2008年,三川大震,舉國悲痛,美國女演員薩朗·斯通(Sharon Stone)幸災樂禍,公然聲稱這次傷亡慘重的地震是“報應”:
Stone, 50, who was speaking to reporters at the Cannes film festival, criticised the Chinese government's actions in Tibet and directly linked them to the disaster: "I've been concerned about how should we deal with the Olympics, because they are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine," she said. "And then all this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and I thought, is that karma - when you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?"
某些華人偽自由主義者乘機拋出了“普世價值”這樣一個缺乏學術依據,沒有意涵界定的杜撰概念,由于投合了災難過后部分國人的宗教情感需求,并配合了美國利用經濟、軍事實力,在意識形態領域咄咄逼人,從而提高美國政治實力的“巧實力”(smart power)外交戰略,因而風行一時。
“普世價值”氣焰熏天,是歐美操縱中國事務的有力工具,但也逼迫國人努力求索近代以來西方文明致勝的關鍵所在。魯迅從日本“拿來”了“中國劣根性”(the inferiority of the Chinese),其文章經官方提倡,充斥教材,很多要求背誦。教師講解,累得口角流沫;學生筆錄,累得手肘生胝。六十年光陰過去了,所謂的國民性格不但全然沒有得到“療救”,反而變本加厲,愈演愈烈。這一“魯迅悖論”雄辯地證明,晚清以來的學人們由反思“器物層”,進而反思“制度層”,直到反思“文化層”,實屬妄自菲薄,自殘自虐。
偉大的歷史學家斯塔夫里阿諾斯(Stavrianos)把近代以來歐洲政治革命的思想成果概括為自由主義(liberalism)、社會主義(socialism)和民族主義(nationalism)。由于這三種主義成效卓著,因而成為事實上的普世價值(universal values)。
These three creeds -- liberalism, socialism, and nationalism -- are the principal components of Europe's political revolution. Together they galvanized into action broader and broader strata of the peoples of Europe, giving them a dynamism and a cohesiveness unequaled in any other portion of the globe. In this way the political revolution, like the scientific and the economic revolutions, contributed vitally to Europe's world domination. When the Europeans began to expand overseas, they encountered societies where there was little rapport between rulers and ruled. The apathy of the masses -- their lack of identification with their governments -- explains why in region after region the Europeans were able to establish and to maintain their rule with little difficulty.
“民族國家”較之“階級國家”和“帝國”,是更穩定的常態。哈佛大學約翰·肯尼迪政治學院教授斯蒂芬·沃爾特(Stephen M. Walt)解釋道:
在民族國家中,政權成為“公權力”,滿足了民族全體自發的秩序需求。邁克爾·曼(Michael Mann)寫道:
In pursuit of their goals, humans enter into cooperative, collective power relations with one another. But in implementing collective goals, social organization and a division of labor are set up. Organization and division of function carry an inherent tendency to distributive power, deriving from supervision and coordination. For the division of labor is deceptive: Although it involves specialization of function at all levels, the top overlooks and directs the whole. Those who occupy supervisory and coordinating positions have an immense organizational superiority over the others. The interaction and communication networks actually center on their function, as can be seen easily enough in the organization chart possessed by every modern firm. The chart allows superiors to control the entire organization, and it prevents those at the bottom from sharing in this control. It enables those at the top to set in motion machinery for implementing collective goals. Though anyone can refuse to obey, opportunities are probably lacking for establishing alternative machinery for implementing their goals.
