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劉禾 · 2011-12-02 · 來源:觀察者網
“占領華爾街” 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /

來源:觀察者網     作者:劉禾/譯者:魏迪英

原題: 美國社會運動是星火燎原,而不是痛定思痛

    劉禾按:《痛定思痛:美國社會運動興衰的秘密》一文給人一個錯誤的印象,好像事情已經接近尾聲,可以總結了。這很誤導,因為情況完全不是那樣的,星星之火正在燎原,哪里有什么結束的跡象?雖然主流媒體竭力掩蓋在我們眼皮子底下發生的事,但占領行動每天都在美國各地發生。從昨天開始,那個讓警察鎮壓學生的UC Davis 的校長正在被輿論(而不是媒體)送上審判臺,她恐怕很快被迫辭職。請關注這個戲劇性的發展,它完全拋開了封鎖消息的報紙和電視,像病毒般的一夜間傳遍全美國,這將讓所有打算鎮壓學生運動的美國大學校長三四再行,看看下面的報道和分析就知道了。

一個歷史性的時刻,見以下哥倫比亞大學音樂系助理教授Aaron Fox 的報道和分析。
































[email protected]



I'm writing to make you aware of the disgusting incident of campus police brutality at UC Davis, where the campus cops (in riot gear) on Friday deliberately and severely pepper-sprayed (I prefer "used chemical weapons against") a peaceful, seated group of student demonstrators protesting, primarily, yet another tuition increase at UC? The video is hideous, but worth steeling yourself to watch just to see what "the university" can become when it identifies with or as a law enforcement institution over and against its own students and employees. (As if we needed another example after Penn State.) At least one of these students was hospitalized.


If you're squeamish, a photo I attach below will make the same point. This was outrageous excessive use of force by a campus police force.

Here's the story in the Davis paper:


You can read more about it in the Sacramento Bee article here:


It has now been covered in the NY Times, USA Today, Time Magazine, CBS, CNN, and across the entire mediasphere. The various UC Davis police assault videos have been watched hundreds of thousands of times. Various searches related to UC Davis and pepper spraying were the *top searches on Google* in the US today -- think of what that means. By mid-afternoon, UC Davis had already backed down and the Chancellor had released a damage-controlling and mealy-mouthed promise to investigate. But it was too late.

By monday, millions will know about Lt. Pike and his chemical assault squad, and the $400K per year (plus free housing, travel, and vehicle) Chancellor who gave the order to cut the protesters down to the point that some were hospitalized, and including forcing open students' mouths and spraying directly into them. I kid you not.

And something remarkable happened at Davis tonight. I've been watching the live streams and following the blogs since late this afternoon. It was a very important moment.

Chancellor Katehi was preparing to give a news conference to take another crack at spinning this story and controlling the growing, viral character it has acquired.

UC Davis students showed up in large numbers to this conference, and were kept out of the small building (Surge 2, for those who know the campus) for lack of press passes (ha ha). They surrounded the building and their numbers grew over several hours to over 1000 student protesters. Reports came that Chancellor Katehi was afraid to leave and go through the student protesters, or even that she was being kept from leaving, as if it were a hostage situation. Cops were *not* summoned, however -- or at least they were kept back. UC Davis appears to have learned at least a tactical lesson already.

Through patient OWS style organizing, worked out over dozens of mic checks, they arranged to clear a wide path, determined that they would be silent and respectful when she came out, and sent word that they were not keeping her hostage in the building, just there to call for her resignation. Hours went by as the situation got more and more tense, but the students showed remarkable discipline and organization as their numbers kept growing. Finally, they negotiated with Chancellor Katehi's people and she left the building to walk to her taxpayer-paid $70,000 Lexus SUV with one aide. The students maintained *absolute, total order and silence* -- really, not a word -- and stood aside, except for the couple of journalists asking her questions on the livestream feed. It was eerie and powerful and Chancellor Pepper Spray was clearly feeling the shame of a thousands of eyes on her around the nation (the livestreams were overloaded as they were joined by students across California and then the nation).

Here is the moment of triumph, posted moments ago and already with several hundred views:


Only once she began to pull away did the crowd erupt into a roar: WHOSE UNIVERSITY? OUR UNIVERSITY! dozens of times as they marched off to consume the pizza ordered for them by people around the nation.

It was so powerful -- and remember this all happened on a day when virtually no news (except Demi and Ashton's divorce or the 30 year old Natalie Wood death investigation) gets reported on mainstream outlets. This *all* happened online, and drew a huge national audience in the process, enough so to force a major university into damage control freakout.

You will see much more about this in the coming days. Chancellor Katehi really has no choice but to resign at this point. The Davis faculty association has voted to ask her to resign and condemn her conduct:


And the council of ALL UC faculty associations has condemned the violence, and holds administrators accountable for it:


Full UC-wide faculty association statement below.


"This week, we have seen excessive force used against non-violent protesters at UC Berkeley, UCLA, CSU Long Beach, and UC Davis. Student, faculty and staff protesters have been pepper-sprayed directly in the eyes and mouth, beaten and shoved by batons, dragged by the arms while handcuffed, and submitted to other forms of excessive force. Protesters have been hospitalized because of injuries inflicted during these incidents. The violence was unprovoked, disproportional and excessive.

