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  一份09年美國大使館的電報中寫道:While China has been rightly blamed for negligence in other instances regarding safety issues, the current application and safety assessment of biotechnology generally appears to have been done reasonably well with close attention paid to human, animal, and environmental impacts.



















  2009-12-07 09:54



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  ?1. (SBU) In early November 2009, China authorized the first commercialization of major biotech food crops. A government website confirmed their approval of phytase corn and Bt rice. Despite little fanfare, this will revolutionize China's agriculture and may be the global agricultural development of the decade. Successful utilization of plant biotechnology by millions of Chinese rice farmers will likely significantly defuse, if not end, debate about the safety of the technology in China and possibly the developing world. END SUMMARY.



  ?2. (SBU) On November 21, 2009, Beijing-based Origin Agritech announced that it is the first company to receive de-regulated status for genetically modified corn for planting in China. Confirmed by China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Origin's phytase corn product received the final biosafety certificate that permits its domestic sale and marketing. China also granted a biosafety certificate to Huazhong University and Dr. Zhang Qifa for Bt rice. Reuters first announced the Bt rice news on November 27 and it was picked up by the Chinese media on November 30. On December 3, MOA posted formal confirmation of both authorizations on its website. The cultivation of corn will be limited to Shandong province and rice will be limited to Hubei province. Moreover, provincial seed registration procedures will likely prevent the first direct sales to farmers until at least the 2012 planting season.


  ?3. (SBU) In 2008, seven million farmers grew biotech crops in China, about half of the global total. Chinese farmers grew biotech crops on 3.8 million hectares of land, making China the sixth largest producer of biotech crops by land area. Prior to this announcement, the list of genetically modified plants approved for planting in China included: cotton, tomato, sweet pepper, petunia, poplar, and papaya. Cotton and poplar trees are the only biotech plants grown on a large-scale in China. There is also limited production of biotech papaya. China also currently permits 28 varieties of biotech corn, cotton, canola, sugar beet, and soybean to be imported for processing.

  在2008年, 中國有幾百萬農民種植生技作物,大約占全球的一半。中國農民在三百八十萬公頃土地上種植生技作物,以面積計使得中國成為第六大生技作物生產國。在這項宣告 前,中國已批準種植的基因改造植物包括:棉花、西紅柿、甜椒、矮牽牛花、楊樹和番木瓜。僅有棉花和楊樹這兩種生技植物在中國大面積種植。還有有限產量的生 技番木瓜。中國最近也允許28個品種的生技作物進口加工,它們是玉米、棉花、加拿大油菜、甜菜和大豆。



  ?4. (SBU) China's record on biotechnology is already impressive, but the agricultural world has been waiting expectantly for China to decide how it would approach the application of plant biotechnology in food crops. Why is the deregulation of biotech corn and rice is a ground-breaking event in Chinese agriculture and possible the history of this technology? The answer is that China's application of plant biotechnology was narrow and omitted several key aspects of a country that intends to be a leader in the technology. There are three main reasons why current application has heretofore been considered "narrow": 1) avoiding non-food crops; 2) using only proven technology; and 3) avoiding decisions related to environmental safety.

  中國在生物技術上的記錄已讓人印象深刻,但是農業世界已在期待中國決定怎樣將植物生物技術應用于食用作物。為什么撤銷對生技玉米和水稻的管制是中國農業一 個突破性事件并可能成為該技術的歷史?答案是中國對植物生物技術的應用是狹窄的,并且缺少了想要成為該技術領跑者的幾個關鍵方面。為什么現有應用在此以前 被認為“狹窄”有三條主要原因:1)避免非食用作物;2)僅使用已驗證過的技術;3)避免有關環境安全的決策。

  ?5. (SBU) First, China's commercial use of the technology is almost exclusively limited to non-food plants. Focusing on non-food plants minimizes the need to analyze the impact on human health, thus reducing risk to regulators and the personal consequences of making an incorrect decision. In addition, food security concerns do not come into play if the crop fails to produce as advertised or various factors lead to yields that are less than conventional varieties. Biotech papaya is an exception, but a very minor crop that accounts for far less than 1 percent of total biotech planted area. In fact, this rationale also applies to phytase corn because it will not be used directly in human food.

