimeo. IAC also owns CollegeHumor.com, which presents both original and user generated content featuring pornography and vulgar humor media targeting young college students.

The chairman and CEO of IAC is the homosexual Jew Barry Diller, who created IAC through a number of shrewd mergers and acquisitions. He is the former CEO of Fox, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, and QVC, Inc. He is also the current chairman of Expedia, Inc., which he runs with fellow Jew Victor Kaufman. Expedia owns a number of very profitable travel Web sites including Expedia.com, Hotels.com, and Hotwire.com.  Expedia’s annual revenue approaches three billion dollars.  Diller has been a longtime fixture in Hollywood’s so called “Velvet Mafia,” a term used to describe the members of various gay political lobby groups largely composed of members of the elite fashion and entertainment industry in the U.S. and around the world. He is well known for his large donations to a number of gay and lesbian groups including the Gay Men’s Health Crisis as well as his regular attendance at prominent gay fundraisers. Diller, known for his explosive temper and public humiliation of underperforming executives, is one of the highest paid CEOs in the world. His total annual compensation approaches $300 million from IAC and $175 million from Expedia.
Diller has served as a mentor to and advanced the careers of a number of now prominent Jewish media moguls. He worked with and aided Michael Eisner while Eisner was president of Paramount Pictures before his takeover of The Walt Disney Company. The head of Columbia Pictures, Dawn Steel (who changed her name from Spielberg) worked for Diller when he was at Paramount, as did the former head of Dreamworks Jeffrey Katzenberg. Diller also mentored the current chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, the Jew Julius Genachowski. Genachowski was the former chief of business operations at IAC. Of note, he was rewarded with his position as FCC Chairman after serving as chairman of the Technology, Media and Telecommunications policy group for the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign.

The Print Media

After television news, daily newspapers have traditionally been the nation’s most influential and widespread source of news and information on national and world events. With the rise of the Internet, however, newspaper sales and circulation have dropped dramatically in the past five years. According to the the Newspaper Association of America advertising revenues for America’s newspapers dropped over 16 percent in 2008 alone and the trend is continuing. As a result, many of the nation’s newspapers are transitioning to online, digital versions of their publications in an attempt to keep pace with advancing technology. Regardless, the nation’s over 1,400 different newspapers are still read by almost 50 percent of adults over the age of 35 in the U.S. and continue to be a major tool for not only news coverage, but for shaping public opinion.
One might conclude that the sheer number of different newspapers across America would provide a safeguard against minority control and distortion. Alas, such is not the case. There is less independence, less competition, and much less representation of majority interests than a casual observer would think. In 1945, four out of five American newspapers were independently owned and published by local people with close ties to their communities. Those days, however, are gone. Most of the independent newspapers were bought out or driven out of business by the mid-1970s. Today most “local “newspapers are owned by a rather small number of large companies controlled by executives who live and work hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Today less than 20 percent of the country’s over 1,400 papers are independently owned; the rest belong to multi-newspaper chains. Only 103 of the total number have circulations of more than 100,000. Only a handful are large enough to maintain independent reporting staffs outside their own communities; the rest must depend on these few for all of their national and international news. As a result, one of the most essential checks on government and big business since the early days of our republic, a free press, has been seriously compromised.
The Associated Press (AP),

one of the world’s most powerful sources for news, sells content to thousands of newspapers worldwide. Virtually all newspapers around the world carry AP approved stories.  AP news content is currently under the control of its chairman William Dean Singleton, who heads a heavily Jewish board of directors that includes Sam Zell, Craig A. Dubow, R. Jack Fishman, Steven Newhouse, and David Weston.  
In only two per cent of the cities in America is there more than one daily newspaper, and competition is frequently nominal even among them, as between morning and afternoon editions under the same ownership or under joint operating agreements.