[例一,春秋衛國]冬十二月,狄人伐衛。衛懿公好鶴,鶴有乘軒者。將戰,國人受甲者皆曰:“使鶴,鶴實有祿位,余焉能戰!” (左傳•閔公二年,最后衛國兵敗國“滅”。)
During the early medieva1 period, there were three well-defined social groups in western Europe: the nobility, who constituted a military aristocracy; the clergy, who formed an ecclesiastical and intellectual elite; and the peasants, who labored to support the two upper classes. With the development of commerce, the profile of the medieva1 social order began gradually to change with the appearance of a new element, the urban bourgeoisie. As this class grew in wealth and numbers, it became more and more discontented with the special privileges of the feudal orders and with the numerous restrictions that hampered the development of a free-market economy. Accordingly, the bourgeoisie made a mutually beneficial alliance with the national monarchies. The kings obtained financial support from the bourgeoisie and so were able to assert their authority over the feudal orders. The bourgeoisie in return profited from the establishment of law and order throughout the royal domains. The alliance lasted until it became irksome for the constantly growing middle class. Then the middle class turned against the kings to free itself from royal restrictions on commerce, from a growing burden of taxation, and from restraints on religious freedom. These objectives were important factors in the English, American, and French revolutions. The success of these revolutions also meant the success of classical liberalism -- the new ideology that provided a rationalization for bourgeois interests and objectives. In this sense, liberalism may be defined as the particular program by which the growing middle class proposed to get for itself the benefits and control it was aiming for.
中國農耕帝國消解于晚清的太平天國戰爭,為了在四海鼎沸、八國交侵的險惡局面中重建秩序,極權主義成為中國的必然選擇。只有極權主義,才能以戰去戰,整合松懈渙散的中國百姓;只有權權主義,才能以毒攻毒,遏制侵略俘獲的狼子野心。極權主義不僅僅是獨裁,更是獨裁者對軍事權力、政治權力、經濟權力、意識形態權力的全方位掌握;極權主義在大陸徹底鏟除了本不壯大的資產階級。因而,中國的自由主義,當前存在著主體缺失的痼疾,其持有者多為知識分子。中國知識分子,沒有經過近代經濟革命、科技革命和政治革命的洗禮,其思想作風類似于農耕帝國的古典“士大夫”:“四民之中,各有生計,農工自食其力者也,商賈各以其贏以易食者也,士亦挾其長傭書授徒以易食者也。”(《生計篇》,洪亮吉)也類似于歐洲“構成教會和知識顯貴集團的教士”(the clergy, who formed an ecclesiastical and intellectual elite)。
甚至華盛頓的耐心也有限度。但是,由于地方的自大勢難克服,他便學著同這種情緒共處,并設法在共同的事業中利用它。華盛頓在1776年底寫道:“自從我從事軍務以來,我一直努力削弱各種地方情感和地區(即州)差別,用美利堅這個更大的名字統稱一切。但我發現要克服偏見是不可能的。在新的建制下,我看最好是激起一種競爭的情緒。為此,最好由各州提出——雖然不是任命——各州旅長的人選。”1780年,他答復大陸會議就晉升和軍階問題提出的質詢時說:“在任何情況下,如果我們的軍隊是一支軍隊或十三支聯合起來共同防御的軍隊,那末解決你們的問題就沒有困難。可是我們僅僅偶爾是這樣。如果我說我們有時既不是一支軍隊也不是十三支軍隊,而是兩者的棍合,我想也不會有多大的錯誤。” (美國人——殖民地歷程,丹尼爾·J·布爾斯廷,上海譯文出版社,1997)
Even Washington''s patience wore thin; but since local prides were not to be overcome, he learned to live with them and somehow to harness them in the common cause. "I have labored, ever since I have been in the service," Washington wrote at the end of 1776, "to discourage all kinds of local attachments and distinctions of country [i.e. of State], denominating the whole by the greater name of American, but I have found it impossible to overcome prejudices; and, under the new establishment, I conceive it best to stir up an emulation; in order to do which would it not be better for each State to furnish, though not to appoint, their own brigadiers?" In 1780, to the inquiries of the Congress about his problems of promotion and rank, he replied: "If in all cases ours was one army, or thirteen armies allied for the common defence, there would be no difficulty in solving your question; but we are occasionally both, and I should not be much out if I were to say, that we are sometimes neither, but a compound of both" (The American The Colonial Experience, Daniel J Boorstin)
Short-term enlistments (sometimes for as little as three months) expressed both the widespread fear of a professional standing army and the assumption that an army would be superfluous the day after the war was won. Washington repeatedly complained that this was the core of his problem. For example, in a circular (Oct. 18, 1780) to the several States from his headquarters near Passaic, he said:
I am religiously persuaded that the duration of the war, and the greatest part of the Misfortunes, and perplexities we have hitherto experienced, are chiefly to be attributed to temporary inlistments. ... A moderate, compact force, on a permanent establishment capable of acquiring the discipline essential to military operations, would have been able to make head against the Enemy, without comparison better than the throngs of Militia, which have been at certain periods not in the feild, but on their way to, and from the feild: for from that want of perseverance which characterises all Militia, and of that coercion which cannot be exercised upon them it has always been found impracticable to detain the greatest part of them in service even for the term, for which they have been called out; and this has been commonly so short, that we have had a great proportion of the time, two sets of men to feed and pay, one coming to the Army, and the other going from it. (The American The Colonial Experience, Daniel J Boorstin)
“諾貝爾經濟學獎”,2006年至今其全稱是“瑞典國家銀行紀念阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾經濟學獎”(The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)此獎項并不屬于諾貝爾遺囑中所提到的五大獎勵領域之一,而是由瑞典國家銀行在1968年為紀念諾貝爾而增設的。由于獲獎者普遍具有反社會主義、反民族主義傾向,也由于經濟學并非科學,所以該獎項始終飽受批評和質疑。諾貝爾侄孫彼得·諾貝爾稱其為“占諾貝爾之巢的布谷鳥”:“The Bank of Sweden, which set up this prize, is like a cuckoo that laid its egg in the nest of another decent bird, the Nobel Prize.”(http://www.hazelhenderson.com/editorials/cuckoos_egg_in_nobel_prize_nest.html)
Adam Smith, the father of economics and the patron saint of
The middle class, with its creed of liberalism, was challenged in turn by the urban workers, or proletariat. With the industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century, the workers in the crowded cities became increasingly class conscious. More and more they felt that their interests were not identical to those of their employers, and that their situation could be improved only by combined action on their part. So the workers, or rather the intellectuals who led them, developed a new ideology, socialism. Socialism directly challenged the liberalism of the bourgeoisie, calling for social and economic change as well as for political reform. We shall see that socialism was to become a major force in European affairs in the late nineteenth century and in world affairs in the twentieth.
Cutting jobs may increase productivity in the short run, but may have negative long-term consequences. Having fewer workers means increased work intensity, which makes workers tired and more prone to mistakes, lowering product quality and thus a company’s reputation. More importantly, the heightened insecurity, coming from the constant threat of job cuts, discourages workers from investing in acquiring company-specific skills, eroding the company’s productive potential.
...they just need to sell their shares, if necessary at a slight loss, as long as they are smart enough not to stick to a lost cause for too long. In contrast, it is more difficult for other stakeholders, such as workers and suppliers, to exit the company and find another engagement, because they are likely to have accumulated skills and capital equipment (in the case of the suppliers) that are specific to the companies they do business with. Therefore, they have a greater stake in the long-run viability of the company than most shareholders.
足下又云:“漢與功臣不薄。”子為漢臣,安得不云爾乎!昔蕭、樊囚縶,韓、彭菹醢,晁錯受戮,周、魏見辜,其余佐命立功之士,賈誼、亞夫之徒,皆信命世之才,抱將相之具,而受小人之讒,并受禍敗之辱,卒使懷才受謗,能不得展。彼二子之遐舉,誰不為之痛心哉!陵先將軍,功略蓋天地,義勇冠三軍,徒失貴臣之意,剄身絕域之表,此功臣義士所以負戟而長嘆者也。何謂不薄哉! (傳《李陵答蘇武書》)
India is perhaps the leading example of the extent to which lack of rapport between rulers and ruled made societies vulnerable. India was a society that had remained a disparate collection of peoples, religions, and conflicting provincial loyalties, and so it was easy prey. For over a century and a half, the great Indian subcontinent, with its teeming millions, its splendid civilization, and its ancient historical traditions, was ruled with little difficulty by a comparative handful of British officers and officials. When the mutiny against British rule broke out in 1857, it was put down not only by British troops, but also by Indian troops. The correspondent of the London Times reported this fact with astonishment: "I looked with ever-growing wonder on the vast tributary of the tide of war which was running around and before me. All these men, women and children, with high delight were pouring towards Lucknow to aid the Feringhee [Europeans] to overcome their brethren."