  第一,中國對該技術的商業應用幾乎被嚴格限制在非食用作物上。致力于非食用作物上最大程度降低了分析對人體健康影響的需要,這樣減小了對管理者的風險和個 人做出錯誤決定的后果。另外,如果作物未能產生如宣傳那樣,或多種因素導致低于傳統品種的產量,也不會引起食品安全擔憂。生技番木瓜是一個例外,但僅有非 常少的種植,遠低于生物技術總種植面積的1%。事實上,這一理由也用于轉植酸酶玉米,因為它不會被直接用于人的食物。

  ?6. (SBU) Second, the majority of the technology in use is proven technology, first tested and used in the United States. For example, the majority of the biotech planted area consists of a version of Roundup Ready cotton created in the United States and misappropriated for use in China. China's biotech papaya was also originally developed in the United States. Using proven technology also limits the risk taken by Chinese regulators, which makes these early deregulated events safe choices for hesitant bureaucrats.

  第二,正在使用的主要技術是已被驗證的技術,首先在美國得以測試和使用。例如,主要的生技種植面積由一種美國創造的抗農達棉花組成,在中國是不正當使用。 中國生技番木瓜也源自美國開發。使用已被驗證的技術也降低了中國管理者的風險,這些技術使這些早期撤銷管制的項目成為猶豫的官員們安全的選擇。

  ?7. (SBU) Third, the current biotech agricultural crops are not native to China or have relatively unimportant wild relatives in China. This is a very important consideration. The stakes are far higher for regulators when dealing with plants that have wild, weedy cousins or where wild relatives are still important sources of genetic information for seed developers. Pollen drift is of particular importance in the debate about biotech rice in China and the rest of Asia. For this reason, the Chinese government poured extensive time and money into environmental risk analysis.

  第三,現有生物技術農作物并非原產于中國或在中國有相對不重要的野生近緣種。這是非常重要的考慮。對管理者來說當處理的植物有野生的,雜草般的遠親或野生 近緣種仍然是育種時遺傳信息的重要來源時,賭注變得更高。花粉漂移是中國及其它亞洲國家對生技水稻爭論特別重要的一點。由此,中國政府傾注了大量時間和資 金于環境風險評估。

  ?8. (SBU) Though Chinese leaders have long stated that biotechnology can be safely used after proper evaluation, no large-scale commercially viable food crops were granted a safety certificate for the three political and scientific reasons mentioned above. Even though China has advanced research in all major crops and in dozens of traits, the Ministry of Agriculture has tabled previous biosafety certificate applications and prohibited certain advanced trials; this was notably the case for vitamin A enriched "golden rice." Many experts blamed the delay on risk-averse bureaucrats who wanted a zero-risk situation in terms of biosafety and press/public reaction in order to protect their careers.




  ?9. (SBU) Many Chinese senior researchers had been discouraged from further research and investment in plant biotechnology by the barriers faced by developers of food crops and of China-origin technologies. Cotton is one of the most agrochemical-intensive crops and Chinese researchers for years have shown the significant reduction in chemical use and improved worker health associated with biotech cotton. Despite cotton's obvious success, there was a feeling of frustration in the research community by 2008.

  由于食用作物和中國自主技術開發商面臨許多障礙,許多中國資深研究者已經對進一步研究和對植物生物技術投入上失去信心。棉花是農用化學品最集中使用的作物 之一,中國研究者已在多年中顯示顯著降低了與生技棉花相關的化學品的使用并促進了工人的健康。盡管棉花明顯的成功,研究團隊在2008年仍感到被挫敗。

  ?10. (SBU) However, in early October 2009, local contacts reported to AgAttache that there was a private meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and developers of high tech products, including agricultural products, to discuss these issues. He reportedly told the group that while China was a leading investor in biotechnology, it was failing to get new events to market. Wen went on to emphasize that state funded technology should not only be developed, but used as well. This message was seen as the "final word" on the subject and a strong signal to reluctant bureaucrats that they could and should move forward and begin approving biotech events without fear of career suicide if problems arose or there was negative public reaction.

