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邁克爾•喬蘇多夫斯基 · 2011-10-21 · 來源:加拿大Globalresearch
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【加】 邁克爾•喬蘇多夫斯基 著 譚揚芳 譯







  北約轟炸的初衷就是要破壞該國的生活水平,衛生基礎設施,學校和醫院,及其配水系統。然后由國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行掌控下的捐助者和債權人幫助“重建”。 “自由市場”的絕對命令是確立一個西式“民主專政”的先決條件。







  無論個人如何看待穆阿邁爾•卡扎菲,在消除貧困,發展該國的衛生和教育基礎設施上,后殖民時期利比亞政府發揮了關鍵作用。據意大利記者伊馮•去•維托(Yvonne de Vito),“不同于其他經歷了革命的國家——利比亞被認為是非洲大陸的瑞士,非常富有,人民享受免費教育和免費醫療。婦女的境況也比其他阿拉伯國家要好。(《俄羅斯日報》,2011年8月25日)在一個標準的國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行的結構調整計劃(SAP)的背景下,利比亞的這些發展成就與大多數第三世界國家在西式“民主”和“治理”下所處現狀形成鮮明對比。


  在北約的“人道主義干預”之前,利比亞的公共醫療服務是非洲最好的。 “醫療服務是由公共部門免費向所有公民提供,該國擁有在北非地區最高的識字率和教育入學率。政府大幅增加對衛生服務的研發預算... (世衛組織《利比亞國家簡介》)





  6 42萬出生時預期壽命


  人口年增長率2.0%人均國內生產總值 16502美元

  0-14歲所占比例28%國內生產總值增長率 2.1%

  農村人口比例22%償債總額占國民總收入的百分比^... ---

  平均每名婦女生育2.6學齡兒童失學率 2%(1978)




  出生時總預期壽命 72.3歲






  新生兒死亡率 11%

  嬰兒死亡率 1.4%




















  似曾相識?在大英帝國,“槍船外交”是實施“自由貿易”的手段。 1850年10月5日,英國特使前往暹羅國(泰國的舊稱),詹姆斯•布魯克爵士向女皇陛下的政府提醒:“如果這些強加的自由貿易要求被拒絕,通過迅速破壞他們的湄南河的防御來實施武力,......暹羅可能領教了其長期以來的誘惑——其政府可能被改造,國王寶座更穩固,與英格蘭在商業上的巨大重要性提升其國內的影響。”(The Mission of Sir James Brooke, quoted in M.L. Manich Jumsai, King Mongkut and Sir John Bowring, Chalermit, Bangkok, 1970, p. 23)













  邁克爾•喬蘇多夫斯基(Michel Chossudovsky ,1946-)是加拿大渥太華大學經濟學教授(名譽)和全球化研究中心(CRG)主任。是一個備受贊譽的作家。主要著作有《貧窮的全球化和世界新秩序》(2003)、《美國的“反恐戰爭”》(2005)和《邁向世界戰爭有三個方案,核戰爭的危險》(2011)。曾在《中國和美國:西藏人權心理戰》一文中直言不諱地道出了美國支持海外西藏流亡份子的真實目的:“華盛頓意在利用人權進攻中國。”(2008)他的著作已用20多種語言出版。


Destroying a Country's Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


Global Research, September 20, 2011

"There is no tomorrow" under a NATO sponsored Al Qaeda rebellion. 

While a  "pro-democracy" rebel government has been instated, the country has been destroyed.

Against the backdrop of war propaganda, Libya's economic and social achievements over the last thirty years, have been brutally reversed: 

The [Libyan Arab Jamahiriya] has had a high standard of living and a robust per capita daily caloric intake of 3144. The country has made strides in public health and, since 1980, child mortality rates have dropped from 70 per thousand live births to 19 in 2009. Life expectancy has risen from 61 to 74 years of age during the same span of years. (FAO, Rome, Libya, Country Profile,)

According to sectors of the "Progressive Left" which have endorsed NATO's R2P mandate:  "The mood across Libya, particularly in Tripoli, is absolutely —like there’s just a feeling of euphoria everywhere. People are incredibly excited about starting afresh. There’s a real sense of rebirth, a feeling that their lives are starting anew. (DemocracyNow.org, September 14, 2011 emphasis added)

The rebels are casually presented as "liberators". The central role of Al Qaeda affilated terrorists within rebel ranks is not mentioned.

