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Jeffrey Smith · 2010-04-27 · 來源:和訊
轉基因主糧 收藏( 評論() 字體: / /

GM soy linked to sterility, infant mortality

Wednesday, 21 April 2010 20:09



faraway2010譯 http://14099853.blog.hexun.com/49023617_d.html


摘錄:“我們沒有權利使用轉基因生物,直到我們了解可能產生的不利影響,不僅對自己,而且對后代。我們一定要全面詳細地研究以澄清這一點。”- 俄羅斯生物學家Alexey V. Surov

Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality

Jeffrey Smith

Huffington Post, April 20 2010


 “這項研究只是例行公事,”俄羅斯生物學家Alexey V. Surov說,在本世紀會以掩飾的方式結束。Surov和他的同事發現,如果孟山都公司的轉基因(GM)大豆,在美國大豆田里,91%種植轉基因大豆,導致生長或繁殖問題。他的發現可能鏟除一個數十億美元的產業。





 Surov   告訴俄羅斯之聲,



Surov說:“F2 [第三代]代的低的數字顯示,許多動物不育。”






在研究結論中,作者推測,這種驚人的缺陷可能是由于實驗室倉鼠的飲食造成的。他們寫道,“該病變會因天然食品中的元素缺乏而惡化,如轉基因(GM)的成分(轉基因大豆或玉米粉)或污染物(殺蟲劑,毒枝菌素,重金屬等)。 “事實上,口中長毛的倉鼠數量在食用轉基因大豆的倉鼠的第三代中比例較高,遠遠高于Surov以前在任何地方見過的動物。


Surov警告不要過早下結論。他說,“很可能,轉基因食品本身并不導致這些影響。” Surov希望優先進行飼料成分分析,發現是什么原因造成這些影響并且如何影響。



Surov的倉鼠只是最近的動物在消費轉基因食品之后患有生殖紊亂。2005年,Irina Ermakova,也與俄羅斯國家科學院一起報告,喂養轉基因大豆的母鼠后代有超過一半的幼仔在三周內死亡。這一死亡率也是5倍于非轉基因大豆組的死亡率10%。轉基因組的幼仔也更小(見照片),無法生育。



愛荷華州中部農民Jerry Rosman飼養的豬和牛出現麻煩,變成不育。他飼養的一些豬甚至假懷孕或生下水袋。經過幾個月的調查和試驗,他終于追蹤到問題源于轉基因玉米飼料。每次報紙,雜志,或電視節目報道Jerry的問題,他將接到更多的農民的電話抱怨他們的農場的牲畜不育,與轉基因玉米有關。

貝勒醫學院的研究人員偶然發現,飼養在玉米棒子作為草墊的大鼠“既不繁殖也不展示生殖行為。”玉米材料試驗揭示兩種化合物”在濃度大約比傳統植物雌激素低兩百倍時“終止了雌鼠的性周期。一種化合物也縮減了雄鼠的性行為,這兩種物質促進乳腺癌和前列腺癌細胞的增長。研究人員發現,這些物質的數量隨轉基因玉米品種不同而變化。在貝勒醫學院用的壓碎的玉米芯很可能來自愛荷華州中部,靠近Jerry Rosman和其他的農場,這些農場抱怨牲畜不育。








Alexey Surov表示,“我們沒有權利使用轉基因生物,直到我們了解可能產生的不利影響,不僅對自己,而且對后代。我們一定要全面詳細地研究以澄清這一點。任何類型的污染必須在消費之前進行測試,轉基因食品(生物)只是其中之一。”

GM soy linked to sterility, infant mortality

Wednesday, 21 April 2010 20:09

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EXTRACT: "We have no right to use GMOs until we understand the possible adverse effects, not only to ourselves but to future generations as well. We definitely need fully detailed studies to clarify this." - Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov
Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
Jeffrey Smith
Huffington Post, April 20 2010

"This study was just routine," said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry.

After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups.

And if this isn't shocking enough, some in the third generation even had hair growing inside their mouths—a phenomenon rarely seen, but apparently more prevalent among hamsters eating GM soy.

The study, jointly conducted by Surov's Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security, is expected to be published in three months (July 2010)—so the technical details will have to wait. But Surov sketched out the basic set up for me in an email.

He used Campbell hamsters, with a fast reproduction rate, divided into 4 groups. All were fed a normal diet, but one was without any soy, another had non-GM soy, a third used GM soy, and a fourth contained higher amounts of GM soy. They used 5 pairs of hamsters per group, each of which produced 7-8 litters, totally 140 animals.

Surov told The Voice of Russia,

    "Originally, everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs' growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly."

He selected new pairs from each group, which generated another 39 litters. There were 52 pups born to the control group and 78 to the non-GM soy group. In the GM soy group, however, only 40 pups were born. And of these, 25% died. This was a fivefold higher death rate than the 5% seen among the controls. Of the hamsters that ate high GM soy content, only a single female hamster gave birth. She had 16 pups; about 20% died.

Surov said "The low numbers in F2 [third generation] showed that many animals were sterile."

