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直言了 · 2014-09-24 · 來源:烏有之鄉
轉基因主糧 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /


  http://zhiyanle.blog.hexun.com/95733213_d.html .





  FDA Approves First Human Biologic Produced by GE Animals。

  Page Last Updated: 05/09/2013 。

  URL:http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/FDAVeterinarianNewsletter/ucm190728.htm 。



  FDA官員回答:……that the (GE)goats that produce Atryn are used solely by one particular sponsor at a single location. The Atryn produced by these goats is sold commercially but the goats themselves are not sold.”。還說:“As we previously said, you cannot purchase the Atryn goats to produce medicine.”(大意:批準的轉基因動物僅僅為一個特定開發者在一個地點生產該藥品。你不能購置那些轉基因動物來生產藥品。)。


  FDA官員回答:Yes, you are correct. Each GE animal is regulated under a separate application. GE plants that produce drugs are regulated under a different regulatory scheme. (大意:是的,你的理解正確。每個轉基因動物按其不同應用而區別管理。用來制造藥品的轉基因植物之管理有不同的規定。)。



  [1] 關于轉基因植物之食品或飼料:

  Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Plants for Food & Feed 。Page Last Updated: 09/12/2014 。

  URL:http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/Biotechnology/ 。

  FDA's Biotechnology Policy。

  ……In the Federal Register of January 18, 2001 (the pre-market notification proposal; 66 FR 4706, available as text and 193 KBPDF), FDA issued a proposed rule that would require that developers submit a scientific and regulatory assessment of the bioengineered food 120 days before the bioengineered food is marketed。

  [2] 關于轉基因動物食品:

  Consumer Q&A,Page Last Updated: 06/10/2014.

  URL:http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/GeneticEngineering/GeneticallyEngineeredAnimals/ucm113672.htm 。

  ……It would be illegal to introduce food from an unapproved GE animal into the food supply without FDA permission. We work closely with GE animal producers to make sure that they keep good records of their animals and that none enter the food supply without FDA approval.

  [3] 關于轉基因食品添加劑:

  Premarket Notice Concerning Bioengineered Foods。FDA,Federal Register Volume 66, Number 12 (Thursday, January 18, 2001)]

  ……If the protein sweetener is a food additive, pre-market approval of the substance would be required under section 409 of the act before the altered food could be lawfully marketed.



  舉個“典型”例子。美國憲法條款:“Amendment V: Persons accused of serious crimes have the right to a jury trial. They may not be forced to give evidence against themselves.”(大意:不得強迫被指控為犯罪的公民提供對其不利的證據。)。對被指控為犯罪嫌疑的公民如此,可見,對沒有被指控的公民、就更不能實行強迫。然而,若那些公民不遵守相關法規,那么,主管部門就有充分權力通過執法部門(譬如警察或刑警)來依法管制(包括強迫性管制)。



  參考閱讀:方舟子騙了法庭、又騙社會。2014-08-22 12:19:14。



  我的問題(September 01, 2014 10:51 PM):

  As Atryn is approved by FDA, does it mean that the GE animals (GE goats) are also approved?

  As Atryn can be marketed (for medicine purposes), can the GE animal (GE goats) be commercialized and marketed or not?

  FDA官員答復(Fri 9/05/14 4:58 AM):

  You are correct that the goats that produce Atryn are FDA-approved.

  We note, however, that the goats that produce Atryn are used solely by one particular sponsor at a single location. The Atryn produced by these goats is sold commercially but the goats themselves are not sold.

  我的問題(September 12, 2014 4:17 PM):

  May I understand it as: FDA approved those GE goats for limited/targeted commercial use but not for marketing. In such case, my questions are:

  [1] If I purchase those GE goats (GE animals) and use them to produce medicines for my market,

  [2] If I purchase breeds of those FDA-approved GE goats and use them to grow my own GE animals,

  what should I do regarding FDA regulations/policies?

  FDA官員答復(Fri 9/19/14 5:35 AM):

  As we previously said, you cannot purchase the Atryn goats to produce medicine.

  我的問題(Sun 9/21/14 5:59 PM):

  [1] FDA approved GE goats (re: Atryn) for limited/targeted commercial use but not for marketing. Thus, I cannot purchase the GE goats. Am I correct?

  [2] Does FDA have the same policies/regulations for all GE animals and for all GE plants re medicine purposes?

  FDA官員答復(Sun 9/21/14 8:14 PM):

  1) Yes, you are correct.

  2) Each GE animal is regulated under a separate application. GE plants that produce drugs are regulated under a different regulatory scheme.


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