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陳一文翻譯 · 2014-10-23 · 來源:烏有之鄉
埃博拉病毒 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /




  (3)對蓋茨基金會的批評出現在埃博拉疫情爆發很久之前。2008年,世界衛生組織瘧疾負責人阿拉塔·闊齊博士(Dr. Arata Kochi)對蓋茨基金會制造的利益沖突發出抱怨。





  Privatized Ebola


  轉載、翻譯:陳一文([email protected])




  Thursday, 16 October 2014 10:30 By Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report | Report

  2014年10月16日 作者:瑪格麗特·金伯利,黑色計劃報告|報告


  Sierra Leone has waved the white flag in the face of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Its meager infrastructure has buckled under the onslaught of a disease which could have been curtailed. The announcement that infected patients will be treated at home because there is no longer the capacity to treat them in hospitals is a surrender which did not have to happen. Not only did Europe and the United States turn a blind eye to sick and dying Africans but they did so with the help of an unlikely perpetrator.



  TheWorld Health Organization is “the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.” Its very name implies that it takes direction from and serves the needs of people all over the world but the truth is quite different. The largest contributor to the WHO budget is not a government. It is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which provides more funding than either the United States or the United Kingdom. WHO actions and priorities are no longer the result of the consensus of the world’s people but top down decision making from wealthy philanthropists.


  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation may appear to be a savior when it provides $300 million to the WHO budget, but those dollars come with strings attached. WHO director general Dr. Margaret Chan admitted as much when she said, “My budget [is] highly earmarked, so it is driven by what I call donor interests.” Instead of being on the front line when a communicable disease crisis appears, it spends its time administering what Gates and his team have determined is best.


  “Health care should be a human right, not a charity.”


  The Ebola horror continues as it has for the last ten months in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The cruelty of the world’s lack of concern for Africa and all Africans in the diaspora was evident by the inaction of nations and organizations that are supposed to respond in times of emergencies. While African governments and aid organizations sounded the alarm the WHO did little because its donor driven process militates against it. The world of private dollars played a role in consigning thousands of people to death.


  Critics of the Gates Foundation appeared long before this current Ebola outbreak. In 2008 the WHO’s malaria chief, Dr. Arata Kochi, complained about the conflicts of interest created by the foundation. In an internal memo leaked to the New York Times he complained that the world’s top malaria researchers were “locked up in a 'cartel' with their own research funding being linked to those of others within the group.” In other words, the standards of independent peer reviewed research were cast aside in order to please the funder.

  對蓋茨基金會的批評出現在埃博拉疫情爆發很久之前。2008年,世界衛生組織瘧疾負責人阿拉塔·闊齊博士(Dr. Arata Kochi)對蓋茨基金會制造的利益沖突發出抱怨。泄露給《紐約時報》的一個內部備忘錄披露,他抱怨世界頂級瘧疾研究者被“被關進一個 ‘卡特爾’利益集團,供給他們的研究經費與利益集團某些人相連”。換句話說,為了讓資金提供者滿意而將獨立同行審查研究的標準而放到一邊。

  Private philanthropy is inherently undemocratic. It is a top down driven process in which the wealthy individual tells the recipient what they will and will not do. This is a problematic system for charities of all kinds and is disastrous where the health of world’s people is concerned. Health care should be a human right, not a charity, and the world’s governments should determine how funds to protect that right are spent. One critic put it very pointedly. “…the Gates Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates, do not believe in the public sector, they do not believe in a democratic, publically owned, publically accountable system.”

  私人慈善家事業從根本上不民主。這是一種自上而下驅動的過程,在這個過程中富有的人告訴經費接受者他們應當做什么不應當做什么。這是所有類型慈善組織的有問題的系統,涉及世界人民健康時尤其具有災難性。衛生保健應當是人權,而不是恩賜,世界各國政府應當決定保護世界人民健康權的資金應當怎樣用。一位批評者深刻指出,“... 蓋茨基金會、比爾與美蘭達蓋茨,他們不相信公共事業,他們不相信民主的、公共擁有的、對公眾負責的系統。”

  There is little wonder why the Ebola outbreak caught the WHO so flat footed as they spent months making mealy mouthed statements but never coordinating an effective response. The Gates foundation is the WHO boss, not governments, and if they weren’t demanding action, then the desperate people affected by Ebola weren’t going to get any.


  Privatization of public resources is a worldwide scourge. Education, pensions, water, and transportation are being taken out of the hands of the public and given to rich people and corporations. The Ebola crisis is symptomatic of so many others which go unaddressed or improperly addressed because no one wants to bite the hands that do the feeding.


  “The Gates foundation is the WHO boss, not governments.”


  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged an additional $50 million to fight the current Ebola epidemic but that too is problematic, as Director General Chan describes. “When there’s an event, we have money. Then after that, the money stops coming in, then all the staff you recruited to do the response, you have to terminate their contracts.” The WHO should not be lurching from crisis to crisis, SARS, MERS, or H1N1 influenza based on the whims of philanthropy. The principles of public health should be carried out by knowledgeable medical professionals who are not dependent upon rich people for their jobs.


  The Gates are not alone in using their deep pockets to confound what should be publicly held responsibilities. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that he was contributing $25 million to fight Ebola. His donation will go to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation. Most Americans are probably unaware that such a foundation even exists. Yet there it is, run by a mostly corporate board which will inevitably interfere with the public good. The WHO and its inability to coordinate the fight against Ebola tells us that public health is just that, public. If the CDC response to Ebola in the United States fails it may be because it falls prey to the false siren song of giving private interests control of the people’s resources and responsibilities.

  并非蓋茨一個人用他們大量的資金擾亂什么應當是公共擁有的責任。Facebook(臉譜)網創辦者馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)也宣布他將貢獻2500萬美元對付埃博拉疫情。他的獻金將提供給疾控中心基金會。大部分美國人可能不知道存在這樣一個基金會。是的,這個基金會由絕大部分由公司構成的理事會關聯,他們不可避免干預公共利益。世界衛生組織以及他們無能力協調應對埃博拉疫情的戰斗告訴我們,公共衛生事業就是公共事業。如果疾控中心在美國應對埃博拉疫情的反應失敗的話,這或許是因為疾控中心

  This piece was reprinted by Truthout with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source.





  Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in Black Agenda Report, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as athttp://freedomrider.blogspot.com.Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport.com.

  瑪格麗特·金伯利自由騎士專欄每周在《黑色計劃報告》發布,且廣泛轉載。她維持著一個經常更新的博客:http://freedomrider.blogspot.com 金伯利女士住在紐約市,郵箱為:

  [email protected]

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