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kevinwes · 2012-02-12 · 來源:烏有之鄉
美國新軍事戰略 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /


去年8月,羅姆尼曾譴責中國獨生子女政策“恐怖、野蠻”,美國副總統拜登稱之“令人反感”。Romney: China's one-child policy 'barbaric'

Calling China's one-child norm "barbaric", top Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has vowed to cut off US aid to the UN Population Fund for supporting Beijing's policy.

If elected President, "I will cut off funding for the United Nations Population Fund, which supports China's barbaric one-child policy," Romney said in his address to Conservative Political Action conference here.

Asserting that his presidency would be a pro-life presidency, Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, said he will ensure that organizations like Planned Parenthood get no more federal support.

"I will reverse every single Obama regulation that attacks our religious liberty and threatens innocent life in this country," he said.

"The presidency is more than public office. It's a sacred trust. As President, I will honor that trust by assuring that America remains the greatest military power on the face of the Earth. I will not be cutting our military budget," he said. 64-year-old Romney is considered a front-runner to bag the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent Barack Obama in November elections for US presidency.

"Today we really are poised for victory in November. The pundits and the pollsters are saying that we can win the election, but we have to tell the nation why we should win the election.

It's up to us to prove that we're really ready to step forward and lead this country," he said.

The November presidential election, he said, is not just about getting more votes and added that defeating Obama is only one step towards the ultimate goal of saving America.

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