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黎陽 · 2009-10-30 · 來源:烏有之鄉
茅于軾評析 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /





美國福克斯電視臺播放了白宮通訊聯絡辦公室主任安妮塔.鄧恩(Anita Dunn)宣稱毛澤東是自己欣賞的政治哲學家之一的錄像后(見附錄一),我通過google搜索隨機訪問了一個網站,下載了若干網民留言,譯成了中文(見附錄二)。這跟茅于軾的“偶然看外國博客和留言”應該算旗鼓相當了。







附錄一.白宮通訊聯絡辦公室主任安妮塔.鄧恩(Anita Dunn)2009年5月關于毛澤東的講話(節選)

And then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa -- not often coupled with each together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices. You're going to challenge. You're going to say, "Why not?" You're going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before. But here's the deal: These are your choices. They are no one else's.


In 1947, when Mao Zedong was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said, "How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?" And Mao Zedong said, you know, "You fight your war, and I'll fight mine." And think about that for a second.



福克斯電視臺主持人格林.貝克(Glenn Beck)

So, the reason why this phone hasn't run all week is because the most important political philosopher for her is Mao Zedong -- oh, and Mother Teresa. The guy responsible for more deaths than any other 20th-century leader is her favorite philosopher? How can that man be your favorite anything? He killed 70 million people. That would be like me saying to you, "Oh, you know who my favorite political philosopher is? Adolf Hitler. Have you read Mein Kampf? Just fight your fight, like Hitler did." It's insanity! This is her hero's work! Seventy million dead!


She thinks of this man's work all the time? That was a quote. Could you please put the gulags back up here? Could you please put the images back up here of China, please, while I remind you the gulags -- not that picture. Give me the picture of the Chinese and the brutality, the gulags, the re-education camps. And he's your favorite?


America, how many radicals is it going to take? How many radicals surrounding our president will it take before you understand that when the president says he wants to transform the country, well, he wants to transform it, all right. Progressives don't care what you think. They will drag you to reform if they have to. But we're not just talking about progressives now, we're talking about revolutionaries that idolize Mao.


You tell me the difference between these phrases. Castro: "Revolution first, elections later!" Mao: "People who try to commit -- don't commit suicide, don't save them. China is so populous that we can do without a few people!" What is the difference between that and the clip I'm going to play for you next?


I said, "It's not a crime to admire the work of Chairman Mao" -- it's not. But is it a concern to any American that so many people now in and around this administration and this president seem to love a communist revolutionary dictator? Here's our White House communications director, Anita Dunn, standing in front of a group of graduating high school students and praising him.


BECK: Mao Zedong, one of the worst murderers in mankind's history, probably the worst. We don't even know how many people he actually killed. The usual number is between, what, 50 and 70 million. To put that into perspective, that would be 10 to 12 times as many people that killed -- that were murdered by Adolf Hitler in the Holocaust. Ten to 12 times.


Would you be a little alarmed if somebody in the White House had cited Adolf Hitler in a speech to high school students as the person they turn to the most? What is the difference? Mao was worse. Plus, he took away the freedom of hundreds of millions of Chinese, and now he's being revered? How did we get here?



Crusader| 10.16.09 @ 11:15AM
Why are lib women always so darn UGLY? And what was that thing she kept doing with her mouth?


Scary times indeed folks.


Reply to this
Van Pwned| 10.16.09 @ 11:38AM
I was wondering the same thing. Reminded me of someone with tardive dyskinesia, which is a very sad side effect associated with years of anti-psychotic medication use.


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debra | 10.16.09 @ 12:17PM
my husband and I are in healthcare. tardive dyskinesia it is. she must be on some strong, long term meds.


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Plan 9 | 10.16.09 @ 12:48PM
She mostly made me think of one of alien lizard people that's trying to take over the world.


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beihai| 10.16.09 @ 2:16PM
Most serious women in politics, left or right, are not attractive, the attractive ones marry rich doctors. And don't tell me talking heads like Malkin are Conservative, they are just bubble heads. Ayn Rand was a real thinker, and she was scary looking.

