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薩米爾·阿明 · 2013-07-07 · 來源:人文與社會




  穆斯林兄弟會政府執行著與穆巴拉克政府一樣反動的政策,并愈加損害了各階級人民的大多數。該政府明確表示不打算尊重民主治理原則,并發動、雇傭黑社會騷擾人民運動,一直在揮舞著"內戰"的旗幟。穆爾西是個殘暴的獨裁者,他在國家機構所有的位置都安插了穆斯林兄弟會虔誠信仰者。災難性的經濟社會政策、對國家正常治理的輕蔑--兩者混合,加速瓦解了社會相當部分民眾早前的幻覺;穆斯林兄弟會露出了真面目。然而,西方勢力繼續支持所謂"當選總統",聲稱該政權正向民主前進。也許正像"卡塔爾民主共和國(the Democratic Republic of Qatar)"一樣![人文與社會注:卡塔爾元首剛于今年6月24日將權力移交給親西方的兒子] 6月30日發生的事情是可預見的。游行規模甚至超過2011年1月:據警方記錄,1600萬人上街。穆爾西的回應是再次揮動內戰的大旗,但他能動員的不過是寥寥數十萬收了錢的支持者。




  英文原文:An Important Victory for the Egyptian People

  http://newsclick.in/international/imp ... t-victory-egyptian-people

  Author / Source / Date:

  Samir Amin, July 4, 2013

  Yes, the fall of Morsi and of the rule of the Moslem Brothers is an important victory of the Egyptian people.

  It was expected by all Egyptians. 25 millions of citizens had signed a petition requiring the departure of Morsi, elected only thanks to a massive fraud; whose legitimacy was not recognized by the Egyptian judiciary body, but who was imposed by the decision of Washington. The body of "international observers of elections" had indeed failed to see the fraud!


  The government of the Moslem Brothers was pursuing the same reactionary policy as that of Mubarak, and even in a more destructive way for the majority of popular classes. It made clear that it did not intend to respect the rules of democracy; it mobilized criminal gangs paid to harass the popular movements, continuously waving the flag of a "civil war". Morsi acted as a brutal dictator, setting in all positions in the State of exclusively devoted Moslem Brothers. The combination of a disastrous economic and social policy and of the disrespect for normal management of the State led to an accelerated decline of earlier illusions of a good part of the society; the Moslem Brotherhood showed their real face. Yet the western powers continued to support the "elected President", claiming that the regime was progressing toward democracy. Probably just as the Democratic Republic of Qatar is! What happened on June 30 th was expected. Mass demonstrations, larger even than those of January 2011 : 16 million people on the streets, as recorded by the Police. Morsi responded by moving again the flag of the "civil war". But he was unable to mobilise more than a few hundred thousands of paid supporters.


  Western powers, Israel and the Gulf countries hate the perspective of a democratic, socially progressive, independent Egypt. They will manipulate criminal mercenaries, so called Jihadists, established with their complicity and support in Lybia and in the Egyptian province of Sina. The Egyptian nation and its army can defeat them.

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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:匠人






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