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中英加視頻 · 2014-10-07 · 來源:華岳論壇
香港“占中”事件 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /

  美國政治智庫「Land Destroyer」的研究員卡塔盧奇(Tony Cartalucci),繼早前在智庫網志踢爆美國政府在背后資助香港佔中運動后,前日再撰文大爆佔中黑幕。他在文中指,民主黨創黨主席李柱銘和前政務司司長陳方安生早在今年四月訪美時,已和美國國務院轄下的美國國家民主基金會(NED)及美國國際民主研究院(NDI)開會,闡述佔中行動的計劃、參與人物及訴求等。卡塔盧奇形容,這場行動在示威者真正上街參與前幾個月,已在美國的干預下計劃好。


  卡塔盧奇發表的文章題為《整個佔中行動在華盛頓寫劇本》(Entire "Occupy Central" Protest Scripted in Washington),文中指該會議在美國首都華盛頓舉行,長達一小時,由NED地區副主席格雷夫(Louisa Greve)親自主持。李柱銘會上除詳細講述佔中計劃,還強調香港的角色,就是要將西方的法律及利益等傳入內地。他與陳方安生亦稱,因北京很在乎外國如何看其管治方式,故可利用這點來迫使中央政府在香港事務上讓步。





  Entire "Occupy Central" Protest Scripted in Washington

  Tony Cartalucci


  Protest co-organizer Martin Lee sets stage, introduces "Occupy Central" characters in April 2014 talk before US State Department's National Endowment for Democracy.

  The slogans, leaders, and agenda of the "Occupy Central" movement are supposedly the manifestations of Hong Kong's desire for "total democracy," "universal suffrage," and "freedom." In reality, the leaders of "Occupy Central" are verified to be directly backed, funded, and directed by the US State Department , its National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and its subsidiary, the National Democratic Institute (NDI). ...華岳論壇 - "http://hua-yue.net"

  Despite admitting this overwhelming evidence, many "Occupy Central" supporters still insist the protests are genuine and now some propose that the "Occupy Central" leadership does not truly represent the people of Hong Kong. While the leadership of "Occupy Central" indeed in no way represent the people of Hong Kong, the fact still remains that the protest itself was prearranged at least as early as April 2014, revealed by "Occupy Central" co-organizers Martin Lee and Anson Chan before NED in Washington DC. ...華岳論壇 - "http://washeng.net"

  The talk titled, " Why Democracy in Hong Kong Matters ," spanned an hour, with NED regional vice president Louisa Greve leading the duo through a full introduction of the "Occupy Central" movement, its characters, agenda, demands, and talking points. Anson Chan - Hong Kong’s Chief Secretary under British rule - in particular, with her perfect British accent, insisted repeatedly that the issue was China's apparent backtracking on "deals" made with the UK over the handover of Hong Kong in the late 1990s. ...華岳論壇 - "http://hua-yue.net"

  Lee, as well as members of the audience, repeatedly stated that Hong Kong's role was to "infect" mainland China with its Western-style institutions, laws, and interests. Lee also repeatedly appealed to Washington specifically to ensure they remained committed to defending American interests in Hong Kong. ...華岳論壇 - "http://washeng.net"

  Both Lee and Chan would also state that since China appears to be concerned over global perception of how it rules its people, this could be exploited to excise from Beijing concessions over Hong Kong's governance. This included mention of previous protests, including those led by "activist" Joshua Wong and his suspicious "Scholarism" organization that has been tracked since at least 2012 by the US State Department's NDI ...華岳論壇 - "http://hua-yue.net"


  And of course, future destabilization was submitted as a viable solution to bending Beijing toward Western concessions.

  For those able to listen to the entire 1 hour interview as well as questions and answers, the entire "Occupy Central" narrative is laid bare, verbatim, in Washington DC months before demonstrations began in the streets of Hong Kong. For a supposed "pro-democracy" protest seeking self-governance and self-determination and denouncing "interference" from Beijing, that their leaders are funded by foreign interests, and the plans for "Occupy Central" laid in a foreign capital is ironic at best - utter and very intentional deceit at worst. ...華岳論壇 - "http://washeng.net"

  Democracy indeed assumes self-governance and self determination. If the US State Department is colluding with, funding, and directing the politicians and protest leaders behind "Occupy Central," the people of Hong Kong are governing and determining nothing - Washington and Wall Street are. ...華岳論壇 - "http://hua-yue.net"

  Martin Lee and collaborator Anson Chan complain about Beijing dictating policy in Hong Kong, while they sit together in a room full of foreign interests who would dictate Hong Kong's governance instead. ...華岳論壇 - "http://washeng.net"

  Laid bare is "Occupy Central's" true agenda. It is not about having Hong Kong vote for who they desire to see in power, it is about getting the foreign-backed political cabal behind "Occupy Central" into power, and disarming Beijing of any means to prevent what is for all intents and purposes the "soft" recolonization of Hong Kong, ...華岳論壇 - "http://hua-yue.net"

  and a further attempt to divide and destabilize China as a whole .

  Tony Cartalucci's articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer Report, Alternative Thai News Network and LocalOrg.

  by Tony Cartalucci


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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:昆侖






  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
  1. 褻瀆中華民族歷史,易某天新書下架!
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  7. 否定了錯誤,并不代表問題不存在了
  8. 就算明著不要臉,你又能怎么辦呢?
  9. 中日合作:是該扒扒絕大部分人都不知道的日軍美化師了
  10. 77年前,2583名英雄兒女踏上北撤之路
  1. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  2. 普京剛走,沙特王子便墜機身亡
  3. 判處死刑,立即執行,難嗎?
  4. 送完一萬億,再送一萬億?
  5. 湖北石鋒:奇了怪了,貪污腐敗、貧富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  6. 李昌平:我的困惑(一)
  7. 紫虬:從通鋼、聯想到華為,平等的顛覆與柳暗花明
  8. 不顧中國警告,拜登出爾反爾,解放軍發出最強音:絕不手軟!
  9. 李昌平:縣鄉村最大的問題是:官越來越多,員越來越少!
  10. 讀衛茂華文章:“聯想柳傳志事件”大討論沒有結果,不能劃句號
  1. 張勤德:堅決打好清算胡錫進們的反毛言行這一仗
  2. 郭建波:《文革論》第一卷《文革溯源》(中冊)論無產階級專政下繼續革命的理論和文化大革命
  3. 郝貴生|如何科學認識毛主席的晚年實踐活動? ——紀念毛主席誕辰130周年
  4. 吳銘|這件事,我理解不了
  5. 今天,我們遭遇致命一擊!
  6. 尹國明:胡錫進先生,我知道這次你很急
  7. 不搞清官貪官,搞文化大革命
  8. 三大神藥謊言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出現!面對發燒我們怎么辦?
  9. 說“胡漢三回來了”,為什么有人卻急眼了?
  10. 祁建平:拿出理論勇氣來一次撥亂反正
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  2. 這輪房價下跌的影響,也許遠遠超過你的想象
  3. 相約12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 不顧中國警告,拜登出爾反爾,解放軍發出最強音:絕不手軟!
  5. 不顧中國警告,拜登出爾反爾,解放軍發出最強音:絕不手軟!
  6. 判處死刑,立即執行,難嗎?