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獨家網 · 2011-12-09 · 來源:獨家網
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1959 年古巴革命以來,以佛羅里達州為基地而對古巴本土展開的恐怖與破壞活動,至今造成古巴3478人死亡,另傷及 2099人,并因此直接造成經濟與社會損失 540億美元,美國的經濟封鎖則另造成古巴經濟損失 862億美元。

策劃或執行這些破壞活動的人當中,以 Luis Posada Carriles最知名(惡名昭彰),許多佛羅里達古巴人視之為英雄。他在 1976年 10月 6日爆破古巴航班,機上 76人罹難。他也自豪地宣稱,為阻止古巴旅游事業的發展,他規劃 1997年哈瓦訥飯店爆炸案,致使意大利游客一死,另有游客11人受傷, 2000年則策劃在巴拿馬暗殺卡斯特羅。他在 2005年非法進入美國,司法部以他是「承認自己嫻熟于恐怖活動及攻擊」,呼吁法院拘禁,2007419日,也就是「臺灣古巴后援會」開始籌備之日,他獲得假釋,并在200758日獲不起訴處分。

在此背景之下,五位古巴人進入佛羅里達州從事查訪與監視佛羅里達反古巴群體的活動,并將情報送回古巴,預警恐怖份子的相關活動。1988年,古巴政府要求美國政府協助取締佛羅里達州恐怖社團的活動,并在 1998年 6月送達相關檔案至 FBI。

但美國政府并不是就此檔案所顯示的證據,采取行動,而是在 1988 年9 月 12 日藉此逮捕這五位古巴的愛國勇士:Gerardo Hernández Nordelo,Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, Ramón Labañino Salazar, Fernando González Llort and René González Sehwerert 。

他們在受審判前被美國政府監禁 17個月,不理會外界要求移轉審判地點(眾所周知,佛羅里達是反古巴大本營),拒絕律師援用「必要防衛」權。由于美國違反自己的法律,也違反國際法而逮捕五人,古巴及國籍聲援團體群起譴責,呼吁美國政府公平對待五人。

2005 年8 月 9 日, Atlanta 上訴法庭三位承審法官無異議駁回佛州判決,表示「要在佛羅里達給予(不偏私的)審判,很可能并不合理,因為該小區普遍存在偏見」。但事隔剛好一年,也就是2006 年8 月9 日 Atlanta 上訴法庭推翻三位法官的見解,否認邁阿密對古巴政府存在普遍暴力與威嚇環境。該上訴法庭批準刑期,拒絕另行審判,發回案件要求三位法官更審。

聯合國獨斷拘禁工作小組 (United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)曾在 2005年5月 27日宣布美國對 Cuban Five的拘禁與審判違法。國際特赦組織( Amnesty International)表達關切,認為美國政府理當「嚴肅考慮該指控是否公正」。全球已經有 9百多位國會議員以正式提案或信件,要求美國政府釋放五人。但美國政府至今視若無睹,并拒絕五人家屬定期探訪,除納入控制,他們對外的電話與通訊也相當有限。

值此不公正持續,而美國政府信誓旦旦于反恐之際,全世界的人若知道 2007年 5 月 8日,頭號恐怖份子 Luis Posada Carriles 獲不起訴處分,自由逍遙于美國,但愛國且反恐的 Cuban Five仍身陷囹圄,必不肯靜默,太息于美國政府雙重標準一至于此。

We, the undersigned, strongly demand that U.S. President George W. Bush immediately free Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, Fernando González Llort, Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Ramón Labañino Salazar and René González Sehwerert from US prisons as they are illegally and arbitrarily held.

五人當中的René González今年十月出獄,但必須在美國境內接受監管三年。古巴及海外社團繼續要求美國讓Rene回國。其余四人仍未獲釋。


The Economist Asks

Did the "Cuban Five" receive fair jail sentences?René González, one of five Cuban spies who had infiltrated anti-Castro exile groups in Miami, was recently
from prison. The group's jail sentences ranged from 15 years to life. Do you think they were fair?Voting on this question is now closed共4901人參與:



Voting opened on Oct 11th 2011 and closed on Oct 17th 2011


October 2011 Last updated at 14:05 GMT

Convicted Cuban spy Rene Gonzalez freed from US prison

The campaign to secure the men's release has continued for years

Convicted Cuban agent Rene Gonzalez has been freed as scheduled from a Florida jail, after serving 13 years of a 15-year sentence.

Gonzalez is part of a group known as the Cuban Five, who were given long terms in 2001 in the US after being convicted of spying.

Gonzalez must now spend three years on supervised probation in the US.

Havana has demanded that he be allowed to return to the island, where the five men are considered national heroes.

Rene Gonzalez, who received the shortest sentence, is the first of the Cuban Five to be released from custody.
He had asked to be allowed to return to his family in Cuba but last month a US judge turned down the request, upholding the order that he remain in the country for a further three years.
Prosecutors opposed his return to Cuba, saying he might resume spying by taking advantage of his dual US-Cuban citizenship.

A return to Cuba would "effectively put him beyond any supervision by the court," Assistant US Attorney Caroline said in court papers, describing him as " a particular, long-term threat to this country".

Gonzalez's wife told the Associated Press she feared his life would be in danger from the Cuban exile community in the US.

His lawyer, Philip Horowitz, said they would appeal again against the requirement to stay in the US.


Gonzalez was arrested in 1998 along with Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez.

The men were found guilty in 2001 of trying to infiltrate US military installations in South Florida.

Hernandez was also convicted of conspiracy to commit murder over the shooting-down in 1996 of two planes flown by a Cuban exile group, Brothers to the Rescue.

The five, who received terms ranging from 15 years to life, have over the years made several appeals against their convictions and sentences.

The Cuban government has always said the men were not in Miami to spy on the US but to prevent anti-Castro exile groups from launching what it called "terrorist attacks" on Cuba.

The case of the Cuban Five has cast a long shadow over US-Cuba relations.

The Cuban government regularly stages demonstrations to call for the men's release.

At the same time, the US has repeatedly demanded the release of Alan Gross, who is serving a 15-year jail sentence for taking illegal satellite equipment into Cuba.

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