  然而,2009年十月上旬,當地聯絡人向AgAttache(agricultural attaché,農業使館)報告,溫家寶總理與高技術產品,包括農產品開發商舉行了私下會談以討論這些項目。他據報道說雖然中國是生物技術的首要投資方,卻未能向市場投入新產品。溫繼續強調國家資助的技術不僅應開發,并且要使用。這一信息被看作是該項目的“最終決定”并給予不情愿的官員們一個強烈的信號,使他們可以且應該推進和贊成生物技術項目,如果出現問題或負面的公眾反應也不用擔心職業生涯終結。

  ?11. (SBU) Chinese researchers in all agricultural fields have been encouraged by Wen Jiabao's support and the new commercializations. Not only does it mean that existing research can now accelerate, it also means that the Ministry of Agriculture will no longer be reluctant to distribute the billions of dollars that have been pledged to agricultural research. China will now likely forge ahead with many of the first generation products that provide benefits to producers and also second generation traits that are more consumer, plant stress and environment focused. During bilateral meetings, China has repeatedly emphasized that their top priority is drought-tolerant traits in corn and other food crops.

  中國農業領域的研究者被官方的支持和新的商品化(項目)所鼓舞。不僅是因為它意味著現有研究可以加速,也表明農業部不再不情愿地分撥已許諾于農業研 究的數十億美元。中國從此將可能加速推進許多給生產商帶來利益的第一代產品,以及更多關注消費者、植物脅迫及環境的第二代產品。在雙邊會議中,中國已反復 強調在玉米及其它食用作物中,它們首要考慮的特性是抗旱。

  ?12. (SBU) Background regarding China's biotechnology research and regulatory process can be found in FAS China's Annual Biotechnology Report. The most recent update was published on August 3, 2009, and is labeled as GAIN Report CH9060. It can be found at www.fas.usda.gov.

  關于中國生物技術研究和管理程序的背景資料可以在FAS(美國農業部外國農業服務處)中國年度生物技術報告中找到。最近的更新發布于2009年8月3日,標簽為谷物報告GAIN Report CH9060,可在www.fas.usda.gov找到。



  ?13. (SBU) Bt technology has a long history of use in the United States, including Bt potatoes, Bt corn, Bt sweet corn, Bt sugar beet, and Bt alfalfa. In the case of Bt crops, the gene of interest produces a protein that kills harmful plant pests and allows growers can use Bt traits as an alternative to spraying insecticides. The -Bt delta endotoxin was selected for many crops because it is highly effective at controlling Lepidoptera larvae at the stage when they cause the most damage to the plant. The protein is very selective, generally not harming insects in other orders (such as beetles, flies, bees and wasps).


  ?14. (SBU) Phytase is currently used as an additive in animal feed to breakdown phytic acid in corn, which holds 60 percent of the phosphorus in corn. Phytase increases phosphorus absorption in animals by 60 percent. Phosphorus is an essential element for the growth and development of all animals, and plays key roles in skeletal structure and in vital metabolic pathways. Phytase, as an additive for animal feed, is mandatory in Europe, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Japan, and other regions for environmental purposes.


  ?15. (SBU) Phytase transgenic corn, developed by and licensed by Origin from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) after seven years of study, can allow feed producers to eliminate the need to phytase and corn separately. It will also eliminate the need to mix the two ingredients together, thus saving time, machinery, and labor for feed producers.


  ?16. (SBU) Origin's GMO phytase-producing corn is expected to reduce the need to add inorganic phosphate supplements to feed as the animals will directly absorb more phosphate. The replacement effect reduces feed cost. Additionally, inorganic phosphates may be contaminated with fluorine and heavy metal residues created in the manufacturing process. These fluorine and heavy metal residues in the feedstuff are toxic to animals and dangerous to humans.