"Starting afresh" in the wake of destruction? Fear and Social Despair, Countless Deaths and Atrocities, amply documented by the independent media.  

No euphoria.... A historical reversal in the country's economic and social development has occurred. The achievements have been erased.

The NATO invasion and occupation marks the ruinous "rebirth" of Libya's standard of living  That is the forbidden and unspoken truth:  an entire Nation has been destabilized and destroyed, its people driven into abysmal poverty.  

The objective of the NATO bombings from the outset was to destroy the country's standard of living, its health infrastructure, its schools and hospitals, its water distribution system.

And then "rebuild" with the help of donors and creditors under the helm of the IMF and the World Bank.

The diktats of the "free market" are a precondition for the instatement of  a Western style "democratic dictatorship ". 

About nine thousand strike sorties, tens of thousands of strikes on civilian targets including residential areas, government buildings, water supply and electricity generation facilities. (See NATO Communique, September 5, 2011. 8140 strike sorties from March 31 to September 5, 2011)

An entire nation has been bombed with the most advanced ordnance, including uranium coated ammunition.

Already in August, UNICEF warned that extensive NATO bombing of Libya's water infrastructure "could turn into an unprecedented health epidemic “ (Christian Balslev-Olesen of UNICEF's Libya Office, August 2011).

Meanwhile investors and donors have positioned themselves. "War is Good for Business'. NATO, the Pentagon and the Washington based international financial institutions (IFIs) operate in close coordination. What has been destroyed by NATO will be rebuilt, financed by Libya's external creditors under the helm of the "Washington Consensus":

"Specifically, the [World] Bank has been asked to examine the need for repair and restoration of services in the water, energy and transport sectors [bombed by NATO] and, in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, to support budget preparation [austerity measures] and help the banking sector back on to its feet [The Libyan Central bank was one of the first government buildings to be bombed]. Employment generation for young Libyans has been added as an urgent need facing the country." (World Bank to Help Libya Rebuild and Deliver Essential Services to Citizens emphasis added)

Libya's Development Achievements

Whatever one's views regarding Moamar Gadaffi, the post-colonial Libyan government played a key role in eliminating poverty and developing the country's health and educational infrastructure. According to Italian Journalist Yvonne de Vito, "Differently from other countries that went through a revolution – Libya is considered to be the Switzerland of the African continent and is very rich and schools are free for the people. Hospitals are free for the people. And the conditions for women are much better than in other Arab countries." (Russia Today, August 25, 2011)

These developments are in sharp contrast to what most Third World countries were able to "achieve" under Western style "democracy" and "governance" in the context of a standard IMF-World Bank Structural Adjustment program (SAP).

Public Health Care

Public Health Care in Libya prior to NATO's "Humanitarian Intervention" was the best in Africa. "Health care is [was] available to all citizens free of charge by the public sector. The country boasts the highest literacy and educational enrolment rates in North Africa. The Government is [was] substantially increasing the development budget for health services.... (WHO Libya Country Brief )

Confirmed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), undernourishment was less than 5 %, with a daily per capita calorie intake of 3144 calories. (FAO caloric intake figures indicate availability rather than consumption).

The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya provided to its citizens what is denied to many Americans: Free public health care, free education, as confirmed by WHO and UNESCO data.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO): Life expectancy at birth was 72.3 years (2009), among the highest in the developing World.

