筆者按:面對美國統治階級的殘酷鎮壓,占領華爾街的英雄們并沒有畏懼退縮, 被捕的示威者斯蒂芬•卡金(Stephen Calkin)在被押上警車前和記者作了短暫交談。他表示,當天來華爾街之前已經告訴妻子可能會被捕,但他認為被捕是值得的,希望能“喚醒美國大眾”,有位學生已經倒在警察的槍口下。卡金說,不管通過什么方式,自己總算來到了示威目的地,算是值得安慰的。占領運動的英雄們面對美國警察的槍口挺起了胸膛,他們要讓人類的公平正義得到伸張,他們有全世界人民的支持,他們向全世界發出了正義的吼聲。
我們人民是國家的主人,什么是人民?對,人民是作為社會基本成員主體的勞動群眾,一個國家的普通人,區別于少數有特權者。而現實卻與真理相反,人民干得極多,拿的極少,人民授予特權者管理國家的權利,可是管理者將人民委托的代表權變成了奴役人民的皮鞭,將他們子孫的幸福置于人民的血淚之上 ,他們以權力為縱,以資本為橫,構建起資本主義國家現代版的種姓制。他們剝奪了平民子弟的天賦權力。在已經滅絕了種姓制度的國度,重新出現如此不堪的史前文化實在不可思議,實在無恥!政治的返祖現象讓人驚訝的說不出話來,人民再也不能忍受被奴役的滋味了,我們不愿再當強權者、貴族、資本家的打工仔,我們要重新做這個國家的主人翁!
我們人民是國家的主人,什么是人民?對,人民是作為社會基本成員主體的勞動群眾,一個國家的普通人,區別于少數有特權者。而現實卻與真理相反,人民干得極多,拿的極少,人民授予特權者管理國家的權利,可是管理者將人民委托的代表權變成了奴役人民的皮鞭,將他們子孫的幸福置于人民的血淚之上 ,他們以權力為縱,以資本為橫,構建起資本主義國家現代版的種姓制。他們剝奪了平民子弟的天賦權力。在已經滅絕了種姓制度的國度,重新出現如此不堪的史前文化實在不可思議,實在無恥!政治的返祖現象讓人驚訝的說不出話來,人民再也不能忍受被奴役的滋味了,我們不愿再當強權者、貴族、資本家的打工仔,我們要重新做這個國家的主人翁!
United States' occupation of Wall Street "told people in the world Declaration:
Our people are the masters of the country, what are the people? Yes, people are members of the main body as the basic social working people, ordinary people of a country, different from the few privileged. The reality is the opposite of truth, the people doing very much, take the few people privileged to grant rights to administer the country, but managers will be representative of the people entrusted to the people of contingency into slavery whip, will set their children's happiness in blood and tears of the people above them to the power of the vertical to horizontal capital and build a modern version of the capitalist countries the caste system. They denied the gift of power to civilian children. Caste system has been extinct in the country, re-emergence of such a miserable state of the prehistoric culture is incredible, it is outrageous! Political atavism surprisingly speechless, people can no longer tolerate the taste of slavery, we do not make a mighty, noble, capitalists, workers, we have to re-do the masters of this country!
Today, the mighty, noble, joint to the extreme capitalists, social corruption to the extreme, people suffer to the extreme. Capitalists and other mighty noble, though small in number, but in order to have succeeded in maintaining their own special interests, exploitation of the majority of civilians who the public interest, the first is knowledge, and the second is money, and the third is the use of force. The best education is a noble capitalists the patent, the general civilian population, absolutely no chance to get by. They have unique knowledge, then give birth to a wise and class. Money is the life of the plan through, everyone could have been made, but those who have knowledge of the nobles and the capitalists, the whole of what is "capital intensive" of all another way, money will gradually flow into the hands of the privileged and the boss. They both land and machinery, housing, reverted to their own, called "fixed property." In turn called the "active property" of money, the income of their treasuries (bank), so they work for millions of civilians, only a dollar only sporadic give a penny. Since there is no work for money, then give birth to the rich and the poor class. Aristocratic capitalists with money and knowledge, they even set up a training camp, set up military-made gun. By "thugs" signs, so that dozens of divisions, hundreds of United to recruit them. Worse more along the lines of pumping small way, made signs, that what "conscription." So strong son of a soldier, is confronted with the problem is carried out of the gun. We look at the Wall Street target of repression, not of their own grasp how much I hit it? Aristocrats and capitalists use such magic bullet, civilians would not dare say anything, then give birth to the strength of the class.
Today in the United States, 1% of the rich has a 99% of the wealth, while 99% of the people the state tax, no one truly representative of our Washington politicians are 1% of the people for this service. Daikin is the main about the Congress, the policy preference for big donors, big business, especially in the financial industry. Those in power do not people make decisions, is money behind the primary. All this led to the U.S. current poor financial, economic, and employment status. We are 99% "of people to protest the government's economic policies so that only 1% of people become the real beneficiaries, and we asked to change this situation, asking for a good job and benefits protection. People create wealth, but not the full enjoyment of their the creation of wealth, the distribution system of injustice led to people's wealth looted. not just the distribution system, no amount of wealth can not protect the people's happiness. big business, big companies, especially financial owners, the use of money in politics exert strong the impact of capital and political marriage, making the policy only benefit a very few large consortia of capital and profit-driven nature of human greed, the government is not monitoring the majority of people will lead to the conscience and the interests of those in power balance favoring the benefits will lead to unfair government policies, even for huge profits artificially create a war.