The Jewish Newhouse brothers Samuel Newhouse, Jr. and Donald Newhouse built the Advanced Publications newspaper empire through rapacious, monopolistic practices, driving competitors out of business. A typical tactic of Advance Publications is to buy one of two competing newspapers, and then start an advertising war by slashing advertising rates, which drives both papers to the edge of bankruptcy. Advance Publications then steps in and buys the competing newspaper. Often both papers continue: one as a morning paper and the other as an evening paper. Eventually, though, one of the papers is closed—giving the Newhouse brothers the only daily newspaper in that city. For example, in 2001 the Newhouses closed the Syracuse Herald-Journal leaving their other Syracuse newspaper, the Post-Journal, with a monopoly.
The Newhouse media empire provides an example of more than the lack of real competition among America’s daily newspapers: it also illustrates the insatiable appetite Jews have shown for all the organs of opinion control on which they could fasten their grip. The Newhouses own 31 daily newspapers, including several large and important ones, such as the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Newark Star-Ledger, and the New Orleans Times-Picayune, as well as Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of television stations and cable operations; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 35 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including The New Yorker, Vogue, Wired, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly-owned Conde Nast group. The staffing of the magazines is, as you might expect, quite Kosher. Parade can serve as an example: Its president and publisher is Randy Siegel, its vice president and creative director is Ira Yoffe, its science editor is David H. Levy, and its health editor is Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld. All are Jewish.
This Jewish media empire was founded by the late Samuel Newhouse (born Solomon Neuhaus), an immigrant from Russia. When he died in 1979 at the age of 84, he bequeathed media holdings worth an estimated $1.3 billion to his two sons, Samuel and Donald. With a number of further acquisitions, the net worth of Advance Publications has grown to more than $9 billion today. The gobbling up of so many newspapers by the Newhouse family was facilitated by newspapers’ revenue structure. Newspapers, to a large degree, are not supported by their subscribers but by their advertisers. It is advertising revenue—not the small change collected from a newspaper’s readers—that largely pays the editor’s salary and yields the owner’s profit. Whenever the large advertisers in a city choose to favor one newspaper over another with their business, the favored newspaper will flourish while its competitor dies. Since the beginning of the last century, when Jewish mercantile power in America became a dominant economic force, there has been a steady rise in the number of American newspapers in Jewish hands, accompanied by a steady decline in the number of competing Gentile newspapers—to some extent a result of selective advertising policies by Jewish merchants.
Furthermore, even those newspapers still under Gentile ownership and management are so thoroughly dependent upon Jewish advertising revenue that their editorial and news reporting policies are largely constrained by Jewish likes and dislikes. It holds true in the newspaper business as elsewhere that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Three Jewish Newspapers