Under 5 mortality rate per 1000 live births declined from 71 in 1991 to 14 in 2009 

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya General information
Total population (000)
  6 420
Annual population growth rate (%) ^
Population 0-14 years (%)
Rural population (%) ^
Total fertility rate (births per woman) ^
Infant mortality rate (0/00) ^
Life expectancy at birth (years) ^
GDP per capita (PPP) US$  ^
  16 502
GDP growth rate (%) ^
Total debt service as a % of GNI ^
Children of primary school-age who are out of school  (%)
 (1978) 2
Source: UNESCO. Libya Country Profile

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (2009)

Total life expectancy at birth (years)                  72.3
Male life expectancy at birth (years)                  70.2
Female life expectancy at birth (years)               74.9
Newborns with low birth weight (%)                  4.0
Children underweight (%)                                  4.8
Perinatal mortality rate per 1000 total births      19
Neonatal mortality rate                                     11.0
Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births)         14.0
Under five mortality rate (per 1000 live births)  20.1
Maternal mortality ratio (per 10000 live births)  23

Source WHO http://www.emro.who.int/emrinfo/index.aspx?Ctry=liy  


The adult literacy rate was of the order of 89%, (2009), (94% for males and 83% for females). 99.9% of youth are literate (UNESCO 2009 figures, See UNESCO, Libya Country Report)

Gross primary school enrolment ratio was 97% for boys and 97% for girls (2009) .
(see UNESCO tables at http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/document.aspx?ReportId=121&IF_Language=eng&BR_Country=4340&BR_Region=40525

The pupil teacher ratio in Libya's primary schools was of the order of 17 (1983 UNESCO data), 74% of school children graduating from primary school were enrolled in secondary school (1983 UNESCO  data).

Based on more recent date, which confirms a marked increase in school enrolment, the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in secondary schools was of the order of 108% in 2002. The GER is the number of pupils enrolled in a given level of education regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the population in the theoretical age group for that level of education.

For tertiary enrolment (postsecondary, college and university), the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) was of the order of 54% in 2002 (52 for males, 57 for females).
(For further details see http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/document.aspx?ReportId=121&IF_Language=eng&BR_Country=4340&BR_Region=40525

Women's Rights

With regard to Women's Rights, World Bank data point to significant achievements.

"In a relative short period of time, Libya achieved universal access for primary education, with 98% gross enrollment for secondary, and 46% for tertiary education. In the past decade, girls’ enrollment increased by 12% in all levels of education. In secondary and tertiary education, girls outnumbered boys by 10%." (World Bank Libya Country Brief, emphasis added)

Price Controls over Essential Food Staples

In most developing countries, essential food prices have skyrocketed, as a result of market deregulation, the lifting of price controls and the eliminaiton of subsidies, under "free market" advice from the World Bank and the IMF.

In recent years, essential food and fuel prices have spiralled as a result of speculative trade on the major commodity exchanges.

Libya was one of the few countries in the developing World which maintained a system of price controls over essential food staples.

World Bank President Robert Zoellick acknowledged in an April 2011 statement that the price of essential food staples had increased by 36 percent in the course of the last year. See Robert Zoellick, World Bank 

The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had established a system of price controls over essential food staples, which was maintained until the onset of the NATO led war.

While rising food prices in neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt spearheaded social unrest and political dissent, the system of food subsidies in Libya was maintained. 

These are the facts confirmed by several UN specialised agencies.

"Missile Diplomacy" and "The Free Market"

War and Globalization are intiricately related.  The IMF and NATO work in tandem, in liason with the Washington think tanks.

The NATO operation purports to enforce the neoliberal economic agenda. Countries which are reluctant to accept the sugar coated bullets of IMF "economic medicine" will eventually be the object of a R2P NATO humanitarian operation.

Déjà Vu? Under the British Empire, "gun boat diplomacy" was a means to imposing "free trade". On October 5, 1850, England's Envoy to the Kingdom of Siam, Sir James Brooke recommended to Her Majesty's government that:

"should these just demands [to impose free trade] be refused, a force should be present, immediately to enforce them by the rapid destruction of the defenses of the [Chaopaya] river... Siam may be taught the lesson which it has long been tempting-- its Government may be remodelled, A better disposed king placed on the throne and an influence acquired in the country which will make it of immense commercial importance to England" (The Mission of Sir James Brooke, quoted in M.L. Manich Jumsai, King Mongkut and Sir John Bowring, Chalermit, Bangkok, 1970, p. 23)

Today we call it "Regime Change" and "Missile Diplomacy" which invariably takes the shape of a UN sponsored "No Fly Zone". Its objective is to impose the IMF's deadly "economic medicine" of austerity measures and privatization.  

