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膏沐容 · 2010-09-28 · 來源:寒武紀俱樂部
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《金融時報》 (Financial Times)

標題:中國的精英群體比民眾更有影響力 (Elite groups can drown out Chinese voices)

By Geoff Dyer in Beijing

Published: September 23 2010













  北京在國際事務的處理上正變得愈發自信堅定,這在駐中國的外交官和分析人士中間已成老生常談。若果真如此,中國領導層的決定就不僅僅是在回應公共輿論,也是受制于黨國體制內部的權勢集團而不得不然。(膏沐容 譯)


It is five years since China was last convulsed by anti-Japanese sentiment. Several thousand young people demonstrated in Shanghai one Saturday morning about Japanese wartime atrocities being excluded from some history schoolbooks. The protesters were throwing bottles at Japanese restaurants, as the police looked on laughing. One young girl who was still in high school yelled, on the sidelines: “We just hate the Japanese.”

There was a déjà vu moment in Beijing last weekend when another demonstration brought the neighbourhood near the Japanese embassy to a standstill, this time over the arrest a fortnight ago of a Chinese fishing boat captain by the Japanese coast guard.

The protest itself was modest – maybe 100 people and a smattering of Chinese flags and banners. But the large police presence, which seemed to leave demonstrators outnumbered by at least three to one, underlined the sensitivity that surrounds any dispute with Japan.

The escalation in tensions with Japan this week, including the cancellation of top-level government contacts, has raised an important question about how China conducts its foreign policy: is Beijing playing hard to defend its interests or is the leadership running to keep ahead of nationalist public opinion?

The internet has become a powerful force in Chinese public life. Online commentators in China can be a rough crowd at the best of times but when there is a perceived slight from a historical rival such as Japan, emotions become particularly intense. Many Chinese analysts believe Beijing’s decision to cancel the 2008 EU-China summit after Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president met the Dalai Lama was a response to online fury.

Chinese officials are often happy to tell their foreign counterparts about the pressure they face from public opinion.

Yet it is easy to overstate the impact that public opinion really exerts on foreign policy. For all the internet noise, Beijing is highly skilled at steering public debate. Censorship in China can take the form of blunt instructions to avoid a subject. But it also has a more subtle side, allowing people to blow off steam over a subject but closing the conversation once tempers have cooled.

In spite of large anti-Japanese demonstrations in 2005, Hu Jintao, the president, signed an agreement with Japan three years later over energy co-operation in the very area which is the flashpoint for the latest dispute. Whatever the popular antipathy about certain subjects, Beijing has shown it can shift its policy once the furore has died down – and might well do so again.

Most of all, the focus on public opinion ignores all the other groups in Chinese society that are now looking to influence foreign policy. If China is throwing its weight around more in the world these days, the pressure is coming not just from the internet but from plenty of elite vested interests.

“There is a feeling among these new actors that it is time for China to take its place on the world stage,” said Linda Jakobson at the Stockholm International Peace Institute and author of a report on foreign policy lobbying in China. The wave of Chinese investment in foreign natural resources over the past decade has transformed the country’s biggest state-owned companies into powerful supporters of a more independent foreign policy. In one symbolic example, on the very week that Barack Obama, the US president, made his first trip to China last year, Zhou Yongkang, one of the handful of most senior officials in the country and a former PetroChina chief, led a large delegation to Sudan to inspect China’s oil investments and to hold a friendly meeting with Omar al-Bashir, the country’s president. China even has its own version of the television generals who are a staple of US cable shows. Liu Mingfu, a colonel in the Peoples’ Liberation Army, became a minor celebrity this year with his book calling on China to build the world’s leading military.

It has become commonplace among diplomats and analysts in China to say that Beijing is becoming more assertive in international affairs. If that is so, the leadership is not just responding to public opinion, it is also being prodded by powerful groups within the party-state system.

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