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戚聞 · 2014-04-15 · 來源:烏有之鄉
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  例如卡塔爾海灣時報(gulf-times.com)網站報道4月9日報道,有6名杰出的人物被授予終身成就獎(six distinguished individualswere given the lifetime awards in the following categories in 2014)。

  該報道并列出了詳細的獲獎名單,其中獲得“促進能源輸出國與消費國對話終身成就獎”的是日本的田中伸男(Nobuo Tanaka)。田中伸男是國際能源署(IEA)原總干事,現為日本東京大學教授,日本能源經濟研究所能源安全和可持續性全球顧問。






  -Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim (lifetime achievement for the advancement of the Qatar energy industry)

  -Dr Adnan Shihab-Eldin (lifetime achievement awards for advancement of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

  -Nobuo Tanaka (lifetime award for advancement of producer-consumer dialogue)   田中伸男(促進能源輸出國與消費國對話終身成就獎)

  -Prof Tan Chorh Chuan (lifetime award for advancement of education for future energy leaders)

  -Walid Khadduri (lifetime award for the advancement of international energy journalism)

  -Dr Rilwanu Lukman (lifetime award for advancement of the international energy policy)








  # 相關報道





  Lifetime awards for top energy officials


  ?The Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah International Energy Awards, established last year to celebrate the legacy of HE the former Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Industry Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah last night honoured six individuals including HE Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim, Economic Adviser to HH the Emir, for their ‘lifetime achievement’ in the advancement of the global energy industry.

  Held at the Doha’s Museum of Islamic Art in the presence of HE Sheikha al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Qatar Museums Authority, the second edition of the annual al-Attiyah International Energy Awards recognised the top energy officials for their distinct personal accomplishments in the industry over the course of their careers.

  In all, six distinguished individuals were given the lifetime awards in the following categories in 2014; achievement for the advancement of the Qatar energy industry, advancement of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, advancement of education for future energy leaders, advancement of producer-consumer dialogue, advancement of international energy journalism and achievement honorary award for the international energy policy.

  The award winners are Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim (lifetime achievement for the advancement of the Qatar energy industry), Dr Adnan Shihab-Eldin (lifetime achievement awards for advancement of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries), Nobuo Tanaka (lifetime award for advancement of producer-consumer dialogue), Prof Tan Chorh Chuan (lifetime award for advancement of education for future energy leaders), Walid Khadduri (lifetime award for the advancement of international energy journalism) and Dr Rilwanu Lukman (lifetime award for advancement of the international energy policy).

  Andy Brown, Shell Upstream International Director said: “I would like to extend my congratulations to the truly distinguished winners of ‘The Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah International Energy Awards’, an event that Shell is honoured to support and be associated with. Celebrating such outstanding individuals is of particular importance at a time when today’s young generation needs role models to look up to so that they choose rewarding careers in the energy industry.”

  The Opec Secretary General Abdalla Salem El-Badri delivered ‘The 2014 Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Energy Awards Lecture’ on the outlook for global energy markets in light of recent geopolitical developments.

  El-Badri was part of an independent selection committee tasked with choosing the 2014 winners of the ‘Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Energy Awards’ for lifetime achievement. It was made up of seven volunteer experts including Qatar Petroleum International CEO Nasser al-Jaidah, Secretary-General of the International Energy Forum Dr. Aldo Flores-Quiroga and vice-chairman of HIS, Dr Daniel Howard Yergin.

  The Al-Attiyah Energy Awards, now in their second year and supported by Qatar Shell as gold partner and Qatar Petroleum as silver partner, were established to celebrate the legacy of Qatar’s former Minister of Energy and recognise distinguished individuals for their Achievements over the full career cycle in the global energy industry.

  HE Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah was recognised globally for having made a formidable contribution to the international energy industry over the course of many decades.

  The Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Energy Awards Honor Top Energy Officials for Their Lifetime Achievements


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