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陳一文 · 2013-10-16 · 來源:陳一文新浪博客
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  2013年10月10日,墨西哥市名義發表的新聞稿宣布在墨西哥禁絕轉基因玉米。根據發布新聞稿的組織,拉·闊帕拉查,聯邦法官,命令墨西哥的農業部長,以及環保部長,立即“終止涉及在墨西哥轉基因玉米種植的一切活動,終止對實驗性的以及商業化種植先導項目的批準。” 該項沒有先例的禁令由墨西哥城民事事務第十二聯邦地區法院發布。法官杰米·埃杜瓦·瓦杜果寫了該項法律意見,并將“對環境造成迫在眉睫危害的風險”是該項決定的基礎。法官的命令同時裁決,在公民、農民、科學家與公民社會團體發起的聯合法律訴訟做出通過司法系統努力期間,禁止像孟山都與先鋒這樣的跨國公司在墨西哥鄉下釋放轉基因玉米。該項裁決成為墨西哥公民實現“無轉基因國”要求長期斗爭的里程碑,雷尼·山徹斯·伽林多,訴訟原告方的法律補充說,該項裁決有嚴格的強制性條款,包括“對允許向墨西哥引入轉基因玉米負責任的官員提出刑事罪”的可能性。【評論:向堅持不懈抵制轉基因危害的英雄的墨西哥人民與站到人民立場下達禁絕令的法官致敬!墨西哥人民能夠做到,中國人民也一定能夠做到!】

  Mexican judge bans GMO corn citing ‘imminent threat’


  轉載與翻譯:陳一文([email protected])





  By Devon G. Peña Environmental & Food Justice


  About the author: Devon G. Peña is a lifelong activist in the environmental justice and resilient agriculture movements, Devon G. Peña is a Professor of American Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, and Environmental Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle.


  An October 10 press release with Mexico City byline announces the banning of genetically-engineered corn in Mexico.


  According to the group that issued the press release, La Coperacha, a federal judge has ordered Mexico’s SAGARPA(Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca, y Alimentación), which is Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture, and SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales), which is equivalent of the EPA, to immediately “suspend all activities involving the planting of transgenic corn in the country and end the granting of permission for experimental and pilot commercial plantings”.


  The unprecedented ban was granted by the Twelfth Federal District Court for Civil Matters of Mexico City. Judge Jaime Eduardo Verdugo J. wrote the opinion and cited “the risk of imminent harm to the environment” as the basis for the decision.


  The judge’s order also ruled that multinationals like Monsanto and Pioneer are banned from the release of transgenic maize in the Mexican countryside” as long as collective action lawsuits initiated by citizens, farmers, scientists, and civil society organizations are working their way through the judicial system.


  The decision was explained during a press conference in Mexico City yesterday by members of the community-based organizations that sued federal authorities and companies introducing transgenic maize into Mexico.


  The group, Acción Colectiva, is led by Father Miguel Concha of the Human Rights Center Fray Francisco de Vittoria; Victor Suarez of ANEC (National Association of Rural Commercialization Entertprises); Dr. Mercedes Lopéz of Vía Organica; and Adelita San Vicente, a teacher and member of Semillas de Vida, a national organization that has been involved in broad-based social action projects to protect Mexico’s extraordinary status as a major world center of food crop biodiversity.

  稱之為《聯合行動》的團體的領導人,Fray Francisco de Vittoria人權中心米格爾·孔查牧師;農村商業企業全國協會(ANEC)的維克多·蘇阿雷茲;有機協會的莫西迪斯·羅佩茲,以及阿迪麗塔·圣·維森特,老師與Semillas de Vida成員,涉及保護墨西哥作為糧食作物生物多樣性世界中心特別資源廣闊社會行動項目一個全國性組織。

  According to the press release, Acción Colectiva [Collective Action] aims to achieve absolute federal declaration of the suspension of the introduction of transgenic maize in all its various forms – including experimental and pilot commercial plantings – in Mexico, “which is the birthplace of corn in the world”.

  依據新聞稿,《聯合行動》的目標是實現聯邦宣布在“世界玉米的發源地”墨西哥全境全面禁絕引入轉基因玉米的所有形式 包括實驗性的以及商業化種植先導項目。

  This ruling marks a milestone in the long struggle of citizen demands for a GMO-free country, acknowledged Rene Sanchez Galindo, legal counsel for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, adding that the ruling has serious enforcement provisions and includes the possibility of “criminal charges for the authorities responsible for allowing the introduction of transgenic corn in our country”.


  Father Miguel Concha said the judge’s decision reflects a commitment to respect the Precautionary Principle expressed in various international treaties and statements of human rights. Concha emphasized that the government is obliged to protect the human rights of Mexicans against the economic interests of big business.


  The lawsuit seeks to protect the “human right to save and use the agrobiodiversity of native landraces from the threats posed by GMO maize”, said the human rights advocate.


  The class action lawsuit is supported by scientific evidence from studies that have – since 2001 – documented the contamination of Mexico’s native corn varieties by transgenes from GMO corn, principally the varieties introduced by Monsanto’s Roundup ready lines and the herbicide-resistant varieties marketed by Pioneer and Bayer CropScience.

  該項共同起訴得到2001年以來的研究科學證據的支持 它們檔案記錄了墨西哥當地玉米品種遭到轉基因玉米的污染,主要是孟山都引入的抗草甘膦轉基因品種以及杜邦先鋒與德國拜耳作物科學推銷的抗除草劑品種。









  The collection of the growing body of scientific research on the introgression of transgenes into Mexico’s native corn genome has been a principal goal and activity of the national campaign, Sin Maíz, No Hay Paíz [Without Corn, There Is No Country].


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