Wages are determined by the company boss, no employees the right to decide, the boss can easily dismiss employees because he believes he is the owner of the company's production and, in his view of production and the company is his private property. We have been naive to think that it is perfectly justified. In fact, the earth belongs to all mankind, the state belongs to all people. All means of production and the company, as well as all the wealth belongs to all people, is public! Each of us can not leave alone other people's work and living in a civilized society. Unless you want to earn their own power back to the original forest. The water we drink contains water company workers work hard, the food we eat contains the hard work of farmers as well as food processing enterprise workers for their hard work, we take the vehicle include driver auto manufacturers hard work and hard work of workers . Doctors and nurses for their hard work to us from disease damage. Teacher's hard work for us and future generations culture. The value of labor is much, very often the so-called market economy decisions, it can not correctly reflect these workers' labor and the labor bosses, how much of their pay is actually fair. Fact is the market economy has resulted in injustice, inequality, environmental pollution, will lead the human catastrophe, will eventually destroy mankind. Private ownership is the root of all evil!
The owners of the money or use his wealth to buy a production factory to start a business, hire employees for production. The legitimacy of his former wealth, which he now belongs to his company, formed by history. All along, 99% of people are not involved in public decision-making all this is reasonable. From the past to the present, all of which are reasonable, we have sought the views of the masses? No! No! All this can not be justified from a fundamental and unreasonable! We do not recognize!
All this wealth and power belongs to all people! All of these decisions by all the people how much work each should pay is reasonable, whether employee or owner of the work of labor. Should be decided by all the people with money can not buy the private production of individuals, or employees there should be. All people should have the power to decide whether the company decided to pay the owner of the program, or should employers and employees jointly decided. National policy should represent the interests of all people, should represent at least 99% of the people's interests, rather than 1% of the people's interests. All companies are owned by the state, while the state belongs to all people, so any company layoffs, all people have the right to decide.
Who should determine national policy? Sitting in the state administration office those officials do? No! If these officials can not represent all people, at least 99% of the people's interests and positions, he was not competent to decide. National policy should be decided by all the people, democratically elected by the people to really trust the selection of their officials and representatives, to govern and supervise the officials.
U.S. two-party elections, ostensibly democratic. Most members of both parties and large enterprises and financial groups are inextricably linked, they are bosses of big companies, but the left pocket and right pocket, people can only choose candidates of their choice president. 99% can not be truly representative of the interests of the people. U.S. monetary policy, national policy can not be truly representative of 99% of the people's interests.
The so-called freedom and democracy, full democracy is the capital, elite democracy, the masses were excluded. This year, U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, from the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa, at the outbreak of revolution in the streets of all countries, have taken the trouble to reiterate: "peaceful protest and the right to occupy the public square, is in any case must be the right to be respected. "However, when the American people together to exercise this" in any case must be respected the rights ", the armed police immediately subjected to violent repression, subjected to the news media completely blocked.
All this to the need for time for a change! Because people have started to wake up. We are no longer silent, we have to make their voices heard. Now is the time to re-do the masters of this country when people unite to change the injustice is possible, we want to be themselves equal, are not you a traitor charity equality, equality is not "equal start", but also must include "the distribution of equality ", we want to" maximize the minimum welfare benefit ", the lowest level of society to improve people's lives and welfare, the economy is not your captive rogue advocated: With the big assets, rely on" trickle-down effect. " In the 1960s, the East China has done the best; their people truly have equality, including "the ability of equality", the lower hair did increase the ability of workers, is the need to give them access to education, opportunities for political participation, to improve their confidence. In India, lower caste people the ability always low, because they have no chance, and no confidence. And Mao's China at the grassroots level to increase the ability of workers on this point, but also the world's best. Moreover, Mao's China, India, less than one million people died, is because the Chinese grass-roots people's benefits be fundamentally improved. This is a very glorious history of mankind's achievements. What we want is that of equality, such as natural rights! ! !
We want to know what the world, this easy to. There are not easily, and that is because the forces of eleven historical status if it can be used in unison a call-we will break this historical forces, more large joint, you hear of our disapproval, we list up the ranks, aspects of the confrontation screaming. We've got the experiment. Police bullets hit the Wall Street giant body forever, but a call from us, we should conduct our coalition! State by our country, our society who society, producers of our production! We are 99% of the world, the cake should we do to lead by our distribution, we must be open and transparent, not dirty deal to end the hypocrisy of greed game, creating a broad popular participation in politics and policy of civilization. Together, we gold world, we brilliant new world, in front!
「 支持烏有之鄉!」