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江西李建軍 · 2008-11-17 · 來源:烏有之鄉
大躍進與人民公社 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /














日本畜生在中國南京制造了一個南京大屠殺,世界就震驚, 如果真有相當于100到170個南京大屠殺的餓死人事件,世界竟會毫無聲響?  


























081117 suggestion investigations has starved to death several ten million human of rumourmonger's legal liabilities about   China     


(Li Jianjun  081117 in    Jiangxi  )  


Recently, some people in the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, fabricate a rumor in global each place mislead, talk nonsense in the Chinese three year rough period (1959-1961 year), because of Mao Zedong's mistake with Chinese Communist Party's responsibility, has starved to death 3000 - 50,000,000 Chinese. I believed that, this was one kind harbors ulterior motives fabricates a rumor misleads, already was offends legal the words and deeds, refused to mend despite repeated admonition to these human of, should mention the appeal and notifies the interpol to organize in the whole world to capture.  

Has died 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 people, is a what numeral?  

 Namely is equal to 100 to 170   Nanjing   massacre dead population!  

China has 30 provinces, except Taiwan, Hainan, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang and so on outside population few provinces, other provinces, each province in 1959-1962 year three years, must die 1,200,000---2,000,000 people, namely each province must die to 4 to 7 Nanjing massacre numeral!  The Japanese domestic animal made a Nanjing massacre in the Chinese Nanjing, the world has shocked, if really had is equal starves to death the human event in 100 to 170 Nanjing massacre, the world did not meet the sound unexpectedly? 1   Nanjing   massacre must have 30 mass graves! 100 to 170   Nanjing   massacre, some 3000 to 5000 mass graves! Found 1 mass grave unexpectedly until now?  

Deceased person's matter is very normal, world each place comes across the disaster all to want the deceased person, China to meet 5.12 also to meet the deceased person with the Tangshan big earthquake.Similarly, three year natural disaster, similarly also can die some people. But, some human of shameless Canada is shameless, after several dozens years, harbors ulterior motives unexpectedly lies that three year socialism China, because the communist party and Mao Zedong's wrong cause have starved to death 3000--50,000,000 Chinese! After several dozens years, these height of shamelessness's fellow compiles the numeral which so frightens, actually its ugly with the goal is attentively what? I thought that, One, uncovers Chinese people's scabs, numeral of the exaggeration natural disaster deceased person, the shift event truth, aims at the question spear point the Chinese Communist Party and its leader Comrade Mao Zedong, the attempt lets the Chinese and the common people who does not understand the true situation hates the Chinese Communist Party and Comrade Mao Zedong. Two, shoulders the Chinese people to the great socialist system disaffection, in order to they in the Chinese comprehensive carrying out privatization, steal the state asset comprehensively, finally comprehensively monopolizes China, lets China make the imperialism the laborer country, lets the Chinese people be the capitalist the laborer, lets the farmer be the landlord the farnhand! Three, attempts through the demonization socialist system, in order to they steal the socialism state asset legalization, washes cleanly, escapes the Chinese people and Communist Party of China to their investigation. Four is their final goal is in order to thoroughly overthrow communist party's political power which serves for the poor person and the poor country, the thorough destroy the socialist system which serves for the poor person and the poor country! Realizes the imperialism to the global hegemony and monopoly capitalism to the world people's exploitation.  

I already many times sent the article to expose them illegally to fabricate a rumor mislead shameless attentively, urged them to do good deeds, to be a normal person.If "808,013 Year Rough period Natural disasters as Are serious as Any Degree" the website are: "Do 080731 Why Some People Have To attack Matter of the Chinese Three Year Rough period Deceased person" the website are: Why "081116 hasn't starved to death has been made into right wing's people? " The website is:  But in them some people do not restrain, intense, publishes book(s) the argument, the transcribing sound, everywhere lectures fabricates a rumor deludes the people. To the such height of shamelessness, refuses to mend despite repeated admonition is a suspect the illegal criminal offender, I only can suggest the country and the law-enforcing departments, to illegal fabricate a rumor mislead attempt to overthrow poor person's political party----Communist party's political power, the attempt destroy the socialism illegal criminal offender who serves for the poor person and the poor country carries on the appeal and captures.  

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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:heji






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