作者/來源:中時電子報 http://news.chinatimes.com
新加坡這個彈丸小國在內閣資政李光耀領導下,成了東南亞經濟的發光體,李光耀的行事風格也塑造了新加坡嚴謹與理性的形象。 《紐約時報》十日刊出對李光耀的專訪,即將步入八十七歲的他,盡管在政治上交出漂亮的成績單,也不禁感嘆歲月不饒人。
受訪時,李光耀思緒依舊敏捷,但難掩老態,身形也略微佝僂。他說,這些年來,因為結縭六十一年的妻子柯玉芝多次中風臥病在床,讓他的生活由彩色變成黑白。 「我盡量讓自己忙碌,但是閑下來時,偶爾會憶起當年兩人幸??鞓返臅r光?!?/p>
分類題材: 人物_biogphy ,
作者/來源:trulysingapore (28-9-2010)
我們今天的生活源自萊弗士在新加坡開埠的那一天。沒有他也就不會有新加坡。從約150前開埠以來新加坡各階層人士的辛勤勞作和企業家精神奠定了一個強大的基礎,現代化的新加坡就是從這個基石上成長起來。催化新加坡快速發展的成功方案來自Dr Albert Winsemius,沒有他的貢獻就不會有現代新加坡。
MM Lee’s interview with The New York Times
September 28, 2010 by trulysingapore
Dear MM Lee,
I refer to your interview with The New York Times as reported by Today on 13 Sept 2010.
The so-called enormous edifice we have today was built by Singaporeans, not any one man. So you can go with no regrets knowing that Singaporeans will continue to build on this edifice as they have been doing so since 1819. Also, don’t worry about second chances too. If Singapore can bounce back so strongly after the Japanese occupation, it can bounce back again if necessary.
While your concern for racial politics is understandable, do not forget that David Marshall, Devan Nair and JB Jeyaratnam were minority candidates voted in by the majority long before HDB’s racial integration rules were entrenched.
While English has given us progress by connecting us to the world, Cantonese, Korean and Mandarin have similarly given progress to Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan respectively. China’s progress for the last twenty years comes without a strong English connection.
The life that we are enjoying today started with Sir Stamford Raffles. Without him there would have been no Singapore. For nearly 150 years since the time of our founding, the hard work and enterprise of Singaporeans from all walks of life helped lay the strong foundation upon which modern Singapore would eventually rise. But the catalyst that would propel Singapore forward came from a winning formula by Dr Albert Winsemius without whom there would have been no modern Singapore.
It might relieve you to know that the communists and killer squads you supposedly fought were in Malaya. How you fought them when they were in Malaya while you were in Singapore is a mystery. Singaporeans would have had a true hero had you used your guts and gumption to fight the Japanese like Lim Bo Seng and Lt Adnan instead of just working for them.
There is not an ounce of doubt that you and the PAP are absolutely incorruptible. You are paid more than what Chen Shui Bian could stash away over eight years. If you asked Chen Shui Bian to choose between million dollar salaries in Singapore versus million dollar corruption in Taiwan, he would probably have chosen Singapore.
If a journalist makes a factual report of political dynasties across Asia, why should he get sued? Is it a statement of fact or an allegation of nepotism that the prime ministership which you started is now passed on to your son?
How can you say that locking innocent people up for decades and robbing them of the most fruitful years of their lives is honourable? You once said: “Until 1962, Singapore had endless strikes. By 1969, there were none. In seven years, industrial relations had been transformed profoundly”. In other words, the leftist movement had been largely extinguished by 1969. Why then did you continue to lock up Dr Lim Hock Siew and Chia Thye Poh until 1982 and 1998 respectively? Can you say that Dr Lim was playing on Chinese language and culture when he is essentially English educated?
There is no truth to the saying that the leftist movement in Singapore were killer squads who believed in one bullet, one vote. Show me one single bullet fired by the leftists in Singapore. If you are telling me that a bullet fired in Malaya means a bullet fired in Singapore, then you might as well show me all the bullets fired in Vietnam, China, Russia and Cuba.
There was at that time a lot of controversy with your keeping down the Chinese language. There is no end to debate on the purpose that it served. But there is one tangible outcome that came out of it. The breaking of the Chinese language also meant the breaking of the power of the Chinese speaking masses, a turn of event that would benefit English speaking leaders like yourself immensely whether or not it was intended to be that way.
分類題材: 政治_politics ,
作者/來源:Siew Wah Yoong (18-9-2010) http://singaporerecalcitrant.blogspot.com
A critique of MM Lee Kuan Yew’s interview
Saturday, September 18, 2010
There is a Chinese saying:When a person is about to die, his/her words are kind (人之將死,其言也善)。
What does one make of the MM Lee Kuan Yew’s interview with The New York Times’ Seth Mydans coming just before his 87th birthday? Was it the ramble of a man on whom the above Chinese saying is a prophetic indicator? There was an absence of his usual pompous and bombastic style as he narrated his life experiences and philosophy to his astute interviewer.
As expected the public reactions are mixed. There are some who are nostalgic of the so-called progress and prosperity Lee Kuan Yew was supposed to have brought to Singapore. These are the ones who see only the angel in him and are prepared to overlook his iniquities. The number could be quite considerable but not the netizens.
Then there are those who hold contrary views, some very vitriolic. There was an acrimonious critic who sent a very caustic open letter via his email from overseas which is believed to be widely distributed and pulled no punches in his ferocious assailment of Lee Kuan Yew arising out of his New York Times interview. Quite co-incidentally, he also predicted that Lee Kuan Yew was nearing his death judging by the interview he gave. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was not spared the critic’s venom who described his appointment as Prime Minister as a design by his father to perpetuate a dynasty. He predicted that PM Lee would find himself rudderless once his father, who acts as his eminence grise, was gone.
What is MM Lee’s motive in telling the public about his so-called attentive care of his wife when she is already in a vegetative state? Is he trying to gain public sympathy for his so-called spousal plight? Madam Kwa Geok Choo, to all intents and purposes, is no longer in a position to respond to any human stimulation in any form and his so-called affectionate consolatory whispers to her every night stretch the imagination. MM Lee probably wants people to remember him as a deeply affectionate husband and gentleman. Does he realise that there are people who wonder why he is prolonging the sufferings of a wife in her present vegetative state with no hope of resuscitation? Would not that be more cruel than to allow her soul to be released? Somehow it does not seem compos mentis for MM Lee to leave his wife in her vegetative state and go jetting around to places, like Paris for example, ostensibly to conduct business of the State, including mesmerising gullible world audienses with his pearls of wisdom.
There was a momentary display of compunction when MM Lee admitted that he was not saying that everything he did was right but then he qualified it by saying that everything he did was for an honourable purpose without elaborating. The word honourable here is very subjective. He dismissed criticisms by Western reporters as rubbish and added that they were not the ones who may write the obituaries offering the final verdict on his actions. He concluded by quoting a Chinese proverb:Do not judge a man until his coffin is closed (蓋棺定論).
It is appropriate here to reproduce a quote by a Lee Kuan Yew aficionado: Will his name be etched in the hallowed halls of pantheons or a fallen sufferer of hubristic iconoclasm.
分類題材: 政治_politics , 人物_biogphy
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