請方舟子先生打假在華美人Anthony DiMarco
Anthony DiMarco,一個美國人,自稱是中國最大的歷史最悠久的英語角-中國人民大學英語角的創始人,有成千上萬的大學生會員以及英語愛好者,Anthony DiMarco自稱是發起人總教練,指導中國大學生的英語口語。
Anthony DiMarco自稱是China Trade Mission的創始人,開展各種基于中國的商業活動,無所不做;同時在大學校園內開展移民美國、移民加拿大業務,網站www.china2canada.org;
但是有學生對其進行人肉搜索之后,發現Anthony DiMarco O可能是一個在美國以及加拿大有案底的詐騙慣犯,查到了一些相關法庭判決書、庭審記錄以及當地媒體報道以及其他線索。Anthony DiMarco還可能偽造其與美國前總統克林頓的合影,有用Photoshop軟件處理過的痕跡。
希望方先生通過在美國以及加拿大的信息網對Anthony DiMarco進行打假,縱觀全國范圍內,目前只有方先生有這個專業能力以及火眼金睛來將其還原,為凈化中國大學校園出力,使中國大學生遠離詐騙,避免受害或者成為危害他人的幫兇,給中國大學生一個真相,一堂現實教育課。
Anthony DiMarco 一個美國詐騙犯繼續在中國大學內繼續行騙(中英文)
Anthony DiMarco又名:Tony DiMarco,Tony DeMarco,Tony D. Marco,Bruce DiMarco,Bruce Anthony Gorcyca,Bruce A. Gorcyca,Bruce Gorcyca以及任何其他可能的化名。Wanted in USA 美國通緝,Wanted in Canada加拿大通緝,Information wanted in China about his illegal work in China 在中國非法從事商業活動
Mr. DiMarco has been using Renmin University students to translate emails from various Chinese Government Companies like: China Petro, Sino Pec.,China Mobile,China Telecom,etc.
DiMarco 一直在利用中國人民大學的學生幫助他翻譯各種中國政府國營企業如中國石油、中國石化、中國移動、中國電信等的資料信息。
Anthony DiMarco/Bruce Gorcyca is an American citizen currently residing in Beijing China. DiMarco’s has a long history of problems with the American legal system, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and various internet frauds and scams.
Anthony DiMarco/Bruce Gorcyca,美國公民,現居住中國北京。其與美國法制系統、證券交易委員會(SEC)之間的問題由來已久,并涉嫌各種各樣的網絡詐騙。
1984: DiMarco served prison time in the United States for bribery. The New York Times reported that, “According to S.E.C. officials, DiMarco, who used to be known as Bruce Gorcyca, is a former Internal Revenue Service agent who served more than three years in prison in the 1980's after pleading guilty to bribing a public official and making fraudulent statements to the I.R.S.” According to the Miami New Times, he served that sentence in the federal prison camp at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida.
1984年: DiMarco在美國因行賄罪入獄服刑,美國紐約時報曾有報道:“據證券交易委員會官方透露,DiMarco,曾用名Bruce Gorcyca,前美國國稅局代理,20世紀80年代因向國稅局官員行賄并偽造文件而服刑三年多,其對所犯罪行供認不諱。” 據邁阿密新時報報道,他在佛羅里達埃爾金空軍基地的聯邦營地監獄服刑。
1999: On July 16, 1999 the SEC announced that it had obtained a federal court order halting a securities fraud conducted by The Globus Group, Inc. and its principal Bruce Gorcyca a/k/a Anthony DiMarco. United States District Court Judge Alan S. Gold issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting Globus and DiMarco from violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws and freezing their assets.
1999年:1999年7月16日,美國證券交易委員會宣布收到聯邦政府法院指令,阻止Globus集團有限公司及其負責人Bruce Gorcyca(又名Anthony DiMarco)所操控的證券欺詐。美國地方法院法官Alan S. Gold發布了一份臨時禁令以阻止Globus 與 DiMarco違反聯邦證券法的反欺詐條款,并凍結其資產。
On July 17, 1999 the SEC filed a civil lawsuit in Federal court in Miami accusing Globus Group Inc. of Miami and its principal, Anthony DiMarco, of fraudulently promoting the shares of a dozen tiny thinly traded companies, known as micro-caps.
1999年7月17日,美國證券交易委員會在邁阿密聯邦政府法院立案控訴Globus集團有限公司及其負責人Anthony DiMarco,控告他欺詐性地抬高一些很小貿易公司的股票,如micro-caps。
On July 30, 1999 United States District Court Judge Alan S. Gold entered a preliminary injunction against The Globus Group, Inc. ("Globus"), located in . Miami, Florida, and Bruce Gorcyca a/k/a Anthony DiMarco ("DiMarco"), Globus' principal, continuing in effect provisions of the temporary restraining order entered on July 16, 1999.
