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新民學生 · 2009-04-19 · 來源:烏有之鄉
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【1】       原文為”terror”,可能主要指的是斯大林的大清洗運動給人民帶來的恐懼。

【2】       原文為”The Great Projects”,應該是特指,由于本人對蘇聯歷史不熟,只好按字面翻譯為“大項目”。





     I am glad to welcome you to this modest site. I have tried to assemble here a small legacy of songs left from the Soviet era. All of them were at once widely known and popular in the cities and towns of our glorious Motherland.
     Some of these songs, even now, are known to practically everyone who has been born and raised in the   USSR   and other socialistic countries. Others, on the contrary, have been long forgotten, during the course of time.


     These songs are a monument to our not too distant past, during which   USSR   tried to build a new socialist society. It was an interesting time, a time not only of terror and the Gulags, but of "The Great Projects", enthusiasm, victories, and faith in a "bright future for all of humanity." Even regardless of the fact that in the present day, a few of these songs are able to at least bring a smile to one's face, I am convinced that we should not deny that which is a part of our history and culture.  


A few words to the foreign visitor: 

     You are browsing a resource which is devoted first of all to the history and culture of the  Soviet Union , the country which the West for a long time usually named as "The Empire of Evil", the country to which some people in the West perceive as "something big and snowy".
     I offer you to try to look outside the frames of usual stereotypes, to try to understand life of a unique country, with its interesting history, beautiful culture and miraculous relations between people.
     The music submitted on this site - is an evident sample of a totally new culture, which completely differs from all that, with what   Hollywood   and MTV supply us so much. This culture, being free from the cult of money , platitude, violence and sex, was urged to not indulge low bents of a human soul but to help the person to become culturally enriched and to grow above himself.
     Cheerful and optimistically by its nature, the Soviet music was spreading a cult of friendship, collectivism, mutual assistance and respect to the working people. Not all songs appeared to be praiseworthy; also some unsuccessful things came alone. But nevertheless it is possible to tell with confidence, that the purposes, which were set upon the Soviet culture, namely spiritual education of the new, Soviet person, were achieved in much ways.


     I would like to appeal individually to those young russian people who were raised and educated during the course of the last ten years by completely different values than those of their fathers.   

     The contents of this web page may seem to you to be, as they say "old rubbish" or else simply nonsense. Please don't be hasty to abuse this site with harsh words and then go off to a favourite porn site. No one attempts to bind you with his/her views or persuasions. This site only serves as a reminder of a past epoch, of a country, which independently and heroically attempted to build a "bright future". This site reminds us, as well, of its people.
     Please listen to the music, read deeply into the song lyrics and try to understand, what people lived with during that time: what did they breathe, and what did they strive for?   






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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:heji






  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
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  5. 簡評蘇俄知識分子的厄運
  6. 東南亞的宿命
  7. “鮮衣怒馬少年郎,誰人不識理塘王”
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  9. 焦慮富人走了沒有必要,走了天也塌不下來
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  1. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
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  4. 央媒的反腐片的確“驚艷”,可有誰想看續集?
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  7. 到底誰“封建”?
  8. 兩個草包經濟學家:向松祚、許小年
  9. “當年明月”的病:其實是中國人的通病
  10. 該來的還是來了,潤美殖人被遣返,資產被沒收,美吹群秒變美帝批判大會
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  4. 季羨林到底是什么樣的人
  5. 十一屆三中全會公報認為“顛倒歷史”的“右傾翻案風”,是否存在?
  6. 歷數阿薩德罪狀,觸目驚心!
  7. 陳中華:如果全面私有化,就沒革命的必要
  8. 我們還等什么?
  9. 到底誰不實事求是?——讀《關于建國以來黨的若干歷史問題的決議》與《毛澤東年譜》有感
  10. 只有李先念有理由有資格這樣發問!
  1. 車間主任焦裕祿
  2. 地圖未開疆,后院先失火
  3. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
  4. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
  5. 何滌宙:一位長征功臣的歷史湮沒之謎
  6. 央媒的反腐片的確“驚艷”,可有誰想看續集?