文中未翻譯的文章已經由作者本人翻譯出書,書名: 基因騙術/英琦博·柏恩斯 Ingeborg Boyens ·譯者:杜默/時報-A <BR>見:正版:英琦博 柏恩斯/著《基因騙術》時報出版-淘寶網
from The Aquarian, Spring 2000
The Skeleton in the GMO Closet
Did Genetic Engineering Cause the Tryptophan-EMS Disaster of 1989?
By Ingeborg Boyens
* 2002 Healing Daily
Genetically engineered products clearly have the potential to be toxic and a threat to human health. In 1989, a genetically engineered brand of L-tryptophan, a common dietary supplement, killed 37 Americans and permanently disabled or afflicted more than 5,000 others with a painful and potentially fatal blood disorder, eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS), before it was recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The manufacturer, Showa Denko, Japan's 3rd largest chemical company, had for the first time in 1989 used genetically engineered bacteria to produce the over-the-counter supplement. It is believed that the bacteria somehow became contaminated during the recombinant DNA process. Showa Denko has already paid out over $2 billion in damages to EMS victims.
——作者:Ingeborg Boyens
......(該書已有中譯版書名: 基因騙術/英琦博·柏恩斯 Ingeborg Boyens ·譯者:杜默/時報-A )
* 2002醫療日報
該產品的制造商是Showa Denko——日本的第三大化學藥品公司。Showa Denko在1989年首次利用細菌的基因研制了這種全國性的食品添加劑。人們認為,在重組DNA的過程中,細菌的基因受到了污染。Showa Denko公司已經向嗜酸細胞增多肌痛綜合受害者賠償了20多億元。
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