1999年7月30日美國地方法院法官Alan S. Gold頒布初步禁令以阻止在佛羅里達邁阿密的Globus 集團有限公司 ("Globus")及其負責人 Bruce Gorcyca又名Anthony DiMarco ("DiMarco"),以使1999年7月16日臨時禁令繼續有效。
Gorcyca/DiMarco was subsequently charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and securities fraud and six counts each of wire fraud and securities fraud.
隨后Gorcyca/DiMarco 因電子欺詐及證券欺詐被指控,并六次因同樣罪名被告上法庭。
As a result of the actions above, Gorcyca/DiMarco fled to Canada, where he was subsequently arrested and jailed. The Canadian law firm who represented him in his attempts to keep the Canadian government from extraditing him to the US eventually filed suit in the US to try and collect fees in excess of 250,000 Canadian dollars that were owed to them. Following various legal challenges, the Ohio Supreme Court on October 31, 2007 upheld a lower court ruling against “Bruce DiMarco” and his Canadian wife, awarding the law firm a judgment of $206,000 US.
基于以上劣跡, Gorcyca/DiMarco逃往加拿大,后來亦被逮捕和監禁。最終,曾代理為他免遭加拿大政府引渡其回國的該國律師事務所在美國控告他欠款超過250,000加元。經過各種法律上的交鋒, 2007年10月 31日俄亥俄州最高法院支持下級法院判決“Bruce DiMarco” 及其加拿大籍妻子支付對該律師事務所欠款額206,000美元。
On February 6, 2007 Court of Appeal for Ontario Canada ruled that Bruce Anthony Gorcyca aka Anthony DiMarco aka Tony DiMarco aka Tony DeMarco aka Tony D. Marco aka Bruce DiMarco be extradited to the USA to face trial on one charge of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and securities fraud, six charges of wire fraud, and six charge of securities fraud.
2007年2月 6日,加拿大安大略地區法院裁決 Bruce Anthony Gorcyca,又名 Anthony DiMarco ,Tony DiMarco , Tony DeMarco, Tony D. Marco, Bruce DiMarco引渡回美國接受電子欺詐及證券欺詐控告的審判,六次電子欺詐指控和六次證券欺詐的指控。
October 2009: Anthony DiMarco/Bruce Gorcyca is currently residing in the People’s Republic of China. It is believed that he fled to China to escape extradition to the US. He frequents universities (Renmin University in Beijing, in particular) seeking to establish relationships that may be useful to his activities.
2009年10月: Anthony DiMarco/Bruce Gorcyca目前居住在中國 。他逃到中國以逃避被引渡回國。 他經常出沒于各個大學(尤其是北京的中國人民大學),并在中國人民大學內MANN COFFEE咖啡屋成立了AEC英語角,每周二晚7:00-10:00PM活動,試圖利用學生建立對他的非法活動有利的各種關系。
• Following are three examples of three organizations set up by DiMarco/Gorcyca under the guise of non-profit organizations that were used as fronts for scams.
• 以下三個例子為DiMarco/Gorcyca建立的非法組織,它們均打著非營利組織的幌子,實際用于他的非法勾當。
American Aids Alert Association
Victims of Barter Fraud – This site raises the question of whether “Roberto Diaz” and “Mark Johnson” may be additional aliases of DiMarco.
交易詐騙受害者– 此網址質疑 “Roberto Diaz” 和 “Mark Johnson” 也是 DiMarco的別名。
Veteran Organ Donors International – “Some legitimate aid organizations question this group’s practice of offering free vacations for people who recruit donors.”
資深國際器官捐贈者– “一些合法援助組織質疑此集團為招募捐贈者的人提供免費休假的行為。”
• DiMarco can also be found on a posting of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Commercial Crime Services blacklist:
• DiMarco 也被記錄在國際商會犯罪網絡黑名單:
419 Advance Fee Fraud: Anthony Demarco / Dimarco /…
The "China Trade Commission" has its website on two domains which were both registered on July 9, 2011 with ... China Trade Commission" scam fraud "Anthony" "Dimarco" "Demarco" "Gorcyca"
419advancefeefraud.blogspot.com/2011/09/anthony-dimarco... · 緩存頁
Mortgage Grapevine: CA, $10,000,000, , % LTV, Purchase,…
His latest scam is the "China Trade Commission" This blog contains much evidence supporting this conclusions: http://419advancefeefraud.blogspot.com/2011/09/anthony-dimarco-and-china-trade.html by Fraud Finder November 1, 2011 11:06 PM
mortgagegrapevine.com/thread/?thread=570341 · 緩存頁
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