政界正而八經的女人都不好看,不管左派還是右派。好看的都嫁給闊大夫了。別跟我說象Malkin那樣有頭腦會說話的是保守派。他們的腦袋里空空如也。Ayn Rand是個真正的有思想的人,但她長得慘不忍睹。

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clintpeter| 10.16.09 @ 3:58PM
frustrated, unsatisfied women often become commies.


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david gorski| 10.16.09 @ 8:13PM
honestly, she's probably got dry mouth from taking SSRI or tri-cyclic anti-depressive drugs. its a common side effect especially when you talk. i'm not being facetious. i used to take zoloft, paxil, cloazepam, wellbutrin, (not all at once) and thats EXACTLY what i would do to try to re wet my mouth when speaking

老實說,她大概是各種鎮定劑吃多了而長了張臭嘴。這是常見的副作用,尤其說話的時候。不開玩笑。當我講話講得需要潤潤嗓子時我必定吃點zoloft, paxil, cloazepam, wellbutrin,(不是一起吃)。

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barbara| 10.16.09 @ 9:12PM
I believe the constant licking with the tongue indicates a vitamin deficiency. It sure was ugly.


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john r| 10.16.09 @ 11:31AM
She is ugly and a disgrace to this country.


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Jaime Gonzalez| 10.16.09 @ 11:39AM
And just think, she is only a small part of todays Administration!


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Dandy Don| 10.16.09 @ 11:48AM
We will all wake up some day and Obama will be gone, but she will still be ugly and have a funky mouth.


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Susan| 10.16.09 @ 11:54AM
I am embarrassed for those commenting on the woman's looks! Stay civil. Let's talk about the real concern, which is of utmost importance, but stop the unnecessary school yard talk.


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MReed| 10.16.09 @ 6:47PM
I agree, to some degree, that her physical attractiveness is not the important issue. But when the ugliness of her words is somehow "enhanced" by her looks, I can't blame people for noticing. After all, how many millions did Mao, one of her two favorite philosophers, murder?


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Ken| 10.16.09 @ 11:54AM
Truly amazing - Anita Dunn is now attempting to write off her reference to Chairman Mao as a joke. While the initial part of the speech, coupling Mao with Mother Theresa, may have been a joke, her admiration for Mao's philosophy later in the speech, "you fight your war, I'll fight mine," came across loud and clear.


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Eric Cartman| 10.16.09 @ 3:10PM
Obviously, Ken, you are unfamiliar with Mao jokes! You are not sophisticated enough to understand the nuances we elite people have in our sense of humor. Look, Mao may have killed millions, but look at the socialist paradise he left his people. You have no regard for the working poor and the environment! If you did you would see the correctness of what we are trying to do! It was a joke, you right wingers just don't get it! Killing people = funny! See? Jeez!


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Sandra | 10.17.09 @ 2:37AM
What paradise are you talking about?? I have Chinese friends who lived in China during the Cultural Revolution. He took the doctors and put them in the fields and sent their children to be slaves in Tibet. His ideas were that everyone should be the same, poor and bridled by the communist government. That country only started to have free interprise in the past few years. You're out of your mind to think Socialism is good. It's just lazy selfish people that want to take from those who work hard to give to deadbeats, just like the Socialist (Communist) of China and Russia.


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Richard| 10.18.09 @ 9:39PM
Ah.... Sandra, Eric was using what we call sarcasm.
While we (U.S.) are on a bullet train to socialism, the People's Republic of China has at least 130 billionairs. Reported by FOX News on Friday.

啊,Sandra, Eric之舉真可以稱之為諷刺。

根據FOX News星期五的報道,當我們(美國)乘著高速列車奔向社會主義時,中華人民共和國已經至少有了130個十億富翁。

I'm just sayin' , maybe Mao is turning in his grave with all his hard work going down the tubes.
And one more thing, since when is Mother Teresa considered a political philosopher ?