The suppression of competition and the establishment of local monopolies on the dissemination of news and opinion have characterized the rise of Jewish control over America’s newspapers. The resulting ability of the Jews to use the press as an unopposed instrument of Jewish policy could hardly be better illustrated than by the examples of the nation’s three most prestigious and influential newspapers: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. These three, dominating America’s financial and political capitals, are the newspapers that set the trends and the guidelines for nearly all the others. They are the ones that decide what is news and what isn’t at the national and international levels. They originate the news; the others merely copy it. And all three newspapers are in Jewish hands.
The New York Times, with a 2003 circulation of 1,119,000, is the unofficial social, fashion, entertainment, political, and cultural guide of the nation. It tells America’s “smart set” which books to buy and which films to see; which opinions are in style at the moment; which politicians, educators, spiritual leaders, artists, and businessmen are the real comers. For a few decades in the 19th Century it was a genuinely American newspaper. The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry J. Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones’s estate by a wealthy Jewish publisher, Adolph Ochs. His great-great- grandson, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., is the paper’s current publisher and the chairman of the New York Times Co.  Michael Golden, also a Jew, is vice chairman. The senior vice president of digital operations, Martin Nisenholtz, a Jew, runs their massive Internet operation.
The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 24 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe, purchased in June 1993 for $1.1 billion; eight TV and two radio broadcasting stations; and more than 40 news- oriented Web operations including NYTimes.com and About.com. It also publishes the International Herald Tribune, the most widely distributed English-language daily in the world. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines.
Of similar national importance is the Washington Post which, by establishing its “leaks” throughout government agencies in Washington, has an inside track on news involving the federal government. The Washington Post, like the New York Times, had a non-Jewish origin. It was established in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins, purchased from him in 1905 by John R. McLean, and later inherited by Edward B. McLean. In June 1933, however, at the height of the Great Depression, the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy. It was purchased at a bankruptcy auction by Eugene Meyer, a Jewish financier and former partner of the infamous Bernard Baruch, a Jew who was an industry czar in America during the First World War. The Washington Post was run by Katherine Meyer Graham, Eugene Meyer’s daughter, until her death in 2001. She was the principal stockholder and board chairman of the Washington Post Company; and she appointed her son, Donald Graham, publisher of the paper in 1979. Donald became Washington Post Company CEO in 1991 and its board chairman in 1993, and the chain of Jewish control at the Post remains unbroken. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 582,844, and its Sunday edition sells over one million copies.
The Washington Post Company has a number of other media holdings in newspapers (the Gazette Newspapers, including 11 military publications and the The spanish language El Tiempo Latino) and in television (WDIV in Detroit, KPRC in Houston, WPLG in Miami, WKMG in Orlando, KSAT in San Antonio, WJXT in Jacksonville). The Washington Post Company’s various television ventures reach a total of about 12 million homes, and its cable TV service, Cable One, has 699,000 subscribers. Its Internet holdings include Newsweek.com, washingtonpost.com, Slate.com, BudgetTravel.com, and Sprig.com.
The Wall Street Journal, with a circulation in excess of 2.1 million copies, is owned by Dow Jones & Company, Inc., a New York subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Dow Jones & Company publish numerous other newspapers and magazines including the weekly financial tabloid Barron’s, Far Eastern Economic Review, SmartMoney, and the Russian language business daily Vedomosti. Their Dow Jones Newswires offers real-time financial news to over 400,000 subscribers and exerts tremendous influence on the financial activities of the world’s financial brokers and analysts.
News Corporation’s Les Hinton is the CEO of Dow Jones & Co. and head publisher of the Wall Street Journal. He was honored in 2009 by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York for his strident support of Zionism and has spoken out in support of Israel’s heavy handed policies towards the Palestinians.
Most of New York’s other major newspapers are in no better hands than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. In January 1993 the New York Daily News (circulation632,000) was bought from the estate of the late Jewish media mogul Robert Maxwell (born Ludvik Hoch) by Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman. The New York Post, begun by Founding Father and hero of the Revolutionary War Alexander Hamilton, is now under firm Jewish control with News Corporation’s senior vice president Les Goodstein. The nation’s oldest continuously published daily paper has now been turned into one of the most prominent neo-conservative mouthpieces in the country.
Our Responsibility

