Monsanto protests scheduled in 36 countries
抗議孟山都的示威者(攝影:Reuters / Bernardo Montoya)
An international protest planned for later this month against biotechnology company Monsanto is slated to span six continents and include demonstrations in dozens of countries around the globe.
Amid growing concerns over St. Louis, Missouri-based Monsanto and the impact the company is having on agriculture, activists have planned rallies for later this month in 36 countries.
Monsanto, a titan of the emerging biotech industry, has come under attack from environmentalists, agriculturalists and average consumers over the company’s conduct in the realm of genetically-modified organisms and genetically-engineered foods. Despite research on the effects of GMO crops being largely considered inconclusive, Monsanto has lobbied hard in Washington and around the globe to be able to continue manufacturing lab-made foods without the oversight that many have demanded.
In March, Congress passed a biotech rider dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act” by its critics that essentially allows that company and others that use GMOs to plant and sell genetically-altered products without gaining federal permission.
“The provision would strip federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of an illegal, potentially hazardous GE crop while the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) assesses those potential hazards,” dozens of food businesses and retailers wrote Congress before the bill was passed.
“停止孟山都自1901年以來殺死了數百萬人”(攝影:Reuters / Gary Cameron)
In the weeks since the rider was approved within an annual agriculture spending bill, anti-Monsanto sentiment has only increased. The international day of protest scheduled for May 25 is now looking at becoming one for the record books, and even a number of celebrities have lent their star power to help raise awareness of the movement.
“Here in America you don’t get the right to know whether you’re eating genetically modified organisms,” award-winning music performer Dave Matthews says in a video for the march that has been uploaded to the Web. Comedian Bill Maher and actor Danny DeVito also appeared in the clip to plead with people around the world to rally against GMO companies.
“在美國,你甚至沒有權利知道自己是否吃轉基因生物”,獲獎音樂演奏明星Dave Matthews今年3月在為這次抗議行動宣傳錄像中這樣說,這一錄像已上傳到互聯網。戲劇演員Bill Maher與演員Danny DeVito也在電視片段中現身,呼吁世界各地人民舉行反對轉基因公司的抗議集會。
But even as the anti-Monsanto movement increases in intensity, the company itself continues to generate record-setting profits. In April the company announced a 22 percent increase in net profits, and representatives for the companies said they expect to see that trend continue.
"So our bottom line business outlook today means the momentum that we anticipated in our first quarter has clearly carried through into even stronger business results for the second quarter," CEO Hugh Grant told analysts and reporters during a phone call last month.
“所以今天我們的底線商業前景,意味著我們頭一個季度預期的勢頭勢必會進入第二季度,產生更為強勁的業務結果”,孟山都的最高執行官(CEO)休斯·格蘭特(Hugh Grant)上月在一次電話中對分析家與記者們這樣說。
許多國家都舉行反對孟山都惡魔的示威活動(攝影:AFP Photo / Pedro Pardo)
Earlier this year, Grant told the Wall Street Journal that despite an international backlash, venues around the world have been unable to link to his company with any concrete health risks caused by their products.
“They're the most-tested food product that the world has ever seen. Europe set up its own Food Standards Agency, which has now spent €300 million ($403.7 million), and has concluded that these technologies are safe,” Grant said in January. “France determined there's no safety issue on a corn line we submitted there. So there's always a great deal of political noise and turmoil. If you strip that back and you get to the science, the science is very strong around these technologies.”
But despite those claims, anti-Monsanto actions are expected to continue as planned around the world — and in those very countries. Four demonstrations are scheduled for Britain, including events in London and Bristol, and two separate events are scheduled for May 25 in Paris. In the US, demos are planned in 48 of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia.
但是盡管有這樣一些斷言,反對孟山都的行動預計將如計劃的那樣在世界各地持續– 并且特別在那樣一些國家。在英國,5月25日計劃中有四項示威,包括在倫敦與布里斯托爾,在巴黎計劃中有兩項單獨活動。在美國50個州中,48個州計劃了示威活動,包括哥倫比亞特區(美國聯邦直轄區)。
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