The published paper will also include measurements of organ size for the third generation animals, including testes, spleen, uterus, etc. And if the team can raise sufficient funds, they will also analyze hormone levels in collected blood samples.

Hair Growing in the Mouth

Earlier this year, Surov co-authored a paper in Doklady Biological Sciences showing that in rare instances, hair grows inside recessed pouches in the mouths of hamsters.

"Some of these pouches contained single hairs; others, thick bundles of colorless or pigmented hairs reaching as high as the chewing surface of the teeth. Sometimes, the tooth row was surrounded with a regular brush of hair bundles on both sides. The hairs grew vertically and had sharp ends, often covered with lumps of a mucous."

(The photos of these hair bundles are truly disgusting. Trust me, or look for yourself.)

At the conclusion of the study, the authors surmise that such an astounding defect may be due to the diet of hamsters raised in the laboratory. They write, "This pathology may be exacerbated by elements of the food that are absent in natural food, such as genetically modified (GM) ingredients (GM soybean or maize meal) or contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals, etc.)." Indeed, the number of hairy mouthed hamsters was much higher among the third generation of GM soy fed animals than anywhere Surov had seen before.

Preliminary, but Ominous

Surov warns against jumping to early conclusions. He said, "It is quite possible that the GMO does not cause these effects by itself." Surov wants to make the analysis of the feed components a priority, to discover just what is causing the effect and how.

In addition to the GMOs, it could be contaminants, he said, or higher herbicide residues, such as Roundup. There is in fact much higher levels of Roundup on these beans; they're called "Roundup Ready." Bacterial genes are forced into their DNA so that the plants can tolerate Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Therefore, GM soy always carries the double threat of higher herbicide content, couple with any side effects of genetic engineering.

Years of Reproductive Disorders from GMO-Feed

Surov's hamsters are just the latest animals to suffer from reproductive disorders after consuming GMOs. In 2005, Irina Ermakova, also with the Russian National Academy of Sciences, reported that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. This was also five times higher than the 10% death rate of the non-GMO soy group. The babies in the GM group were also smaller (see photo) and could not reproduce.

In a telling coincidence, after Ermakova's feeding trials, her laboratory started feeding all the rats in the facility a commercial rat chow using GM soy. Within two months, the infant mortality facility-wide reached 55%.

When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue! Italian scientists similarly found changes in mice testes (PDF), including damaged young sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of embryos from parent mice fed GM soy functioned differently.

An Austrian government study published in November 2008 showed that the more GM corn was fed to mice, the fewer the babies they had (PDF), and the smaller the babies were.

Central Iowa Farmer Jerry Rosman also had trouble with pigs and cows becoming sterile. Some of his pigs even had false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water. After months of investigations and testing, he finally traced the problem to GM corn feed. Every time a newspaper, magazine, or TV show reported Jerry's problems, he would receive calls from more farmers complaining of livestock sterility on their farm, linked to GM corn.

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine accidentally discovered that rats raised on corncob bedding "neither breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior." Tests on the corn material revealed two compounds that stopped the sexual cycle in females "at concentrations approximately two-hundredfold lower than classical phytoestrogens." One compound also curtailed male sexual behavior and both substances contributed to the growth of breast and prostate cancer cell cultures. Researchers found that the amount of the substances varied with GM corn varieties. The crushed corncob used at Baylor was likely shipped from central Iowa, near the farm of Jerry Rosman and others complaining of sterile livestock.

In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo consuming GM cottonseed suffer from infertility, as well as frequent abortions, premature deliveries, and prolapsed uteruses. Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously.

Denial, Attack and Canceled Follow-up

Scientists who discover adverse findings from GMOs are regularly attacked, ridiculed, denied funding, and even fired. When Ermakova reported the high infant mortality among GM soy fed offspring, for example, she appealed to the scientific community to repeat and verify her preliminary results. She also sought additional funds to analyze preserved organs. Instead, she was attacked and vilified. Samples were stolen from her lab, papers were burnt on her desk, and she said that her boss, under pressure from his boss, told her to stop doing any more GMO research. No one has yet repeated Ermakova's simple, inexpensive studies.

In an attempt to offer her sympathy, one of her colleagues suggested that maybe the GM soy will solve the over population problem!

Surov reports that so far, he has not been under any pressure.

Opting Out of the Massive GMO Feeding Experiment

Without detailed tests, no one can pinpoint exactly what is causing the reproductive travesties in Russian hamsters and rats, Italian and Austrian mice, and livestock in India and America. And we can only speculate about the relationship between the introduction of genetically modified foods in 1996, and the corresponding upsurge in low birth weight babies, infertility, and other problems among the US population. But many scientists, physicians, and concerned citizens don't think that the public should remain the lab animals for the biotech industry's massive uncontrolled experiment.

Alexey Surov says, "We have no right to use GMOs until we understand the possible adverse effects, not only to ourselves but to future generations as well. We definitely need fully detailed studies to clarify this. Any type of contamination has to be tested before we consume it, and GMO is just one of them."

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