Organic farming dwarves GM crops in Europe as public rejection hits biotech firms
來源:國際地球之友協會(Friends of the Earth International)(網址: http://www.foei.org/)
by Phil Lee
Public resistance to genetically modified crops has ensured that the area grown in Europe in 2011 remained at 0.1 per cent of all arable land, shows figures released by Friends of the Earth Europe. In comparison, organic farming accounted for 3.7 per cent.
Mute Schimpf, food campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe said:
Last month the world’s biggest chemical company, BASF, announced that it was halting the development and commercialisation of genetically modified crops in Europe. It said its decision was due to, “lack of acceptance for this technology in many parts of Europe – from the majority of consumers, farmers and politicians”.
Similarly Monsanto announced that it would not sell its genetically modified maize, MON810, in France in 2012, and beyond.
Resistance to genetically modified crops isn’t restricted to Europe. People worldwide are objecting to the power of the biotech companies and their push to control the global food chain.
“The evidence against genetically modified crops continues to grow. Since their introduction in the Americas, herbicide use has rocketed as farmers try to control fast evolving super-weeds, now resistant to many chemicals. Communities and nature are paying the price of the resulting pollution. The biotech system of farming is a dead-end and will fail to meet the needs of the future,” Mute concluded.
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