翻譯:半解一知半解 時間:2011年8月18日
序: 為什么絕大部分歐洲人會抵制轉基因呢?一是因為歐洲人受到過幾次食品安全事件的打擊,知道食品安全馬虎不得,二是因為歐洲有獨立的科學家做過轉基因的安全與毒害實驗,結果發現轉基因有巨大的毒害。所以,盡管美國政府和轉基因財團對歐洲一直保持高壓,但其轉基因作物之門開了一條縫以后又關上了,現在是全歐洲禁止種植轉基因作物,而且歐洲議會允許成員國單獨立法禁止轉基因。當然,也有一些歐洲好貓不顧轉基因的巨大危害,試圖把轉基因歐洲化,或者以實驗的名義偷種轉基因作物,下面三則故事就是歐洲好貓們引發的,可見,轉基因與反轉基因在歐洲的較量將是長期和激烈的。
匈牙利農村發展部副國務秘書Lajos Bognar說,被發現的約1000英畝(注:約6070畝)種植的轉基因玉米種子被銷毀。Lajos Bognar說,轉基因玉米被犁倒掩埋起來,并補充說,花粉沒有擴散。
匈在一次記者招待會上,政府發言人索爾坦。科瓦奇(Zoltán Kovács)說, 牙利政府將懲罰種植和銷售轉基因(GMO)種子的行為,并處高達20億福林(750萬歐元)的罰款。
農村發展部Endre Kardeván的國務秘書上周說,到7月21日止,官員發現了5000多公頃(注:75000畝)的土地上種有轉基因種子,其中主要是轉基因玉米,并下令銷毀了這些作物。
2011年7月9日和11日夜晚,身份不明的攻擊者使用野蠻的暴力制服警衛,破壞了兩個由德國研究部資助的兩塊涉及轉基因作物的試驗田。羅斯托克附近的Gross Lüsewitz試驗田與(薩克森-安哈爾特州)的Üplingen試驗田是用來探索新的風險評估方法。這次人為破壞的損壞價值數十萬歐元。
幾個蒙面襲擊者在試驗田里擊敗了警衛并把他們扣押起來。據項目負責人克斯廷.施密特(生物創新公司)說,這次襲擊有針對性和很野蠻。在一次襲擊中,攻擊者配有棒球棒和胡椒噴霧劑;在另一次襲擊中, 他們拿走了警衛的手機,戳破了他的汽車輪胎,用大燈將其致盲。
據德國植物育種協會(BDP)公布的統計數據,近年來破壞作物事件顯著增加。 2009年,激進的反轉基因反人士破壞了德國大約一半的試驗田。Gross Lüsewitz的試驗田在2009年已經被破壞過一次,而肇事者沒有被繩之以法。今年,共16塊試驗田已經被破壞6塊。在2005年和2010年間,聯邦刑警局共記錄了210起與轉基因有關的政治動機犯罪行為。克斯廷.施密特的觀點的觀點認為,關于轉基因,各政黨之間幾乎普遍恐懼的政策可能鼓勵犯罪行為。
Hungary destroys all GMO maize fields
13 Jul 2011
In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto's GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.
Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.
Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said.
During their investigation, controllers have found Pioneer and Monsanto products among the seeds planted.
The free movement of goods within the EU means that authorities will not investigate how the seeds arrived in Hungary but they will check where the goods can be found, Bognar said. Regional public radio reported that the two biggest international seed producing companies are affected in the matter and GMO seeds could have been sown on up to thousands of hectares in the country.
Most of the local farmers have complained since they just discovered they were using GMO seeds. With season already under way, it is too late to sow new seeds, so this year’s harvest has been lost.
And to make things even worse for the farmers, the company that distributed the seeds in Baranya county is under liquidation. Therefore, if any compensation is paid by the international seed producers, the money will be paid primarily to that company's creditors, rather than the farmers.
Hungary further constrains GMO cropping
//28 Jul 2011
Hungary's government will penalize planting and distribution of genetically modified (GMO) seeds with fines of up to HUF 2 billion (7.5 million), government spokesman Zoltán Kovács said in a press conference.
Kovács said the government will refund any damages caused to farmers by recently discovered GMO seed planting.
By July 21, officials had found more than 5,000 hectares of land sown with GMO seeds, mostly maize, and ordered the destruction of the crops, state secretary of the Rural Development Ministry Endre Kardeván said last week.
Hungary insists on maintaining its GMO-free status and will take strict measures to keep it that way, Kardeván added.
Source: Budapest Business Journal
Field trials with GM potatoes and wheat destroyed
“Brutal, targeted attack”
Jul 12, 2011
On the nights of 9 and 11 July 2011, two field trials funded by the German Ministry of Research involving genetically modified plants were destroyed by unknown attackers, who used brutal violence against the guards. The trials in Gross Lüsewitz near Rostock and in Üplingen (Saxony-Anhalt) were being used to develop new risk assessment methods. The vandalism caused damage worth hundreds of thousands of euros.
Several masked attackers overpowered the guards at the trial sites and held them. According to Project Leader Kerstin Schmidt (biovativ GmbH), the attack was targeted and brutal. In one case, the attackers were armed with bats and pepper spray; in another they took the guard’s mobile phone, stabbed his car tyres and blinded him with headlights.
Part of the destroyed trials with GM potatoes and wheat belonged to a joint project involving SMEs and universities and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim of BioOK, an ‘innovative regional growth pole’, is to make the approval processes for GM plants cheaper, safer and more effective, according to project partner Inge Broer (University of Rostock). The project is developing an integrated testing system for the approval of GM plants to replace many of the different time-consuming analyses involved in the current risk assessment process.
The destroyed potatoes produce a raw material for plastic manufacture called cyanophycin. This could replace oil as a raw material in plastic production. The genetically modified wheat was developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and is resistant to certain fungal diseases.
According to Broer, only large international agricultural corporations can currently afford the approval process for GM crops, which lasts up to ten years and costs over EUR 10 million. The new risk assessment methods would make it possible to reduce approval costs to a level that even small and medium-sized European plant breeders could afford. “The current dominant position of large corporations on the market for GM crops is one of the key criticisms made by genetic engineering opponents. So it makes no sense at all that the trials destroyed at both sites were the ones from the growth pole project.” The destruction is a severe setback to the improvement of the approval process.
Crop destruction incidents increasing
According to statistics published by the German Plant Breeders’ Association (BDP), there has been a significant increase in crop destructions in recent years. In 2009, around half of all field trials in Germany were destroyed by radical genetic engineering opponents. The trial field in Gross Lüsewitz had already been destroyed once in 2009 without the perpetrators being brought to justice. This year, six out of a total of 16 field trials have already been destroyed. The Federal Criminal Police Office registered a total of 210 politically motivated criminal acts between 2005 and 2010 in conjunction with genetic engineering. Kerstin Schmidt expressed the opinion that an almost universal policy of fear with regard to genetic engineering across all political parties could encourage criminal acts.
In a public appeal in 2010, all the German institutions conducting field trials with GM plants warned against a further radicalisation of the anti-genetic engineering movement and called for systematic criminal prosecution of crop destroyers. The negative impacts of the destructions for Germany as a research location were, they claimed, already visible: the number of field trials has fallen from 80 in 2007 to just 16. At the same time, research institutes and plant breeders are increasingly moving their research activities abroad.
Politicians from almost all political parties condemned the attacks. Claudia Schulz, the spokeswoman for the agriculture and nature conservation group within the German Green Party, said she could understand the crop destroyers’ motivation because there was no way of preventing genetic engineering trials in Germany. “However,” she added, “crop destructions are counter-productive and never help”.
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