We are outraged by the excessive and unnecessary force used against peaceful protests.

We are outraged that the administrations of UC campuses are using police brutality to suppress dissent, free speech and peaceful assembly.

We demand that the Chancellors of the University of California cease using police violence to repress non-violent political protests. We hold them responsible for the violence and believe it can only result in an escalation of outrage that holds the potential for even more violence.

Police brutality damages the University's public image, and, more importantly, it damages the climate for free expression at UC. We condemn the assault on the legacy of free speech at the University of California.

We call for greater attention to the substantive issues that motivate the protests regarding the privatization of education. With massive cuts in state funding and rising tuition costs across the community college system, the Cal State network, K-12, and the University of California, public education is undergoing a severe divestment. Student debt has reached unprecedented levels as bank profits swell. We decry the growing privatization and tuition increases that have been the frequent -- and only -- responses of the UC Board of Regents.


The board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations"


Aaron Fox

Associate Professor of Music

Columbia University

[email protected]




來源:觀察者網     作者:OccupyWallStreet/譯者:郭世嘉









盡管數以百計的警察聚集并包圍了市政大廳,占領洛杉磯運動繼續以和平的方式在一個晚上就召集了可觀的成員集結在團結公園(前身是市政大廳公園)。集結人數超過2000名。這天稍早的時候,洛杉磯警察局開始進入公園驅逐占領洛杉磯運動的駐地。太平洋時間早上5點左右,警察裝備了警棍以及防暴裝置命令奉行非暴力原則的占領者們從街上疏散,否則他們將面臨暴力逮捕。集結人群回應洛杉磯警察署,要求洛杉磯的警察們放下他們的武器并且加入到占領洛杉磯的隊伍中來。在警察撤退前,發生了至少四起逮捕事件。一位占領洛杉磯運動的參與者在接受《紐約時報》采訪的時候說道,“當我們有數千人在這里的時候他們一點加入到我們中來的意愿都沒有。”整個世界都在繼續關注;流行視頻網站Livestream顯示,僅昨天一晚關于占領解放洛杉磯的視頻有超過37000次的訪問量。 El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!(西班牙語:永遠不會被聯合國打敗!)成夜成天占領洛杉磯!更新:占領洛杉磯運動現在正在尋求一支法院傳令以此來防止被驅逐!占領洛杉磯運動全體代表,太平洋標準時間下午7時45分。



盡管昨天占領費城運動被市政府勒令撤離并且面臨被逮捕的威脅,占領費城依然保持著和平集會。想要了解費城的占領運動的背景,可以搜索我們較早的更新。更新:晚上10:54,我們還在,繼續保持和平事態,仍然沒有逮捕。晚上7:15,仍然在Dilworth!大部隊正在行進中。晚上6:53:據說警察出現得越來越少。晚上5:45:警察正在封鎖公共公園。占領費城仍然急需支持者加入集會,記得帶照相機!晚上4:40:據說越來越多的警察被目擊在廣場附近聚集,但是他們還沒有采取任何驅逐行動。占領費城依然在Dilworth挺著,并依然試圖召集更多的占領費城運動的成員!晚上12:58:占領費城運動將在今天下午4點在Dilworth廣場進行集結,不是Rittenhouse廣場。請走出來支持我們,我們在用我們的費城運動為我們的未來進行規劃。晚上12:32:根據Twitter的報告,今天早晨在占領費城運動中,人們的力量被擊潰。上午11:03:來自Facebook的更新: “我們的驅逐聚會在昨天晚上大約5點的時候開始,有大約1000名運動支持者前來參與,同時我們使用了擴音器來表達我們到底想要生活在一個怎樣的世界。接著我們開始舞會,我們在通往Thomas Paine廣場的路上排成康加舞的隊列,并且開始游行,中止了通往Rittenhouse廣場的交通,在那里,我們在停靠在廣場的各個入口的警車旁散步游蕩。沒有驅逐,只有歡樂!請來參加占領費城運動并且支持替換那些堅持了整晚的人們,是他們堅守住了陣地扛住了驅逐!我們被稱作瘋子的虛張聲勢,但我們的隊伍不斷壯大!更多的愛在呼喚!!!今晚就來加入我們。”


Washington State Capitol Building OCCUPIED Posted 3 hours ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Today in Olympia, Washington, Occupy protesters occupied the Washington State Capitol! Several were arrested and forcibly removed by Washington State Troopers. In yet another display of excessive force, three people were reportedly tased by police. War Profiteers Meet Tomorrow In NYC. They Won't Be Alone. Posted 9 hours ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 12:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt Tomorrow, the Aviation Week and Credit Suisse will be holding their 17th annual Aerospace & Defense Finance Conference in NYC. These war profiteers export death in the name of defense. They have obscene influence over our democracy with politicians in their pockets and hundreds of lobbyists working congress. They sell arms to to the 1% so that war can be waged against the 99% in efficient and technologically advanced ways. #OWS will not stand silent as these dangerous parasites take our tax dollars and turn them into arms and profit. WHEN: Wednesday, 11/30, two rallies/marches--6:30am meet up and rally to non-violently interrupt business as usual as delegates enter the conference, and 4:30pm to rally against militarism. WHERE: Both rallies are In Madison Sq. Park near the intersection of 24th and Madison. The Conference is being held at One Madison Avenue 12th Floor (Park Ave South between 24th & 23rd streets).

