21 August 2011(2011年8月21日)
Dear Dr. Fang,(親愛的方博士)
What a joke! You threaten to no longer participate in this dialogue if I insist on making your emails to me, and mine in return, public? In the first place, what is the point of public letters, such as those that I have written, if they are not public? In the second place, since you have not participated in this discussion at all for quite some time, what difference does it make? Third, I thought your goal was to help China identify and reveal frauds wherever and whenever they occur, so why are you refusing to participate in an open discussion about what constitutes plagiarism and copyright infringement? And finally, and most importantly, how can you have the gall to demand that I keep private your emails to me when you have been attacking me and on your website and in the Chinese press behind my back this entire time? So, yes, this letter is going to everyone, and you can do as you like. You don't play by anyone's rules but your own anyway?
You ask where I got the figure that you have plagiarized as much as 90% of my article in yours and object that it could not possibly be more than 50%. Well, there's a simple answer: I apparently have never been shown your entire article, even by you! You will recall sending me your translation of your article. It does not appear to be complete. So if I have been misled as to the amount my material that may be in your article, you are as much to blame as anyone.
In any event, at least we are talking about how much of my article appears in yours. On this point, one of your self-proclaimed supporters (email attached) actually puts the amount of your article that matches mine at 60%. No matter how we look at it, everyone, including you, agrees that a substantial portion of your article is drawn from mine. So the issue becomes how much is too much? You have already admitted that there was sufficient commonality that you should have cited me as the source of your arguments in your original blog. So if there is that much commonality, how can you deny both plagiarism and copyright infringement? The reason for making this a public debate is precisely because the issue of how much is too much needs to be hashed out and your own admissions certainly help make my case against you.
You also claim that I am making up my own definitions of plagiarism and copyright infringement. I insist on pointing out with regard to this question that the criteria I am using in accusing you of plagiarism and copyright infringement are not something I have made up. Every major journal and every educational institution has guidelines regarding these points, all of which are very similar. If Chinese scholars, such as yourself, expect to participate in the worldwide culture of science, you must learn to abide by the standards set forth in these guidelines. I have attached one such set from the American Chemical Society. You will note that not only do YOU not have the right to reproduce my article, even I do not have the right to use more than 400 words from my own publication, nor can I use my own illustrations, without written permission from the journal. Copyright not only protects the author of a work, but also the publisher of that work! This raises a point that has not yet been discussed in our correspondence, which is that you have not only plagiarized and/or breached the copyright on my article, but also Oxford University Press, which published the book in which my chapter appears. Did you get their written permission to use my material?
Your only response to that issue so far has been to say that you are an expert on fraud and you know that you have not plagiarized me or violated my copyright. Yet you refuse to reveal the criteria you are using in making that decision, which not only leaves me in the dark, but also leaves the people of China in the dark about how you reach your conclusions regarding the fraudulent behaviors of anyone you accuse. And there is an additional problem: even if you get around to divulging your criteria, you can't be the judge in your own case. Indeed, you can't be the accuser, judge and jury in any fraud case and yet that is exactly the power you have attempted to accrue to yourself.
And here we get to the crux of the matter. I am far less worried about whether you have stolen some of my work than I am worried that you have set yourself as an unassailable and unregulated monitor of fraud in China. No individual should ever have the power that you have taken upon yourself. You have every right, and indeed every responsibility, as do I!, to point out fraud wherever you think it occurs, but you do not have the right to decide whether your accusations are valid. For you see, if you have that right, then so do I, in which case you would be guilty of plagiarism and copyright violations just because I said so. You clearly don't want that to be the case (nor do I), but you must learn from this controversy that you cannot have that power over others, either. The determination of fraud must lie in the hands of unbiased, disinterested parties, both in this case and in any other case you might bring or be accused of. I'm not sure who in China, or in the world, should decide how much of my work you should be permitted to use without permission, but I do know it is not you! My fondest hope at this point in time is that our controversy will lead to substantial changes in how fraudulent practices such as plagiarism and copyright infringement are handled in China and in who has the authority to handle such issues.