中國的某些學人,民族主義淡薄,毫無是非觀念。例如,1637年,約翰·威德爾(John Weddell)船隊闖入珠江口,搶占虎門要塞,殘殺大明臣民,“端木賜香”在《那一次,我們挨打了:中英第一次鴉片戰爭全景解讀》書中敘述此事,全用欽慕語氣,并且評論道:“英國人把中國當西施了,自是不錯,但中國人從未把英國人看作是范蠡。相反,他們把英國人看作是紅毛鬼了。英國如此摸中國,感覺是在向它表示自己的好感;中國如此被摸,感覺對方是在向自己耍流氓。雙方的認識與感覺,絕不在一個層面上!”該書談英則贊媚,述華必嘲辱,淺薄輕浮,顛倒黑白,令人不忍卒讀。
能彼特最簡民主定義認為,民主乃定期的公推直選。亨廷頓認為,民主只是政治擴大化的一種現象,而不具有元價值。如果政治參與過甚,甚至可能導致內潰。事實上,美國的立國基礎是自由主義而非民主主義,美國的開國元勛,大多對民主頗有微辭。美國第二任總統約翰·亞當斯(John Adams)在1797年就職演說中說道:
In the midst of these pleasing ideas we should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections. If an election is to be determined by a majority of a single vote, and that can be procured by a party through artifice or corruption, the Government may be the choice of a party for its own ends, not of the nation for the national good. If that solitary suffrage can be obtained by foreign nations by flattery or menaces, by fraud or violence, by terror, intrigue, or venality, the Government may not be the choice of the American people, but of foreign nations. It may be foreign nations who govern us, and not we, the people, who govern ourselves; and candid men will acknowledge that in such cases choice would have little advantage to boast of over lot or chance.
Europe's Political Revolutions
When individuals and nations have once got in their heads the abstract concept of full-blown liberty, there is nothing like it in its uncontrollable strength. G. W. F. Hegel
Europe's domination of the world in the nineteenth century was based not only on its industrial and scientific revolutions but also on its political revolution. The essence of the political revolution was the end of the concept of a divinely ordained division of people into rulers and ruled. Government was no longer regarded as something above the people and the people as something below the government. Instead, the political revolution for the first time in history, at least on a scale larger than the city-state, called for the identification of government with people. The masses were awakened and activized so that they not only participated in government but also considered it their inherent right to do so. In this chapter we shall consider the general pattern of this political revolution, its origins in the English, American, and French revolutions, and its varied manifestations and worldwide impact during the nineteenth century.
The political revolution, like the economic, developed in several stages. We noted that the economic revolution began in England, spread to the Continent and to the United States, and later to other parts of the globe. Likewise, the political revolution got under way with the English Revolution in the seventeenth century, developed much further with the American and French revolutions that followed, next affected the whole of Europe during the nineteenth century, and finally engulfed the entire globe during the twentieth.
The parallel course in the spread of the two revolutions was not accidental; indeed, the two were intimately related. The economic revolution was in large degree responsible for the political because it created new classes with new interests and with new ideologies that rationalized those interests. We will see this more clearly as we trace briefly the general course of the economic and political revolutions.
