Technical Announcement: Widely Used Herbicide Commonly Found in Rain and Streams in the Mississippi River Basin。
Released: 8/29/2011 8:19:35 AM。
URL:http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2909 。
Glyphosate, also known by its tradename Roundup, is commonly found in rain and rivers in agricultural areas in the Mississippi River watershed, according to two new USGS studies released this month.
Glyphosate is used in almost all agricultural and urban areas of the United States. The greatest glyphosate use is in the Mississippi River basin,where most applications are for weed control on genetically-modified corn, soybeans and cotton. Overall, agricultural use of glyphosate has increased from less than 11,000 tons in 1992 to more than 88,000 tons in 2007.
"Though glyphosate is the mostly widely used herbicide in the world, we know very little about its long term effects to the environment," says Paul Capel, USGS chemist and an author on this study. "This study is one of the first to document the consistent occurrence of this chemical in streams, rain and air throughout the growing season. This is crucial information for understanding where management efforts for this chemical would best be focused."
In these studies, Glyphosate was frequently detected in surface waters, rain and air in areas where it is heavily used in the basin. The consistent occurrence of glyphosate in streams and air indicates its transport from its point of use into the broader environment. (摘錄完)。
那公告是美國聯邦官方機構發布的。它清楚說明:轉基因作物種植,[1] 給美國農區水系帶來了污染; [2] 使農藥用量大幅增加,譬如,草甘磷用量,從1992年的少于11,000噸、增加到2007年的多于88,000噸(15年里,轉基因作物種植使僅僅草甘磷農藥用量的增加幅度就達到了800%)。
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