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djxy · 2011-02-19 · 來源:龍的天空

源鏈接:http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE71H3UZ20110219

Wisconsin persists on cuts, protests swell威斯康辛州堅持削減財政,抗議擴大

(Reuters) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker vowed to press ahead with curbs on the union bargaining rights of public workers to balance the budget even as protests swelled to an estimated 40,000 people on Friday.
(路透)即使預計周五會有四萬名示威者,威斯康辛州長Scott Walker仍然發誓推動限制政府員工工會的集體談判權,平衡財政預算。

Speaking at a press conference on the fifth consecutive day of protests against the proposed cuts, Walker said the state is broke and cannot pay its bills unless the plan is approved.

"I told the voters what I would do to get Wisconsin working again," Walker, a Republican, said of his election in 2010. "We are going to do what it takes to get this budget on track."

Republicans have majorities in both the Wisconsin Senate and the state Assembly. In a bid to scuttle the proposal, Senate Democrats fled the state on Thursday and Friday to deprive the Senate of the needed quorum for a vote.

Democrats apparently left the state because they were concerned that they would be compelled to return to the Capitol by police if they stayed in Wisconsin.

The Republicans have a quorum in the state Assembly and could pass the plan there over the weekend.

Police estimated 35,000 protesters -- many carrying signs and some wearing the cheese hats favored by fans of the Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers -- converged on the Capitol building in Madison on Friday, said Carla Vigue, a spokeswoman with the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

Vigue said another 5,000 demonstrators were packed inside the building itself.

The protests have so far been peaceful and Capitol police said there were no incidents or arrests on Friday.

But the potential for confrontation emerged when the conservative Tea Party movement, which supports deep budget cuts, announced that it would hold a rally supporting the Republicans at the Capitol on Saturday.

Drew Ryun, the president of American Majority Action, one of the conservative groups planning Saturday's demonstration, said organizers were "meeting fire with fire."
Drew Ryun是一個計劃周六舉行示威的“美國多數行動組織”的主席。他說組織者將會用火來對付火。

"We have buses coming in from all over the state," Ryun said. "We see this as the opening salvo of the 2012 election season. The Tea Party movement facing off against the unions. And we like the odds."

Wisconsin is the flashpoint for a national struggle over efforts to roll back pay and union rights of state and local government workers. If the majority Republicans in Wisconsin prevail, other states could be emboldened to take on powerful public employee unions.

The Milwaukee Public School system, which serves 85,000 students in the state's largest city, canceled all classes on Friday after nearly 630 unionized teachers called in sick.

"Every day the crowds are bigger," said Jay Heck, the executive of Common Cause Wisconsin, a non-partisan advocacy group based in Madison, said of the union protests.
“每天聚集的人群越來越大。”Jay Heck,‘威斯康辛共同事業’,一個麥迪遜的無黨派宣傳小組的執行者說。

President Barack Obama sided with the demonstrators on Thursday, calling the governor's proposal an "assault on unions." U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner criticized Obama and said he backed fellow Republican Walker.
奧巴馬總統在周四表示支持示威者,說州長的建議是”對工會的攻擊。“美國眾議院發言人John Boehner批評了奧巴馬的話并且說他支持共和黨州長Walker。

Walker's administration puts the deficit for the remainder of the current fiscal year at $137 million and for the next two fiscal years under its biannual budget at $3.3 billion.

Republicans want state workers to increase contributions to pensions to 5.8 percent of salary, and double contributions to health insurance premiums to 12.6 percent.

They also want to limit collective bargaining to the issue of wages, and cap increases to the rate of inflation, with a voter referendum needed for bigger increases.

Walker said the alternative is to layoff more than 10,000 workers.

Walker was to unveil his state budget proposal for the next two fiscal years on February 22, but on Friday his office said that speech would be put off until March 1.

U.S. state and local governments are struggling to balance budgets after the recession decimated their finances. Some states such as Wisconsin, Texas, Arizona and Ohio are relying mainly on cuts in spending to balance the books. Others such as Minnesota and Illinois are raising taxes.





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