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Michael Tabasco| 10.19.09 @ 2:49PM
Eric: "We elite people " ? What WE are trying to do ? Who is we ? And who are you to consider yourself an elitist ? If you do, you belong in the White House....It's not about right wing, it's about what this country was founded on, if you don't like it, move to a socialist nation...simple as that...WE are not going to sit by idly and watch it happen against the WILL of the majority...and, in case you have forgotten, it is the WILL of the people that matters here...not a select group of law graduates with their own agendas....As far as Ms. Baker goes, the way she struggled to verbalize and the dry mouth issues, etc., lent itself to speculation as to whether she is on mind altering medication because if you understand physcology and the meds out there to "help" people, they have those side effects....it's disturbing to hear someone like her spewing that garbage out to students given the power she now holds....wake up!!!


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EB| 10.16.09 @ 12:42PM
My 11 year old son noticed what she was doing with her mouth and facial expressions. I explained to him at the time that it was a sign of a medical condition, either a medication or brain-function issue. It is quite obvious. Isn't it possible this condition affects more than just her facial expressions? I'm just asking the question. Anyone who agrees with the philosophy of a mass murderer is obviously off her nut.


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ST| 10.16.09 @ 2:10PM
The mouth movements are a side effect (not the actual condition) of taking antipsychotic meds, which is called tardive dyskinesia. The director of communications appears to be on some pretty strong meds. Comforting.


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paul| 10.16.09 @ 1:00PM
The real problem with the speech is the quality of the content and her delivery. She is not a very good speaker and would likely receive a D in a high school speech class for her performance.


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Mike| 10.16.09 @ 3:06PM
Although her physical presentation was distracting, the real issue was not delivery but content. Out of the many notable figures throughout history, why present Mao as a credible political philosopher and present that opinion to a young and impressionable group of students? The progressive liberals of this country are systematically destroying the basic principles of our Constitution and unfortunately the Obama administration seems to be filled with them.


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Andrew B| 10.16.09 @ 3:12PM
I will quote one of my favorite philosophers who said "You can't make an omelette without breaking 70 million eggs."


I don't know which is scarier--her speech, or the fact that it was delivered in a church.


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R.C.| 10.16.09 @ 3:50PM
You guys are funny about the meds..I personally think that her funky mouth movements can be attributed to nothing more than ill fitting dentures. (But then again I'm no doctor,maybe one of her problems could be meds ~or the LACK thereof...that's why she's so liberal!


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Dick Wangler| 10.16.09 @ 6:08PM

Anita Dunn just gave us a compelling justification for implementing the most barbaric methods of torture on the detainees in Guantanimo. Don't listen to what others say - do what is right for you. Never mind the rule of law, never mind civility, and what happened to the "world consensus" the left was so concerned about? Didn't the left preach for EIGHT YEARS that the US was "wrong" to "go it alone" with regards to Iraq? Using this "philosophy", one could argue anything and justify it to anyone who will listen.


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CommiesAmongUs| 10.16.09 @ 8:03PM
It shouldn't be surprising any more. Every one of Obama's administration appointments is a hardcore radical lefty and all of Obama's mentors are hardcore radical socialist communist Marxist loonies. Van Jones, Ayers, Dohrn, Sebelius, Holdren, Alinsky, Fanon etc etc...


Let's stop being shocked. The president is a commie.


But worse than that the president is actually a fascist. Fascism - the partnership of government and business. Obama is the one shaking down the taxpayer to "bail out" the big international investment banks. That's not socialism or communism. That is hardcore fascism.


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bic| 10.16.09 @ 8:49PM
Right about the fascism and the banks.


Lizardlick Dunn's husband is a lawyer named Bauer who went after people in 2008 who brought up Bill Ayers. Mao would have been proud.... clinging to their little red books and Utopian mysticism.


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Howard| 10.19.09 @ 9:14PM
Anita Dung is Obama’s Joseph Goebbels. How dare these Marxist traitors dismantle our Constitution, and our First Amendment!!!


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gm| 10.20.09 @ 12:48PM
As a liberal, I'm embarrassed and ashamed by Anita's comments. I don't really care if she acknowledged him as a great thinker--many many non-communists do--but using his takeover of China as a model for the rest of us is an embarrassment. In other news, I have no earthly idea how any of you can think Obama is a communist after how he's handled the banks. He's clearly a capitalist, and for many of us not liberal enough.


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