We are here because we believe a better world is possible. We are willing to endure mistreatment, if by doing so we can help re-enfranchise the 99% and reclaim our democracy from the stranglehold of Wall Street and the top one percent.
We will push back against billionaire Michael Bloomberg and any politician who wantonly tramples on proud American freedoms: freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and the freedom of Americans to peaceably assemble and petition for change.
我們會反擊億萬富翁邁克爾 · 布隆伯格和任何政客,他們肆意踐踏美國人引以自豪的新聞自由、 言論自由、 和平集會和申請改變美國的自由。
We will overcome the obstacles placed before us. We will not be deterred. We will persevere.
Our message is resonating across America, and our cause is shared by millions around the world.
We are the 99%, and we want to live in a world that is for all of us — not just for those who have amassed great wealth and power.
我們是 99%,我們想生活在一個為所有人服務的世界里---而決不僅僅是只為那些竊取了巨大財富和權力的人。
Posted 8 hours ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 7:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
華爾街占領者發布于(8 小時前)美國東部時間2011 年 11 月16 日7:14
Thursday November 17th Day of Action
11 月 17 日 (星期四)行動
Shut Down Wall Street! Occupy the Subways! Take the Square!
關閉華爾街 !占據地鐵 !控制廣場!
#OWS calls for nonviolent solidarity on November 17th
11 月 17 日呼吁非暴力團結聯合行動
Posted 1 hour ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
華爾街占領者發布于 1 小時前、美國東部時間2011 年 11 月17 日10:29
Today, November 17th, over 30,000 New Yorkers took to the streets to resist austerity, rebuild our economy, and reclaim our democracy. It was our largest action to date.
今天,11 月 17 日, 30,000多的紐約人走上街頭以抵制緊縮、重建我們的經濟、回收我們的民主。到目前為止,這是我們的一次最大行動。
Our will was only emboldened by Mayor Bloomberg's heavy-handed attempt to eradicate Occupy Wall Street;
our brutal eviction from our homes at Liberty Square has strengthened both our resolve and our legitimacy. Together, we raised our voices to declare: "No to evictions! No to the 1% that profits from our collective impoverishment."
我們在自由廣場的家園被野蠻強拆、更增添了我們的決心和斗爭的合法性。我們一起,提出我們的聲音宣布: “反對驅逐 !不到1%的人從我們貧困的集體竊取利潤。”
We showed the world we are not a fringe group of naive idealists—we are truly a people's uprising embodying the revolutionary spirit of economic justice, mutual aid, and participatory, consensus-based democracy. We are the 99%.
我們向世界展示我們不是一個天真的理想主義者的外圍集團 ---我們是真正的、體現經濟正義、互助、參與、協商一致為基礎的民主革命精神的人民起義。我們是 那99%。
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