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黃國勝 · 2012-06-07 · 來源:陳一文博客
轉基因主糧 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /


      中國農業部發給孟山都公司的轉基因大豆安全證書,從程序到內容,無一不假。農業部相關部門和人員,這可是對全中國13 2012528,中國網登載的這篇文章披露了孟山都轉基因大豆安全證書的驚人黑幕:農業部竟然使用美國孟山都公司的廣告作為轉基因大豆安全的科學依據,這恐怕會讓國人憤怒!無人簽字,沒有機構蓋章的報告,也就是沒有人承擔責任,難道這就是農業部所宣稱的轉基因生物都是經過嚴格的環境安全和食用安全方面的評價,大家可以放心食用的報告嗎?文章強調,孟山都公司的轉基因大豆食用安全的根據,竟然是1983―1998年發表的幾篇英文文章。農業部信誓旦旦所說的我方獨立檢測,本應該是我國的動物實驗報告,內容卻竟然是一篇1996年的英文文章。7年前報告的這6項動物實驗,時間最長90天,最短28――就這么搪塞過去了!億消費者犯下了嚴重的瀆職罪! 中國網(http://www.china.com.cn/)是中國國際出版集團管理的國家重點新聞網站。
        www.china.com.cn is a mainstream news website administrated by China International Publishing Group (CIPG). On May 28, 2012, a article posted by this website disclosed shocking truth about the safety certificate issued for Monsanto GM RR soybeans: The Ministry of Agriculture used a Monsanto paper published with advertisement nature as science evidence, which surely causes anger among the Chinese people! No responsible person signature, no institution official seal, means nobody undertakes responsibility, is this the type of report the Ministry of Agriculture claims “GMOs have all passed through strict environment safety and food safety assessment, all can eat them with reassurance.” The paper emphasizes, the food “safety” basis of Monsanto’s GM soybean, actually is a few English papers published during 1983 – 1998. The Ministry of Agriculture like taking an oath devoutly stated “Our side independent examination”, should have been reports on animal test carried out by Chinese institutions, but in-fact was an English paper written in 1996. This report written 7 years before Monsanto submitted its application to China described 6 animal laboratory tests, with the longest only 90 days, the shortest only 28 deays – just playing with the procedures.    The Safety Certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture to Monsanto, from procedures to content, is all false. The concerned department and officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, by doing so have committed serious crime of dereliction of duty to the 1.3 billion consumers of China!
    China.com.cn Denounces with Anger: With What Does the Ministry of Agriculture Convince it’s People That GMO is Safety?
--  禁止抗草甘膦轉基因作物原料進口、開發、種植、銷售理由之241
-- The 241st reason to forbid import, development, growing and selling of RR soybeans
轉載者:陳一文([email protected]
Reposted by: Chen I-wan [email protected]
“GM Technology & Mankind Safety” researcher
Advisor Chen I-wan Blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/cheniwan
Copied from: http://news.china.com.cn/rollnews/2012-05/28/content_14393778.htm
    www.china.com.cn is a mainstream news website administrated by China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1997 and reports in 10 languages of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Korean and Esperanto. The website has been visited by people from over 200 countries and regions, 45 percent of which are by people from overseas.
Compliments to all websites and internet fans who copied this important paper:
With What Does the Ministry of Agriculture Convince it’s People That GMO is Safety?
作者: 黃國勝 2012-05-28
Author: Huang Guo-sheng, 2012-05-28
內容摘要: 已經占到中國大豆使用量80%以上的進口轉基因大豆,其首批進口審批程序,卻被質疑檢測程序存在缺陷。據報道,2012220,顧秀林等4人通過申請去查閱關于轉基因大豆獲批安全證書的證明文件
Summary: Imported RR soybeans (Roundup herbicide resistant GM soybeans) has already accounted to over 80% of total consumption of soybeans in China, but the assessment and approval procedures for the initial imported GM soybeans, has been oppugned that it’s examination procedures exists with defects. According to news reports, on Feb. 20, 2012, Gu Xiu-lin and other three citizens upon application were approved to check the “certification documents for the GM soybeans obtaining safety certificates”.
       Imported RR soybeans (Roundup herbicide resistant GM soybeans) has already accounted to over 80% of total consumption of soybeans in China, but the assessment and approval procedures for the initial imported GM soybeans, has been oppugned that it’s examination procedures exists with defects. The oppugner is Gu Xiu-lin, special invited professor to the Research Institute on Society and Economic Behavior, Yunnan University. The suspected assessed/approved certificate is obtained by Monsanto, the well-known U.S. agricultural giant. (Reported by China Management Paper, Feb. 25, 2012).  