不少曾經受蒙蔽的觀眾迄今仍然懷疑方舟子受其母校教授指責剽竊與侵犯版權的真實性,方舟子的水軍也致力于攪混水,試圖繼續蒙蔽世人,樹造打假斗士不會剽竊的光輝形象,盡管這一形象破產得不能再破了。針對方舟子及其支持者不時發出的謠言,盧伯恩斯頓教授再次(2011年8月21日)向一位詢問者確認其指控及一系公開信的真實性。盧伯恩斯頓教授明確公開授權所有感興趣的人翻譯并傳播其過去及將來的公開信,認為越多人知情越好。歡迎向盧伯恩斯頓教授求證:[email protected]
1) The letter is real. I have appended it to this email. You will be receiving another response to Dr. Fang shortly that expands on my concerns.
2) I have accused Dr. Fang of plagiarism and copyright infringement in several public letters that Dr. Fang has received copies of. If he says otherwise, he is lying.
3) If Mr. Fang were merely citing the source of an idea, then he would be correct in asserting that he does not need my permission, nor the publisher of my book chapter (Oxford University Press). But Dr. Fang did not just cite my ideas: he copied, almost verbatim, half-a-dozen paragraphs from my chapter in writing his article, and the material from my chapter constitutes at least half of his article. Using this much of someone else's material without their explicit permission is not allowed by any publisher of which I am aware, nor any educational institution, and this is true whether Dr. Fang actually translated my words directly, or merely reworded such a substantial amount of my argument and its examples. Moreover, Mr. Fang cannot use the excuse of relying on "Fair Use", since he personally is paid by his non-profit organization to write his blog and books, and therefore profits from his unfair borrowing of other people's material.
4) Yes, you may translate and post my original letter, as well as the additional letters you will be receiving shortly. Indeed, I grant this right to translate my letters into Chinese to anyone who wishes to do so, with the sole proviso that the translation be complete and accurate. The more people who have access to the entire controversy and the more translation versions there are to compare, the better the issues can be decided.
Many thanks for your interest in this problem.
Bob Root-Bernstein(鮑勃*盧伯恩斯頓)
Aimee Cluo幾乎是方舟子的一個翻版,可以竄改美國憲法為方舟子辯論,使足吃奶的勁攻擊Root-Bernstein的論點,但邏輯上巔三倒四,大家都沒有興趣理睬她,但仍然喋喋不休地“糾正”Root-Berntstein的“錯誤觀點”。針對方舟子的賴皮,Root-Bernstein含怒出手,也隨便嘲笑教訓了這位“中立”的支持者。
在Root-Bernstein的回信中,Aimee Cluo的原信內容并沒有Root-Bernstein所嘲笑的相關內容,相關內容在我以前的博文中有介紹,她要求大家視她為“中立”,對我稱她為方舟子的支持者不滿。我此前回復她很溫柔,全是暗諷,Root-Bernstein干脆揭開來嘲笑她,嘲笑她的同時質問方舟子的二重標準,估計是對這個無理糾纏的話嘮已經是由氣生怒了。
21 August 2011(2011年8月21日)
Dear Aimee Cluo,(親愛的Aimee Cluo)
Actions, as always, speak louder than words. You claim to be just a student trying to learn, yet you accept nothing I say as valid and ignore the counter-examples that I give to your points. You claim to have no ties to anyone involved in this controversy, yet you always attack my points and never make any criticisms of Dr. Fang's position. You have never asked Dr. Fang to reveal his definitions of plagiarism or copyright infringement. You have never used his blog posts to evaluate whether he might be using a double standard in pretending that there is no problem with the material he has borrowed from me. You never examine my case against Dr. Fang and as HIM to respond to problematic issues. So please do not continue to insult my intelligence by pretending to be just an objective and naïve observer. You aren't.
That said, I will attempt once more to address some of your key points, invalid as I believe them to be, because other people may learn something useful from our dialogue, even if you don't.
No, I do not agree that plagiarism and copyright infringement are absolutely distinct. I already gave you multiple examples of instances where they are not. Until you can demonstrate to me that my examples are invalid (which is impossible, because they involve real cases), I will continue to maintain that plagiarism and copyright infringement can, and often are, overlapping concepts administratively, legally and ethically.
