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寶劍似魚腸 · 2015-02-09 · 來源:烏有之鄉
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  【附一】Jordan Is Killing For Money

  Jordan is a country of middle east, but there is not oil, and the whole country lack of water. So that, the military aid from US means everything to Jordan due to the abject economy of this country.

  Now, the actions of Jordanian air strikes on Islamic State targets said as "the beginning of our retaliation" for the killing of a captured Jordanian pilot. But why the pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh was executed ? Because he had bombed IS sites in Syria, and was captured during the action, he paid for his action of killing by Islam law of Qi?ā? (????‎).

  After the state media reported on Tuesday that the pilot was killed Jan. 3, many Jordanians wondered whether the government was sincere when it claimed to be negotiating Kasasbeh’s release with Islamic State. “The government was lying!” yelled a relative of Kasasbeh.

  Why did Jordan bomb IS abroad with the forces of other capitalism country? Surely, IS is a significant enemy of capitalist bloc, the US-led coalition represent the mainstream will of almost the whole global capitalism.

  Who are the enemies of Islam?

  【附二】Jordan Continue to Kill More, For More Money!

  How lucky the Jordan government officials are! As the execution of the captured pilot is publicized, they are going to get many many money! Saving a live pilot only saving the life of a soldier, but waiting for the death of the solider they will harvest $ billions military aid from Washington.

  And, Jordan continued to kill in Syria by bombing raids against IS positions and claimed killing of more than 55 IS militants. And, as the air strike continuing, on Friday, the Islamic State declared that a female American hostage was killed during an air strike by Jordanian jets in Syria, announcing that Ms. Mueller, a 26-year-old aid worker from Prescott, Ariz., had been killed in the falling rubble of a building in northern Syria that had been flattened by bombs from a Jordanian warplane. But both the Jordanian and American governments said there was no proof, and top Jordan officials said the announcement was cynical propaganda.

  The relationship between US and Jordan is not only based on cold-blooded genes of their officials, but also money.

  Since 1952, the United States has provided Jordan with economic assistance totaling more than $9 billion ($1.3 billion in loans and $7.7 billion in grants), including FUNDS for development projects, health care, education, construction to increase water availability, support for microeconomic policy shifts toward a more completely free market system, and both grant and loan acquisition of U.S. agriculture COMMODITIES. These programs have been successful and have contributed to Jordanian stability while strengthening the bilateral relationship. U.S. military assistance—provision of material and training—is designed to meet Jordan's legitimate defense needs, including preservation of border integrity and regional stability. Jordan signed a Threshold Agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in October 2006, and was subsequently deemed by the MCC to be eligible for a Compact Agreement in recognition of the country's progress on economic, social, and political reform INDICATORS.

  As of 2013, the United States had given the GID over $3.3 billion in aid over the previous five years, with another $200 million pledged for the Syrian refugee crisis.The Jordanian intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), is a close partner of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[7] In 2014, due to concerns over Jordan's fragile economy being stretched by the influx of Syrian refugees, President Obama announced he would seek $1 billion in loan guarantees in addition to the $1.25 billion Congress approved in 2013.[From WIKI].

  The achieving tasks of Jordanian warplanes seems not only for maintaining the purity of their Islamic beliefs, but also for the purity of their money beliefs. An abject country maintain its dignity by the actions of killing, killing for money, surely it means a significant creativity of our times.

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