  ?17. (SBU) As described above, these traits are not directly related to yield. The benefits of these traits largely mean lower input costs for farmers (Bt rice) or the feed manufacturing chain (phytase corn), which ultimately benefit the farmer through lower input costs or a premium sales price. There will be some yield advantage to Bt rice because of reduced pest damage, but the primary yield attributes of the seed remain its conventionally-bred genetics.




  ?18. (SBU) While granting the biosafety certificate is a milestone in terms of public policy, it will likely be several years before these seeds are in the hands of farmers. First, seed companies will need to register each biotech seed variety with provincial authorities and prove stability and effectiveness. [Note. This requirement applies to conventional varieties as well. End Note.] Testing can take two years or more. Following provincial approval, the company will then need to replicate enough seed for commercial sale. As a result, Chinese farmers may not see these seeds on sale until the 2012 planting season or beyond. Though farmers and livestock producers may want to see the technology in fields sooner, this is a normal timeframe for the development and marketing of new seeds in China, conventional or biotech. Another puzzling limitation is that the crops were each authorized for planting in only one province, which will severely constrict their commercial viability if the scope of use is not later broadened. Sources suggest that this limitation was the trade-off for being the pioneering commercialization.

  雖然從國家政策來說頒布生物安全證書是一個里程碑,卻仍可能需要幾年這些種子才能到農民手中。第一,種子公司將需要獲得每一種不同生物技術種子的各省授權 并證明穩定性和有效性。【注:傳統作物也要求申請。】測試需要兩年或更多。在省級授權后,公司將需要為商業銷售培育足夠的種子。所以,中國農民可能直到2012年 耕種季節或更久都不能看到這些種子。雖然農民和畜牧業者可能想要盡早在田間看到這些技術,但這是新種子在中國培育和上市通常的時間窗,包括傳統的或生物技 術改造的。另一個難解的限制是每一種作物僅在一省被授權種植,如果其后不擴大其使用范圍,這將嚴重限制它們的商業活力。資料提供者建議這一限制是作為開創 性商業的平衡。

  ?19. (SBU) The commercialization of these crops in China could pose challenges for U.S. regulators, especially if China decides not to seek import approval. U.S. regulators have no/limited knowledge of these events and, despite Chinese assurances, the events could get into trade channels, thus raising the possibility that a biotech event unapproved for use in the Unites States is being imported.


  ?20. (SBU) Chinese (whole grain) rice exports are about $24 million and corn exports are very minimal. However, rice and corn by-products are pervasive in small quantities as food ingredients in processed foods, which make up the bulk of Chinese exports of food products to the United States. This makes exports of corn or rice containing products much larger but also hard to precisely determine. Though trade is small, how will China deal with exports? Will the Chinese companies seek regulatory approval for their products in export markets like the United States? MOA has stated to AgAttache that foreign registration is the company/developer's responsibility, though they will provide some informational resources in a way similar to what FAS does for U.S. companies.

  中國(整粒)大米出口大約兩千四百萬美元,玉米出口非常少。然而,大米和玉米作為配料或加工食品的副產品以小數量無處不在,這形成了中國對美國食品出口的 大部分。這使得含有玉米或大米的出口產品數量大且難于精確統計。雖然貿易量小,中國如何對待出口?中國公司是否也如美國一樣對其在出口市場的產品尋求管理 上的授權?中國農業部已對AgAttache宣布外國(企業)注冊是公司/開發商的責任,而他們將像FAS(美國農業部外國農業服務處)對美國公司一樣提供一些信息資源。

  ?21. (SBU) China has already had problems in biosafety containment with experimental Bt rice, which is somewhat similar to the U.S. experience with biotech rice. According to the Chinese Government, there was "a case of illegal use" of Bt 63 rice in Hubei province in 2005 that resulted in the limited but unapproved planting of the rice in 2005 and 2006. Though China claims to have eliminated Bt rice from cultivation, it was detected in export shipments to Europe and New Zealand in 2007 and 2008. Thus, questions about China's next steps relating to export markets in terms of deregulation and potential certification of food products have significance for U.S. regulators and consumers. Discussions on this subject were initiated by U.S. biotechnology regulators during the 2009 U.S./China Biotechnology Working Group meeting.