The World Bank financed "reconstruction" programs of war torn countries are coordinated with US-NATO military planning. They are invariably formulated prior to onslaught of the military campaign...

Confiscating Libyan Financial Assets

Libya`s frozen overseas financial assets are estimated to be of the order of $150 billion, with NATO countries holding more than $100 billion. 

Prior to the war, Libya had no debts. In fact quite the opposite. It was a creditor nation investing in neighboring African countries.

The R2P military intervention is intended to spearhead the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into the straightjacket of an indebted developing country, under the surveillance of the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.  

In a bitter irony, after having stolen Libya's oil wealth and confiscated its overseas financial assets, the "donor community" has pledged to lend the (stolen) money back to finance Libya's post-war "reconstruction".   Libya is slated to join the ranks of indebted African countries which have driven into poverty by IMF and the World Bank since the onsalught of the debt crisis in the early 1980s:

The IMF promised a further $35-billion in funding [loans] to countries affected by Arab Spring uprisings and formally recognized Libya’s ruling interim council as a legitimate power, opening up access to a myriad of international lenders as the country [Libya] looks to rebuild after a six-month war.  ...

Getting IMF recognition is significant for Libya’s interim leaders as it means international development banks and donors such as the World Bank can now offer financing.

The Marseille talks came a few days after world leaders agreed in Paris to free up billions of dollars in frozen assets [stolen money] to help [through loans] Libya’s interim rulers restore vital services and rebuild after a conflict that ended a 42-year dictatorship.

The financing deal by the Group of Seven major economies plus Russia is aimed at supporting reform efforts [IMF sponsored structural adjustment] in the wake of uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East.

The financing is mostly in the form of loans, rather than outright grants, and is provided half by G8 and Arab countries and half by various lenders and development banks. (Financial Post, September 10, 2011,


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  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
  1. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  2. 美國的這次出招,后果很嚴重
  3. 褻瀆中華民族歷史,易某天新書下架!
  4. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!
  5. 我對胡錫進和司馬南兩個網絡大V的不同看法
  6. 公開投毒!多個重大事變的真相!
  7. 2001年就貪污23億后出逃,如今被抓回國內,也叫認罪悔罪減刑?
  8. 菲律賓沖撞中國海警船,中國會打嗎?
  9. 否定了錯誤,并不代表問題不存在了
  10. 吳銘|輿論斗爭或進入新的歷史階段
  1. 普京剛走,沙特王子便墜機身亡
  2. 送完一萬億,再送一萬億?
  3. 湖北石鋒:奇了怪了,貪污腐敗、貧富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 紫虬:從通鋼、聯想到華為,平等的顛覆與柳暗花明
  5. 李昌平:縣鄉村最大的問題是:官越來越多,員越來越少!
  6. 朝鮮領導落淚
  7. 讀衛茂華文章:“聯想柳傳志事件”大討論沒有結果,不能劃句號
  8. 司馬南|會飛的螞蟻終于被剪了翅膀
  9. 美國的這次出招,后果很嚴重
  10. 房地產崩盤,對經濟的影響超出你的想象
  1. 張勤德:堅決打好清算胡錫進們的反毛言行這一仗
  2. 郝貴生|如何科學認識毛主席的晚年實踐活動? ——紀念毛主席誕辰130周年
  3. 吳銘|這件事,我理解不了
  4. 今天,我們遭遇致命一擊!
  5. 尹國明:胡錫進先生,我知道這次你很急
  6. 不搞清官貪官,搞文化大革命
  7. 三大神藥謊言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出現!面對發燒我們怎么辦?
  8. 祁建平:拿出理論勇氣來一次撥亂反正
  9. 說“胡漢三回來了”,為什么有人卻急眼了?
  10. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  1. 77年前,2583名英雄兒女踏上北撤之路
  2. 大蒜威脅國家安全不重要,重點是他為什么會那樣說
  3. 相約12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 烏有之鄉關于推出紙質閱讀資料的公告
  5. 歐洲金靴|“一切標準向毛主席看齊!” | 欣聞柯慶施落像上海福壽園
  6. 司馬南|對照著中華人民共和國憲法,大家給評評理吧!