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韶山沖:萬人同唱東方紅 紀念偉人毛澤東

紅網 · 2009-12-27 · 來源:http://english.rednet.cn/c/2009/12/26/1879049.htm
紀念毛主席 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /
10,000 people sing “Oriental Sunrise” to commemorate Mao’s 116th birthday

Editor:Sharon Lee
Updated: 2009-12-26 12:12:43

(Mao Tse-tung statue Square became the most flourishing place in Shaoshan village today, Hunan province. 今日,韶山毛澤東同志銅像廣場成了整個韶山沖感情最豐沛的地方!)

( The activity was held on the Mao Tse-tung statue Square, which is named as " commemoration of Mao Tse-tung’s birthdate by dedicating flowers to the statue and millions people singing ‘Oriental sunrise’ "   “向毛澤東同志銅像敬獻花籃•萬人同唱東方紅”活動在毛澤東同志銅像廣場舉行。)

 (With company of other officials of Hunan government, Zhang Chunxian, secretary of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Standing Committee of People's Congress of Hunan Province, commemorated Mao and he slowly walked around Mao’s status湖南省委書記、省人大常委會主任張春賢等領導緩緩繞行主席銅像一周。)

(A 88-year-old man participated the activity by his family’s help from Henan Province. 88歲的河南老人也在家人牽扶下趕來參加主席誕辰紀念活動。)

(Celebrations like “Millions of people eat 'Happy longlife noodle’ were also held in Shaoshan Village .在韶山村村部還舉行了“萬人同吃‘福壽面’”紀念活動。)

     Rednet Shaoshan ----------- December 26 is the 116th anniversary of Mao Tse-tung’s birthday. Mao Tse-tung statue Square became the most flourishing place in Shaoshan village today, where Mao was born. Over 10,000 people attended the commemoration including officials of Hunan Provincial Government, relatives of Mao’s family, officials of Shaoshan Authority in Xiangtan City and Hunan Province, officials of Shaoshan city and other community leaders, along with thousands of citizens. It is the commermorating activity to dedicate flowers to Mao Tse-tung’s status and to sing ‘Oriental sunrise’ for Mao.  with this simple and warm way, people deeply cherished the memory of the great man's great contributions to China. (Correspondents :Tang Honghui and Zou Yuanyuan )
 紅網韶山12月26日訊(記者 湯紅輝 通訊員 左媛媛)今天是毛澤東同志誕辰116周年紀念日,韶山毛澤東同志銅像廣場成了整個韶山沖感情最豐沛的地方!湖南省委省政府、毛澤東親屬代表、湘潭市、湖南省韶山管理局、韶山市領導等社會各界的領導、代表和萬余韶山人民聚集在這里,參加“向毛澤東同志銅像敬獻花籃•萬人同唱東方紅”活動,用這種樸素而熱烈的方式,深切緬懷這位世紀偉人的豐功偉績。
     With the backgroungd of pines, flowers and red flags, Mao statue seems in extremely solemn scene. In this morning, the activity officially began. Zhang Chunxian, secretary of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Standing Committee of People's Congress of Hunan Province, Yu Laishan, member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor,  Yang Taibo, member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and secretary-general of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee, Lu Jianping, member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Publicity Department of Hunan Provincial CPC Committee , presented flowers and bowed three deep bows to the bronze statue.
     "Chairman Mao, people will remember you by generations!" the music of ‘Oriental sunrise’ started; with this familiar melody, people were singing aloudly with the words echoed in the hearts thousands of times " Brightlight in the east, rising is the sun. China has born Mao Tse-tung.For the people's happiness, Hu er hai yo, he is the great liberator…

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  4. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
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