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希臘共產黨 土耳其共產黨 · 2012-02-26 · 來源:www.kke.gr













(阮子厚 譯)

附 英文原文

Joint statement of Communist Party of Turkey and Communist Party of Greece


We are optimist! The working class, the popular forces will defeat capitalism! All expectations preaching that a system, which has caused two immense wars, fascism and military dictatorships and numerous regional conflicts within two centuries, left millions under conditions of hunger, poverty and unemployment, can be humanized shall be definitely rejected.

As long as the struggle of laboring people for independence, sovereign rights, peace, justice and social, democratic and trade unions rights do not become part of a political perspective that exceeds the limits of this rotten system, the exploitative classes could manage to utilize the poor to heal its own wounds.

Today, it is evident that a similar trap is being set in the course of the capitalist crisis, which affects the system as a whole, sharpens the inter-imperialist contradictions, the imperialist interventions and wars for the control of raw materials, energy, transport routes, for the market shares. These contradictions pose to the people in a more imperative way the question: socialism or capitalist barbarity, with countless victims, in fact human sacrifices for the profits of capitalists!

For the communists there is no other way in favour of the working class and the popular strata except from the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism that breeds crises, unemployment, poverty, educational and cultural downgrading, interventions and wars.

Of course, it is not possible to foresee when socialist revolutionary leaps are going to happen as of today, since such great leaps are not outcomes of subjective intentions but of social dynamics. On the other hand, there are numerous examples in history, which point to the fact that the capitalist class could turn the conditions of crisis to its own advantage whenever there is a lack of: the endeavors of revolutionary political actors for the class unity of the working class, the social alliance with the popular strata, which are oppressed by the monopolies, aiming at the development of the class struggle, the struggle for the working class power for the construction of socialism.

Communist parties are political actors, which act upon the assumption of the actuality and necessity of socialist revolution, and never conceal this objective at any time. The barriers against the attempts to inflict the bill of the crisis on vast working masses is not to content with less, but to mobilize the organized forces and managing to take up political positions in line with the socialist alternative.

It is not the objective to build socialism, but the idea that the capitalists can be convinced to build a better world, is an illusion. On the occasion of the mass event organized by the TKP in Ankara under the title “Socialism Will Win”, despite different conditions prevailing in the two countries and despite the fact that the two parties are at different moments of the struggle, Communist Party of Greece and Communist Party of Turkey declare that they will intensify their struggles to put an end to the bourgeois dictatorship in each country as a result of the political activity of organized popular masses.

Moreover, the two communist parties jointly declare that they will improve the solidarity between the toiling masses of the two neighboring countries, continue their cooperation in regional affairs and reinforce the revolutionary traditions of the world communist movement in a more effective way.

Central Committee of Communist Party of Greece
Central Committee of Communist Party of Turkey



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