     Are GMO foods harmful to health? During recent years, this controversy never stopped, but the Ministry of Agriculture announced that they are all safe.
       On April 20, 2012, Shi Yan-quan, Deputy Director, Agricultural Finance and Education Dept., stated, the greatest amount of GMO products which entered food processing is GM soybeans, of which over 50 million tons were imported during 2011. Imported GM soybeans, GM rapeseeds are mainly used in food processing, to make food oil. To date, the Ministry of Agriculture China has issued import safety certificates for totally 5 species of GM soybeans and 13 species of GM maize, all these approved and imported GMOs have passed through strict environment safety and food safety assessment. Their safety assessment indicates that these GMOs approved for application and import have the same level of safety as their non-GMO counterparts, all can eat them with reassurance.     
    The statements by the Ministry of Agriculture are still echoing in our ears, now we have heard that the assessment/approval procedures of the initial imported GM soybeans has been oppugned that their examination procedures exist with defects, to whom shall consumers select to listen?
    According the “Agricultural GMO Safety Administration Regulation” (issued by the State Council in 2001), foreign companies who intend to export GMO products to China, must first submit official documents showing that they have been officially allowed to enter the market.
    According to news reports, on Feb. 20, 2012, Gu Xiu-lin and other three citizens upon application were approved to check the “certification documents for the GM soybeans obtaining safety certificates”. Amongh the “Independent examination reports carried out by third parties entrusted by the Chinese side” included a GTS40-3-2 Glyphosate Herbcide Roundup Resistant Food Safety Assessment Report, which Gu Xiu-lin found with no responsible person signature, and no institution official seal. The essential No.4 section of this report introduced 6 animal tests, but all these animal tests were quoted from the same foreign reference paper. Upon searching Gu Xiu-lian found that this foreign reference paper was a paper published with advertisement nature, and the author’s contact address was listed as Monsanto company.
    How could an American company’s advertisement nature paper be turned into scientific evidence, this might cause anger among Chinese people! No responsible person signature, no institution official seal, means nobody undertakes responsibility, is this the type of report the Ministry of Agriculture claims “GMOs have all passed through strict environment safety and food safety assessment, all can eat them with reassurance.”    
    A paper posted at the Guangming Daily website on March 14 described, the food “safety” basis of Monsanto’s GM soybean, actually is a few English papers published during 1983 – 1998. The Ministry of Agriculture like taking an oath devoutly stated “Our side independent examination”, should have been reports on animal test carried out by Chinese institutions, but in-fact was an English paper written in 1996. This report written 7 years before Monsanto submitted its application to China described 6 animal laboratory tests, with the longest only 90 days, the shortest only 28 deays – just playing with the procedures.
    The Safety Certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture to Monsanto, from procedures to content, is all false. The concerned department and officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, by doing so have committed serious crime of dereliction of duty to the 1.3 billion consumers of China!
    Has China carried out independent inspection tests sufficient to prove to the Chinese people that GM soybeans do not “exists with danger”?
    Huang Da-fang, committee member of the GMO Safety Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, researcher, Biotechnology Research Institute, Academy of Agricultural Science of China, attacks Gu Xiu-lin explanation to some of the content of the assessment/approval documents, preach downs them as miss-readings by a non-professionalist. Huang emphasizes, “On GMO products imported into China, we randomly sample checked only a few safety parameters, not all the parameters.”
    Total 1.3 billion Chinese consumers, have consumed these GM soybeans for totally eight years, why does the Ministry of Agriculture only randomly sample checked only a few safety parameters? And not only checked a few parameters, but only randomly checked! According to concerned stipulations of the State, there is at least 69 major items for plant property descriptions and safety assessment, does the Ministry of Agriculture lack such technology? Or they lack the necessary funds? Or is there something behind all of this awkward to disclose?
    Please be remember the warning by Yuan Long-ping, the well-known agriculture specialist, “The people are not laboratory test mice, can not risk the health and life of so many people for laboratory test and adventure.” Hope we are not forced to return to an era of relying on vegetables and food grains grown by ourselves, and raising our own chickens and catching our own fishes, and forced to slaughter yaks raised on highlands!
另附  更多中國官方關注轉基因  的文章:

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