During the early medieva1 period, there were three well-defined social groups in western Europe: the nobility, who constituted a military aristocracy; the clergy, who formed an ecclesiastical and intellectual elite; and the peasants, who labored to support the two upper classes. With the development of commerce, the profile of the medieva1 social order began gradually to change with the appearance of a new element, the urban bourgeoisie. As this class grew in wealth and numbers, it became more and more discontented with the special privileges of the feudal orders and with the numerous restrictions that hampered the development of a free-market economy. Accordingly, the bourgeoisie made a mutually beneficial alliance with the national monarchies. The kings obtained financial support from the bourgeoisie and so were able to assert their authority over the feudal orders. The bourgeoisie in return profited from the establishment of law and order throughout the royal domains. The alliance lasted until it became irksome for the constantly growing middle class. Then the middle class turned against the kings to free itself from royal restrictions on commerce, from a growing burden of taxation, and from restraints on religious freedom. These objectives were important factors in the English, American, and French revolutions. The success of these revolutions also meant the success of classical liberalism -- the new ideology that provided a rationalization for bourgeois interests and objectives. In this sense, liberalism may be defined as the particular program by which the growing middle class proposed to get for itself the benefits and control it was aiming for.
The middle class, with its creed of liberalism, was challenged in turn by the urban workers, or proletariat. With the industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century, the workers in the crowded cities became increasingly class conscious. More and more they felt that their interests were not identical to those of their employers, and that their situation could be improved only by combined action on their part. So the workers, or rather the intellectuals who led them, developed a new ideology, socialism. Socialism directly challenged the liberalism of the bourgeoisie, calling for social and economic change as well as for political reform. We shall see that socialism was to become a major force in European affairs in the late nineteenth century and in world affairs in the twentieth.
Europe's political revolution was powered not only by the dynamic creeds of liberalism and socialism, but also by nationalism -- an ideology that cut across classes and activated great masses of people. Traditionally the first allegiance of these people had been to region or to church. In early modern times it had extended to the new national monarchs. But beginning with the English Revolution, and particularly during the French Revolution, increasing numbers of Europeans gave their loyalty to the new cause of the nation. The rise of national churches, national dynasties, national armies, and national educational systems all combined to transform former ducal subjects, feudal serfs, and town burghers into all-inclusive nations. The new national ideology spread during the nineteenth century from western Europe, where it originated, to all parts of the Continent. Today, in the twentieth century, it is the driving force behind the awakening of formerly subject colonial peoples throughout the world.
These three creeds -- liberalism, socialism, and nationalism -- are the principal components of Europe's political revolution. Together they galvanized into action broader and broader strata of the peoples of Europe, giving them a dynamism and a cohesiveness unequaled in any other portion of the globe. In this way the political revolution, like the scientific and the economic revolutions, contributed vitally to Europe's world domination. When the Europeans began to expand overseas, they encountered societies where there was little rapport between rulers and ruled. The apathy of the masses -- their lack of identification with their governments -- explains why in region after region the Europeans were able to establish and to maintain their rule with little difficulty. India is perhaps the leading example of the extent to which lack of rapport between rulers and ruled made societies vulnerable. India was a society that had remained a disparate collection of peoples, religions, and conflicting provincial loyalties, and so it was easy prey. For over a century and a half, the great Indian subcontinent, with its teeming millions, its splendid civilization, and its ancient historical traditions, was ruled with little difficulty by a comparative handful of British officers and officials. When the mutiny against British rule broke out in 1857, it was put down not only by British troops, but also by Indian troops. The correspondent of the London Times reported this fact with astonishment: "I looked with ever-growing wonder on the vast tributary of the tide of war which was running around and before me. All these men, women and children, with high delight were pouring towards Lucknow to aid the Feringhee [Europeans] to overcome their brethren."
But European political and economic domination inevitably meant the diffusion of European political ideas. Just as the entire globe felt the impact of Stephenson's locomotive, of Fulton's steamship, and Gatling's machine gun, so it felt the impact of the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, and the Communist Manifesto. The worldwide convulsions that are the hallmark of our present age are the direct outcome of these heady documents.
【美國《外交政策》雙月刊網站7月15日文章】題:民族主義一統天下(作者 哈佛大學約翰·肯尼迪政治學院教授斯蒂芬·沃爾特)
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