Those are the facts of media control in America. Anyone willing to spend a few hours in a large library looking into current editions of yearbooks on the radio and television industries and into directories of newspapers and magazines; into registers of corporations and their officers, such as those published by Standard and Poors and by Dun and Bradstreet; and into standard biographical reference works can verify their accuracy. They are undeniable. When confronted with these facts, Jewish spokesmen customarily will use evasive tactics. “Ted Turner isn’t a Jew!” they will announce triumphantly, as if that settled the issue. If pressed further they will accuse the confronter of “anti-Semitism” for even raising the subject. It is fear of this accusation that keeps many persons who know the facts silent.
But we must not remain silent on this most important of issues. The Jewish control of the American mass media is the single most important fact of life, not just in America, but in the whole world today. There is nothing—plague, famine, economic collapse, even nuclear war—more dangerous to the future of our people.
Jewish media control determines the foreign policy of the United States and permits Jewish interests rather than American interests to decide questions of war and peace. Without Jewish media control, there would have been no Persian Gulf War, for example. There would have been no NATO massacre of Serb civilians. There would have been no Iraq War, and thousands of lives would have been saved. There would have been little, if any, American support for the Zionist state of Israel, and the hatreds, feuds, and terror of the Middle East would never have been brought to our shores.
By permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government; we also are giving them control of the minds and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and Jewish films than by parents, schools, or any other influence.
The Jew-controlled entertainment media have taken the lead in persuading a whole generation that homosexuality is a normal and acceptable way of life; that there is nothing at all wrong with White women dating or marrying Black men, or with White men marrying Asian women; that all races are inherently equal in ability and character—except that the character of the White race is suspect because of a history of oppressing other races; and that any effort by Whites at racial self-preservation is reprehensible. We must oppose the further spreading of this poison among our people, and we must break the power of those who are spreading it. It would be intolerable for such power to be in the hands of any alien minority with values and interests different from our own. But to permit the Jews, with their 3,000-year history of nation-wrecking, from ancient Egypt to Russia, to hold such power over us is tantamount to race suicide. Indeed, the fact that so many White Americans today are so filled with a sense of racial guilt and self-hatred that they actively seek the death of their own race is a deliberate consequence of Jewish media control.

Once we have absorbed and understood the fact of Jewish media control, it is our inescapable responsibility to do whatever is necessary to break that control. We must shrink from nothing in combating this evil power that has fastened its deadly grip on our people and is injecting its lethal poison into our people’s minds and souls. If our race fails to destroy it, it certainly will destroy our race.

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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:wuhe






  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
  1. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  2. 美國的這次出招,后果很嚴重
  3. 褻瀆中華民族歷史,易某天新書下架!
  4. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!
  5. 我對胡錫進和司馬南兩個網絡大V的不同看法
  6. 公開投毒!多個重大事變的真相!
  7. 菲律賓沖撞中國海警船,中國會打嗎?
  8. 2001年就貪污23億后出逃,如今被抓回國內,也叫認罪悔罪減刑?
  9. 否定了錯誤,并不代表問題不存在了
  10. 張志坤|“先富”起來的那些人將向何處去
  1. 普京剛走,沙特王子便墜機身亡
  2. 送完一萬億,再送一萬億?
  3. 湖北石鋒:奇了怪了,貪污腐敗、貧富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 紫虬:從通鋼、聯想到華為,平等的顛覆與柳暗花明
  5. 李昌平:縣鄉村最大的問題是:官越來越多,員越來越少!
  6. 朝鮮領導落淚
  7. 讀衛茂華文章:“聯想柳傳志事件”大討論沒有結果,不能劃句號
  8. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  9. 房地產崩盤,對經濟的影響超出你的想象
  10. 司馬南|南京市政府通告里面沒講的內容
  1. 張勤德:堅決打好清算胡錫進們的反毛言行這一仗
  2. 郝貴生|如何科學認識毛主席的晚年實踐活動? ——紀念毛主席誕辰130周年
  3. 吳銘|這件事,我理解不了
  4. 今天,我們遭遇致命一擊!
  5. 尹國明:胡錫進先生,我知道這次你很急
  6. 不搞清官貪官,搞文化大革命
  7. 三大神藥謊言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出現!面對發燒我們怎么辦?
  8. 祁建平:拿出理論勇氣來一次撥亂反正
  9. 說“胡漢三回來了”,為什么有人卻急眼了?
  10. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  1. 77年前,2583名英雄兒女踏上北撤之路
  2. 大蒜威脅國家安全不重要,重點是他為什么會那樣說
  3. 相約12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 烏有之鄉關于推出紙質閱讀資料的公告
  5. 歐洲金靴|“一切標準向毛主席看齊!” | 欣聞柯慶施落像上海福壽園
  6. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!