Secondly, you, yourself, have played a not quite legitimate game in quoting US copyright law because you do not indicate which sentences are from the law and which are your commentaries upon them. Did you really think no one would notice? Do you really think this is an honest approach to debate and learning? I don't!
As to fair use, you fail to understand (or perhaps don't want to understand; or perhaps hope to confuse everyone about) several important points. Fair use does not grant a person such as Dr. Fang the right to use someone else's work just because he has a non-profit educational corporation. The passages you cite from US copyright law say that these factors will be taken into account by the courts in deciding whether fair use is applicable to mitigating copyright infringement. The law also says very explicitly that one person may not profit from the sale of another person's copyrighted works. Both parts of the law must be applied to any given case. Let me give you three examples (which you will probably refuse to understand once again – but I will try!).
Fair use does NOT permit me to make copies of a scientific textbook chapter and hand them out to the class so that we can have an educational discussion about it because in this case, I am directly interfering with the ability of textbook publisher to sell copies of the book to these students, who are the primary consumer of the textbook. Even though I personally do not profit, I have harmed the ability of the textbook publisher to profit and many legal cases have decided that this is clearly copyright infringement not covered by fair use.
I also cannot as a professor at a non-profit educational institution, under fair use, make copies of a scientific article and SELL them to students so that we can have an educational discussion because in that case I PROFIT from the work of another individual without compensating them.
These distinctions concerning how fair use is actually realized IN RELATION TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION OF PROFIT in individual cases is relevant because Dr. Fang is PAID a salary by his non-profit corporation and SELLS his essays and books in order to obtain the money to be paid. Whether or not Dr. Fang's corporation makes money or not, he does. I know of no legal case involving copyright infringement where courts have ruled that it is permissible for an individual within a non-profit corporation to profit by the sale of someone else’s work. If you can find such a case, please bring it to my attention!
So does Dr. Fang have the right to use my work under fair use clauses of US and international copyright law? In my opinion, no. He sells his work and is paid to do so. And given that Dr. Fang and one of his supporters have agreed that a substantial portion (as much as 50 to 60%) of his essay is derived from my article (see accompanying letter to Dr. Fang), I believe the problem of just how much of someone else's work one may borrow, with or without attribution, is still germane to our discussion.
Finally, let me address an issue you raised in an earlier letter that is also germane at this point. Why don't I just accuse Dr. Fang of copyright infringement and let the lawyers decide? Good question. The answer is simply that I am not interested in profiting by this controversy. My goal is educational, as I have said from the outset. I do believe that the ethical issue of what constitutes plagiarism and/or copyright infringement – and more broadly, high academic standards, whether of scholarship or popularization – is an international issue of great importance that deserves discussion by as many people as possible. Dr. Fang, if he really cares about preventing fraud, should be happy to participate in these discussions, helping to educate everyone about the standards that should be used in determining fraudulent activities. After all, the more people know about what fraud is, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it, the better off we all are. Isn’t this what Dr. Fang has been claiming all these years? So why is Dr. Fang refusing to participate in this debate? And why are you not taking him to task for his absence from it?
Root-Bernstein信件附Aimee Cluo的私信:
Quoting Aimee Cluo <[email protected]>:
> Dear Professor Root-Bernstein:
> When you wrote your last email to me with "copy anything I write and claim
> it as their own", in which you mentioned two essential elements, and I
> suppose that means you have finally agreed with me on the following:
> (1) There are two necessary conditions in the definition of "Plagiarize",
> i.e., (a) to use another person's idea or a part of their work, and (b) to
> pretend or claim as his own.
> (2) Plagiarism and copyright infringement are two fundamentally different
> concepts
> There are at least several conceptual mistakes you have made in your open
> letters that are now widely published in China by your authorized
> people. Chinese
> lawyer [ref1] and professors [ref2] are now commenting on the errors you
> made in your open letters and your emails that have been published by your
> allies.
> **
> Now what concerns me is that you also have misunderstanding about the nature
> and the difference between dramatic or artistic work and scientific
> publication in the context of copyright law.
> * *
> I wish to provide with you the following. You can find the references I am
> providing for you to check the accuracy.
> * I. § 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use** *
> Notwithstanding the provisions of sections
> 106<http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#106>and
> 106A, <http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#106a> the fair use of a
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