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直言了 · 2013-09-04 · 來源:直言了的博客
轉基因主糧 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /


  [1] 英國媒體報道說,調查報告指出,因足夠量食用了從美國進口的含有轉基因成分的兒童食品,英國兒童出現了足夠嚴重的“hyperactive”病變【按:一般翻譯為多動癥】。按照美國衛生部門的定義,“hyperactive”屬于神經過敏類型的“超動”病態,即肢體發生超常運動而患者失去了控制力。可見,轉基因食品中的轉基因毒素成分可進入人體并發揮作用(包括對人類神經系統的破壞作用)。


  [2] 路透社報道,美國科研調查報告指出,美國玉米產區發生了非常嚴重的作物損害情況,成因是轉基因玉米的抗蟲作用喪失,害蟲具有了“抗體”能力而可繼續破壞玉米作物。對此,孟山都公司已經承認并同意要拿出解決問題方案。




  On sale in Tesco, GM cereal that makes children hyperactive。

  早餐麥片谷物轉基因 ,導致了兒童多動癥!


  SEAN POULTER, Daily Mail, 24 Aug 2013。

  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2401275/Lucky-Charms-On-sale-Tesco-GM-cereal-makes-children-hyperactive.html#comments 。

  A Frankenstein food breakfast cereal designed for children and packed with additives linked to bad behaviour and hyperactivity is being sold in Britain.

  Lucky Charms, which is imported from the US, is the first mainstream GM food to go on sale in this country. The cereal, which is being sold by Tesco, is at the vanguard of what GM advocates hope will be numerous products to arrive in kitchens here. Its use of genetically modified corn is buried in small print on the package.(摘錄完)。


  GMO corn failing to protect fields from pest damage: report。

  By Carey Gillam, Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:46pm EDT。

  http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/28/us-usa-gmo-corn-rootworm-idUSBRE97R12R20130828 。

  (Reuters) - Researchers in the key corn-growing state of Illinois are finding significant damage from rootworms in farm fields planted in a rotation with a genetically modified corn that is supposed to protect the crop from the pests, according to a new report.

  Evidence gathered from fields in two Illinois counties suggests that pest problems are mounting as the rootworms grow ever more resistant to efforts to fight them, including crop rotation combined with use of the biotech corn, according to the report issued by Michael Gray, a professor of crop sciences at the University of Illinois.

  Farmers across "a wide swath of Illinois" could face formidable challenges in protecting their corn crops from the hungry insects, Gray said in the August 27 report.

  The crop damage was found in fields where the specialized biotech corn had been planted in a rotation following soybeans, a practice which typically helps beat back the rootworm problems as western corn rootworm adults typically lay eggs in cornfields and not in soybean fields.

  But a large number of adult western corn rootworms were collected in both the damaged corn fields and from adjacent soybean fields, Gray said.(摘錄完)。

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