此次活動將在下午兩點開始,地點位于麗柏廣場文化社區花園。首先將上演一段音樂表演。之后是食品公正活動者與占領著的評論。他們將分享自己的故事,并傾聽伙伴的意見。他們非常看重城鄉團結在建設一個可持續的食品系統中的角色,以及在企業統治的文化中,家庭大小的農場面對的挑戰?! ?/p>
請加入我們的行列,農民,農場主,農場工人,城市園丁,美食家和各種支持者占據華爾街農游行的人們?! ?/p>
喬治·納伊爾 - 愛荷華州農民和全國家庭農場聯盟主席。
卡倫·華盛頓 - 城市農場的創始人和紐約公平食品基礎組織的董事會成員。
吉姆·格瑞特森 - 緬因州的農民,Utne讀者雜志評選他為2011年的20個世界夢想家之一,是對孟山都的集體訴訟的首席原告。
斯沃瑞安·馮·特斯卡熱內 -剖析年輕的農民企業家的電影“綠色號角”的制片人,食品的倡導者和生產者。
吉姆·古德曼 –威斯康星農民,組織拖拉機赴麥迪遜發言反對州長沃克的工會立法的組織者?! ?/p>
塔拉巴尼·薩布爾 - 自由食品聯盟的創始成員,主張并致力于黑人的農村農民黑人城市社區的聯盟?! ?/p>
邁克·克里克瑞特 - 科羅拉多州牛牧場主,企業家和農村倡導者。
安德魯·福斯特 - 世界著名的永續農業專家和教育家。
Farmers Join Occupy Wall Street, Calling for Food Justice
Posted 11 hours ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 6:21 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
As Wall Street’s corrupt influence on the economy has grown, the corporate ownership of our food system has hurt the health and livelihood’s of some of our most vulnerable communities. This Sunday, December 4th food justice activists and occupiers will be traveling from as far as Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Upstate New York to join together for the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.Through a day of dialogue, musical performances, and a march, farmers and their urban allies working for food justice in their communities will form alliances to fight and expose corporate control of the food supply.
Events throughout the day will call and inspire participants to fight against the corporate manipulation of the agriculture system. An industry that is responsible for using chemical toxins tied to soaring obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes and limiting access to affordable, wholesome food to the country’s poorest citizens.
The event will kick off at 2pm at La Plaza Cultural Community Gardenwith a musical performance followed by remarks from food justice activists and occupiers. They will share their stories and listen to their peers as they highlight the role of urban-rural solidarity in building a sustainable food system as well as challenges of family-scale farmers in a culture of corporate dominance.
At 4pm, musicians will be among those leading the Farmers’ March in a colorful parade from La Plaza to Zuccotti Park/Liberty Plaza, the site of a Solidarity Circle at 5pm. Stories of struggle, triumph and ruminations about the role OWS might assume in the food justice movement will help form the circle. The circle will close with a Seed Exchange.
Participants are encouraged to express their dissent creatively, donning fruits hats, wearing burlap sacks, carrying brightly colored signs and moving in time to the beat of the drums.
Please join us, farmers, ranchers, farm workers, urban gardeners, foodies and supporters of all kinds in the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.
Speakers will include:
George Na ylor - Iowa farmer and president of the National Family Farm Coalition. Karen Washington - Founder of City Farms Market and board member at NYC based organization Just Food. Jim Gerritsen - Maine based farmer who was named one of 20 world visionaries by Utne Reader in 2011 and is the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against Monsanto.
Severine von Tscharner - Food advocate and producer of the film “Green Horns”, profiling young farmer entrepreneurs. Jim Goodman - Wisconson Farmer, organizer of the tractorcade to Madison to speak out against Governer Walker’s union legislation. Jalal Sabur - Founding member of the Freedom Food Alliance and advocate working on the alliance of black urban communities with black rural farmers. Mike Callicrate - Colorado cattle rancher, entrepreneur and rural advocate . Andrew Faust - World renowned permaculture expert and educator.
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