Eviction Deadline Passes, Occupy LA Holding Ground Posted 1 day ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Even as hundreds of police gathered around City Hall, Occupy Los Angeles continued to peacefully assemble in impressive numbers in Solidarity Park (formerly City Hall Park) throughout the night. Accounts put the crowd at over 2,000. Early this morning, LAPD moved in to evict the encampment. Around 5am PST, police armed with batons and riot gear ordered the nonviolent Occupiers to disperse from the street or face violent arrest. The crowd responded by asking LAPD to lay down their weapons and join them. At least four arrests were made, before the police backed down. In the words of one Occupy LA participant who was interviewed by the New York Times, "It wasn't in their best interest to come in when there are thousands here." And the whole world continues to watch; the livestream OccupyFreedomLA reported that it had over 37,000 views last night alone. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! All night, all day, Occupy LA! UPDATE: Occupy LA is now seeking a court order to prevent eviction! General Assembly at 7:45pm Pacific Standard Time.

LIVE: Occupy Philly Still Standing Strong Posted 1 day ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Though ordered by the city to leave yesterday and threatened with arrest, Occupy Philly remains peacefully assembled. For background on the situation in Philly, see our earlier post. Updates: •10:54pm EST: Still there, still peaceful, still no arrests. •7:15pm EST: Still at Dilworth! General Assembly underway. •6:53pm EST: Police presence reported to be thinning. •5:43pm EST: Police are blocking off public park. Occupy Philly still urging supporters to gather, bring cameras! •4:40pm EST: More police are reported seen massing near the plaza, but have not yet made any attempt to evict. Occupy Philly is still holding strong at Dilworth, planning to hold General Assembly! •12:58pm EST: Occupy Philly will be gathering at 4pm today at Dilworth Plaza**, not at Rittenhouse Square. Please come out and support us as we make plans for the future of our movement in Philly. •12:32pm EST: According to Twitter report, power has been shut off at Occupy Philly this morning. •11:03am EST: From a Facebook post: "Our eviction party last night started off at 5pm with about a thousand supporters and an open mic about what kind of world we want to live in. Then we had a dance party, a conga line to Thomas Paine Plaza, and a 5am march against traffic to Rittenhouse Square, where we strolled past police cars at every entrance. Eviction didn't happen, but a lot of fun did! Please go to Occupy Philly to support and relieve people who've been up ALL NIGHT holding the space against the eviction!! We called Nutter's bluff and are still going strong! Much love crew!!! And come and join us tonight." http://occupywallst.org/article/washington-state-capitol-building-occupied/


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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:執中






  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
  1. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  2. 美國的這次出招,后果很嚴重
  3. 褻瀆中華民族歷史,易某天新書下架!
  4. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!
  5. 我對胡錫進和司馬南兩個網絡大V的不同看法
  6. 公開投毒!多個重大事變的真相!
  7. 菲律賓沖撞中國海警船,中國會打嗎?
  8. 2001年就貪污23億后出逃,如今被抓回國內,也叫認罪悔罪減刑?
  9. 否定了錯誤,并不代表問題不存在了
  10. 吳銘|輿論斗爭或進入新的歷史階段
  1. 普京剛走,沙特王子便墜機身亡
  2. 送完一萬億,再送一萬億?
  3. 湖北石鋒:奇了怪了,貪污腐敗、貧富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 紫虬:從通鋼、聯想到華為,平等的顛覆與柳暗花明
  5. 李昌平:縣鄉村最大的問題是:官越來越多,員越來越少!
  6. 朝鮮領導落淚
  7. 讀衛茂華文章:“聯想柳傳志事件”大討論沒有結果,不能劃句號
  8. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  9. 美國的這次出招,后果很嚴重
  10. 房地產崩盤,對經濟的影響超出你的想象
  1. 張勤德:堅決打好清算胡錫進們的反毛言行這一仗
  2. 郝貴生|如何科學認識毛主席的晚年實踐活動? ——紀念毛主席誕辰130周年
  3. 吳銘|這件事,我理解不了
  4. 今天,我們遭遇致命一擊!
  5. 尹國明:胡錫進先生,我知道這次你很急
  6. 不搞清官貪官,搞文化大革命
  7. 三大神藥謊言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出現!面對發燒我們怎么辦?
  8. 祁建平:拿出理論勇氣來一次撥亂反正
  9. 說“胡漢三回來了”,為什么有人卻急眼了?
  10. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  1. 77年前,2583名英雄兒女踏上北撤之路
  2. 大蒜威脅國家安全不重要,重點是他為什么會那樣說
  3. 相約12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 烏有之鄉關于推出紙質閱讀資料的公告
  5. 歐洲金靴|“一切標準向毛主席看齊!” | 欣聞柯慶施落像上海福壽園
  6. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!