  ?22. (SBU) Surprisingly, the news about phytase corn was not even initially released in China and Bt rice not mentioned at all. The corn news was released by Origin for benefit of its US shareholders and Reuters announced the Bt rice event. The Origin CEO told AgAttache that MOA recommended that he not release the news, though he finally persuaded them to the valuable nature of the news for his investors. MOA is very conservative and risk averse when it comes to biotechnology policy and controversy and the Chinese have very close reign on negative comments about biotechnology in agriculture. [Note. MOA publically ignored the EU complaints about Bt rice contamination of export shipments and, with the exception of a subdued Greenpeace, the Chinese press did not even run the story. End Note.]


  ?23. (SBU) However, given that rice is such a staple part of most Chinese citizens' diets, a public campaign to promote Bt rice seems inevitable either now or when the rice hits the consumer market. Given the high profile of certain rice researchers/academicians and the developer Zhang Qifa, China is likely to roll out a high-visibility campaign to laud the achievements of its own researchers and smiling peasants whose health will improve due to using less pesticides. The first indications of a tentative press rollout are a series of small articles published in the People's Daily appearing on December 1 and 3.




  ?24. (SBU) This move by China may prove to be the concluding chapter in the initial debate about plant biotechnology. Though around for decades, various actors have promoted doubts about safe use of the technology, especially in developing countries. Though almost thirty countries plant 140 million hectares each year, the big developing countries have not moved into biotech food crops in a significant way with the exception of large food exporters. As China moves to start using plant biotechnology, largely for domestic purposes, the size and interconnectedness of the country will expand the sheer numbers of farmers growing biotech crops, consumers eating the derived food, and products developed outside of the multinational technology companies. China's sheer size encourages other developing countries to follow its lead and marginalizes those blindly opposed to the technology itself. If the indications are correct and India also approves biotech food crops, the world will be a much more receptive place for the safe application of the technology than just a few years ago.

  中國的這一舉動可能成為有關植物生物技術爭論起始階段的一個結束章節。雖然幾十年來,多方參與者,尤其在發展中國家已發起對安全使用這項技術的質疑。雖然接近三十個國家每年種植140百萬公頃(1.4億 公頃),但大的發展中國家并未顯著地將生物技術用于食用作物,而僅是用于食品出口。當中國開始使用植物生物技術,主要用于國內用途,(則由于)國家的龐大 及內部聯系,充足的農民種植生物技術作物,消費者食用產出的食物,以及外部跨國生物技術公司開發的產品將被擴大。中國的龐大鼓勵其他發展中國家在其帶領下 邊緣化那些針對該技術的盲目反對。如果這些跡象是確切的,且印度也批準生物技術用于食用作物,世界對這項技術安全應用的接受程度將比幾年前大大增加。

  ?25. (SBU) However, forging ahead with the promise of biotechnology is predicated on China's safe use of it. While China has been rightly blamed for negligence in other instances regarding safety issues, the current application and safety assessment of biotechnology generally appears to have been done reasonably well with close attention paid to human, animal, and environmental impacts. China's increasing investment in this area and its potential impact on the U.S. consumer and environment suggest that cooperation with China grows more important as it becomes a global leader in this technology.




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  7. 三大神藥謊言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出現!面對發燒我們怎么辦?
  8. 祁建平:拿出理論勇氣來一次撥亂反正
  9. 說“胡漢三回來了”,為什么有人卻急眼了?
  10. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  1. 77年前,2583名英雄兒女踏上北撤之路
  2. 大蒜威脅國家安全不重要,重點是他為什么會那樣說
  3. 相約12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 烏有之鄉關于推出紙質閱讀資料的公告
  5. 歐洲金靴|“一切標準向毛主席看齊!” | 欣聞柯慶施落像上海福壽園
  6. 送完一萬億,再送一萬億?