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顧秀林 · 2013-12-05 · 來源:顧秀林的博客
轉基因主糧 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /


轉基因玉米致癌論文被撤 編委曾就職孟山都






  收信人 Wallace Hayes 主編 FCT

  抄送 Elsevier





  1. 為孟山都公司前雇員理查德古德曼設定專職職位,雇傭他為助理編輯專職處理生物技術稿件

  2. 另一篇關于轉基因潛在有害性研究的論文也被撤稿(但幾乎立即被其他刊物采用)





  簽名 6國24位知名科學家 并向科學家和公眾公開征求簽名

  Signed (24 scientists from 6 countries)

  1. Henry A Becker, BE, MSc, ScD,FCIC, Killam Laureate 1992, Engineering Medal 1990, Prof Emeritus, Queen’s university, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, [email protected]

  2. E. Ann Clark, PhD, Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph (retired), Ontario, Canada [email protected]

  3. Joe Cummins, Ph D Genetics, Prof Emeritus of Genetics, Distinguished Fellow of ISIS, London, Ontario, Canada, [email protected]

  4. Robert M Davidson, MD PhD, FAIS, Internal Medicine, Fellow of the American Institute of Stress, Texas, USA [email protected]

  5. Emilio DelGiudice, PhD, High Energy and Quantum Field Theorist, Prigogine Medalist 2009, Milan, Italy, [email protected]

  6. James DeMeo PhD, Geographical Earth Science and Climatology, Orgone Biophyscial Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon, USA, [email protected]

  7. Robert S. Dotson MD, Clinical Instructor, University of Washington Medical Center, Ophthalmology Department, Seattle, Washington, USA, [email protected]

  8. Christopher Exley PhD, Professor Bioinorganic Chemistry, Aluminium and Silicon Research Group, Birchall Centre, Lennard‐Jones Laboratory, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, [email protected]

  9. Julian Haffegee, M Sc Biophysics, Webmaster & Productions Editor, Science in Society, Milton Keynes, UK jules@i‐sis.org.uk

  10. Mae‐Wan Ho, Ph D. Biosafety Expert, Quantum Biologist, Prigogine Medalist 2014, Director, Institute of Science in Society, London, UK m.w.ho@i‐sis.org.uk

  11. Brian John, MA D Phil, Ex Durham University, Dept of Geography, Wales, UK, [email protected]

  12. Rosemary Mason MB ChB FRCA, Award winning ex‐editor of medical journal, Scotland, UK, [email protected]

  13. Ted Mendoza, PhD, Agronomist, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines, [email protected]

  14. Eva Novotny, PhD Astrophysicist, Pollen flow, Cambridge, UK, [email protected]

  15. John W. Oller, Jr., PhD, Professor of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, [email protected]

  16. Gerald Pollack, PhD, Editor‐in‐Chief, Water, Prof Bioengineering University of Washington, Prigogine Medalist 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA, [email protected]

  17. Arpad Pusztai, FRSE, chemist/biochemist, expert on nutritional and toxicological studies, Budapest, Hungary, bardocz.Zsuzsa@t‐online.hu

  18. Peter T Saunders, Ph D. Theoretical Cosmology, Prof Emeritus Applied Mathematics,Biomathematician, Co‐Director, Institute of Science in Society, London, UK [email protected]

  19. Vandana Shiva, Ph D. Quantum physics, winner of Right Livelihood award & numerous other prizes, honorary degrees from numerous universities worldwide, Director of Navdanya, New Delhi, India, [email protected]

  20. Eva Sirinathsinghji, Ph D. Neuroscience & Molecular Biology, Staff Writer for Science in Society, Institute of Science in Society, London, UK eva@i‐sis.org.uk

  21. Nancy Swanson Ph D. Quantum optics, 5 US patents & author of books, Seattle, Washingon, USA swanson@abacus‐ent.com

  22. Stephanie Seneff Ph D. Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass, USA, [email protected]

  23. Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, Senior Research Scientist, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Canada, [email protected]

  24. Oscar Zamora PhD Professor and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University ofthe Philippines Los Banos, The Philippines, [email protected]

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