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Lindsey German and&n · 2011-10-09 · 來源:衛報
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Lindsey German是英國反戰組織Stop the War Coalition的召集人和左翼運動活躍份子。她撰寫過兩本關于婦女解放的書《物質女孩:女性、男性和工作》(Material girls: Women, men and work,2007)和《性、階級和社會主義》(Sex, class and socialism,1998)。

Nina Power是英國哲學家、作家和學者。她是羅漢普頓大學哲學系高級講師。2009年她出版的《單維度的女性》(One Dimensional Woman)。兩人都持社會主義女性主義(socialist feminism)的觀點。



張光明 譯

梁佩雯 校對

    1975年為紀念國際婦女節,女性主義雜志《Spare Rib》曾發表了《4000女性向倫敦東區游行》的文章,照片為游行現場的女性。



    這樣母親既要在外面全職地工作,還要承擔購買居家用品、喂養和照看孩子等責任,為此很多母親不得不經常長途奔走,甚至要輪班工作。五十年代的男性對女性的要求很單一,要么有個好相貌,或是有個好腦筋;但現在既要求女性相貌好、能力高,還要求烹飪水平能達到“誰來掌廚”(Come Dine With Me,)節目的程度,更要能夠全身心地教養好孩子。




    今天藉此國際婦女節之際,我們呼吁要繼續爭取女性解放,這事業必須與爭取人類解放的運動、爭取勞動者能自主其勞動成果的解放運動相結合。也就是說女性和男性都要為了解放而斗爭。不通過斗爭,我們是不可能贏得勝利,因為有太多的利益集團在阻撓我們。我們已經看到越來越多的人開始參與反氣候變遷、反戰、反對不平等和爭取女性解放的運動中來。有見及此,我們特此發表一項 21 世紀的女權運動宣言,呼吁大家為實現真正的平等而奮斗!


Recommit to women’s liberation

On International Women’s Day we launch a manifesto for 21st-century feminism

Lindsey German and Nina Power


8 March 2010

Marking International Womens Day 1975, the feminist magazine Spare Rib reported: ’4,000 women marched through London’s East End.’ Photograph: Red Women’s Workshop

Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of International Women’s Day. First agreed at a socialist women’s conference in Copenhagen in 1910, its aim was to campaign for the rights of working women. Today, the lives of women have changed beyond recognition compared with those of their grandmothers and great grandmothers. But the changes in work and personal life have been distorted by the needs of the market and have fallen far short of women’s liberation.

The experience of work has been challenging and invigorating for a few, but for most women in the shops, offices, call centres and factories of 21st-century Britain it has been more likely to represent long hours, constant pressure, and growing attempts to squeeze more productivity and profit out of them. The big increase in the numbers of women working (more than 12 million today) has come from working mothers. But there has been no similar change in how the family and childcare have been organised.

So while mothers work outside the home, often full-time, they are also often expected to shoulder the needs of shopping, feeding and caring for their children. This is on top of sometimes long journeys to work, and of the demands of shift work for many. Whereas the old sexist dichotomy of the 50s was that women could either have looks or brains, now we are expected to have both, plus cooking skills at least to the level of Come Dine With Me, and an all-seeing eye to ensure that children behave at all times.

Women are expected to juggle all aspects of their lives and are blamed as individuals for any failing in their work or family life. The only people who can begin to succeed in doing this are those who can afford to pay others (usually women) to carry out some or all of these tasks. So an army of working-class women cook, clean, care for children, do ironing and washing, work in supermarkets, wait in restaurants, perform personal services, all to ensure the easier life of those women who “have it all”. Often in the process they neglect their own families to do so.

The way in which women’s working lives are portrayed reflects this. There is much talk of glass ceilings, but little about those women who are falling into the basement, struggling to work and maintain families on poverty wages. The life experiences of women (and men) are radically different, with a small minority sharing in the profits made by working-class men and women.

Alongside work has come increased sexualisation of society – now greeted with horror by respectable middle-class opinion, but much encouraged by advertising, the media and the profit motive itself, where porn and lap dancing are now big business. The other side of this sexualisation is the continuing high levels of rape, domestic violence and sexual abuse. We are still a very long way from women controlling their own lives and sexuality.

This International Women’s Day we should recommit to a women’s liberation which is connected to a wider movement for human emancipation and for working people to control the wealth they produce. That’s why women and men have to fight for liberation. We won’t win without a fight, because there are many vested interests who want to stop us. But more and more people are beginning to connect campaigning over climate change, war and inequality with fighting for women’s liberation. That’s why we are launching a manifesto for 21st-century feminism to begin to organise for real equality.

international women's day 1975

「 支持烏有之鄉!」



聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:利永貞






  • 兩日熱點
  • 一周熱點
  • 一月熱點
  • 心情
  1. “當年明月”的病:其實是中國人的通病
  2. 為什么說莫言諾獎是個假貨?
  3. 何滌宙:一位長征功臣的歷史湮沒之謎
  4. 元龍||美國欲吞并加拿大,打臉中國親美派!
  5. 張勤德|廣大民眾在“總危機爆發期”的新覺醒 ——試答多位好友尖銳和有價值的提問
  6. 為什么“專家”和“教授”們越來越臭不要臉了?!
  7. 俄羅斯停供歐洲天然氣,中國的機會來了?
  8. 華東某地方農村調研總結
  9. 哪些人不敢承認階級斗爭的客觀存在?
  10. ?齡勞動者:延遲退休、社保困境與超齡壓?
  1. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
  2. “深水區”背后的階級較量,撕裂利益集團!
  3. 大蕭條的時代特征:歷史在重演
  4. 央媒的反腐片的確“驚艷”,可有誰想看續集?
  5. 瘋狂從老百姓口袋里掏錢,發現的時候已經怨聲載道了!
  6. 到底誰“封建”?
  7. 該來的還是來了,潤美殖人被遣返,資產被沒收,美吹群秒變美帝批判大會
  8. 掩耳盜鈴及其他
  9. 兩個草包經濟學家:向松祚、許小年
  10. “中國人喜歡解放軍嗎?”國外社媒上的國人留言,差點給我看哭了
  1. 北京景山紅歌會隆重紀念毛主席逝世48周年
  2. 元龍:不換思想就換人?貪官頻出亂乾坤!
  3. 遼寧王忠新:必須直面“先富論”的“十大痛點”
  4. 劉教授的問題在哪
  5. 季羨林到底是什么樣的人
  6. 十一屆三中全會公報認為“顛倒歷史”的“右傾翻案風”,是否存在?
  7. 歷數阿薩德罪狀,觸目驚心!
  8. 歐洲金靴|《我是刑警》是一部紀錄片
  9. 我們還等什么?
  10. 只有李先念有理由有資格這樣發問!
  1. 毛主席掃黃,雷厲風行!北京所有妓院一夜徹底關閉!
  2. 劍云撥霧|韓國人民正在創造人類歷史
  3. 孔慶東|做毛主席的好戰士,敢于戰斗,善于戰斗——紀念毛主席誕辰131年韶山講話
  4. 王忠新:清除內奸遠遠難于戰勝外敵——蘇聯“肅反運動”功不可沒
  5. 重慶龍門浩寒風中的農民工:他們活該被剝削受凍、小心翼翼不好意思嗎?
  6. 央媒的反腐片的確“驚艷”,可有誰想看續集?