核心提示:國際生物科學雜志(International Journal of Biological Sciences)最近發表了一項研究。該項研究論文的作者們獲得結論:老鼠食用轉基因玉米與增加了的器官受損失效有聯系。 他們發現,老鼠喂食轉基因玉米僅90天對它們的腎臟與肝臟產生了“清晰的負面影響”。
哈佛醫學院喬斯·B·馬丁中心對轉基因看法:89%的美國人希望轉基因食品標識,但美國FDA不要求標識;轉基因對于增加農作物產量做的很少,而且轉基因可能使農作物在在災害性氣候條件下更大風險,傳統農作物培育以及農耕其他改進被證實為有效的多;美國轉基因作物種植實際上增加了除草劑與殺蟲劑使用量;鄰近作物花粉使非轉基因作物免受污染很困難,如果不是不可能的話;生物技術產業十多年來一直強調,人類食用轉基因食物與負面健康影響之間沒有直接聯系,但是反對者們引證對轉基因不利的大量證據;國際生物科學雜志最近發表的論文發現,老鼠喂食轉基因玉米僅90天對它們的腎臟與肝臟產生了“清晰的負面影響”;美國環境醫學科學院對轉基因食物也采取了堅決反對的立場。他們聲明,轉基因“在毒理學、過敏預計免疫功能、生育健康、新陳代謝、生理與基因健康這些方面導致嚴重健康風險,而沒有任何益處。” 美國環境醫學科學院推薦人民避免轉基因食品,要求對轉基因食品標識,同時進行確認轉基因長期安全性的研究。
Food for Thought: Genetically modified nourishment
The Jose B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
翻譯與轉載:陳一文([email protected])
Four questions about Genetically Modified Foods
1. How does the U.S. differ from other countries regarding the use of genetically modified (GM) foods?
Many other countries have been cautious about allowing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the food supply and require them to be labeled. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, does not require that food from genetically modified animals or plants be labeled as such, despite studies showing that 89% of Americans are in favor of labeling GMOcontaining foods.
2. Do GMOs Increase Crop Yields?
Many GMOs were created with the intent of growing more food per acre. But a recent review by the Union of Concerned Scientists concluded that "after more than 20 years of research and 13 years of commercialization in the United States ... genetic engineering has done little to increase overall crop yield." Instead, the report says, traditional plant breeding and other improvements in farming have proven far more effective.
GMOs may even put crops at risk for greater catastrophic failure. They encourage monocropping, the practice of growing the same crop year after year on the same land, without rotating other crops through. This reduces biodiversity, which can leave crops more vulnerable to particular pests and diseases. This occurred with genetically modified corn in Africa and cotton in India. Traditional farming practices promote biodiversity, which strengthens the overall crop.
3. Are GMOs Better for the Environment?
GMOs were originally expected to need fewer chemicals to grow. But a recent report from The Organic Center showed that GMO crops actually have increased herbicide and pesticide use. In fact, "an additional 318 million pounds of pesticides were applied due to the planting of Genetically Engineered crops from 1996 to 2008." According to the data, GMOs are actually worse when it comes to releasing chemicals into our environment.
It is also difficult to predict the effect of these newly introduced genes from GMOs on the larger environment. Pollination from neighboring crops makes it difficult, if not impossible, to keep non-GMO crops free from contamination.
The modified DNA can also be transferred through organisms in the soil. A recent Canadian study found bioengineered genes present in many bacteria and organisms living in fields planted with genetically engineered corn. While the long term effects of this are unknown, there is concern that we may be unintentionally transferring DNA to other species.
4. Are They Safe To Eat?
The biotechnology industry points to over a decade of humans eating GMOs with no direct link to negative health effects. But opponents cite mounting evidence against GMOs along with the fact that there is no well-designed, long-term safety testing. This is what is needed to truly ensure safety.
A recent study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences highlights this concern. The authors concluded that consumption of GMO corn by rats was associated with increased organ failure. They found "a clear negative impact" on the kidneys and livers of rats that consumed geneticallymodified corn for just 90 days.
國際生物科學雜志(International Journal of Biological Sciences)最近發表的一項研究突出強調了這方面的擔心。該項研究論文的作者們獲得結論,老鼠食用轉基因玉米與增加了的器官受損失效有聯系。他們發現,老鼠喂食轉基因玉米僅90天對它們的腎臟與肝臟產生了“清晰的負面影響”。
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has also taken an aggressive position against genetically modified foods. It states that they "pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health and are without benefit." The AAEM recommends that people avoid genetically modified foods, that they are labeled, and that studies are done to establish their longterm safety.
美國環境醫學科學院(American Academy of Environmental Medicine -- AAEM)對轉基因食物也采取了堅決反對的立場。他們聲明,轉基因“在毒理學、過敏預計免疫功能、生育健康、新陳代謝、生理與基因健康這些方面導致嚴重健康風險,而沒有任何益處。” 美國環境醫學科學院推薦人民避免轉基因食品,要求對轉基因食品標識,同時進行確認轉基因長期安全性的研究。
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