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掃除一切害人蟲 · 2011-10-04 · 來源:烏有之鄉
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為給世界大眾民主革命運動略盡微薄之力,本人除實名支持外,現將剛剛看到的美國正規網站official website for Revolution上的一篇新聞報道譯出以饗大家。翻譯不當之處,敬請方家指正。  



  12,000 Prisoners Resume Hunger Strike in California    

一場非常正義、非常重要和勇敢的斗爭正在加利福尼亞州的州立監獄迅速展開,并擴大。 9月26日,在Pelican Bay State Prison in the Security Housing Unit (SHU)州立監獄的囚犯再度開始絕食,以反擊加州監獄當局(CDCR)和其他州級官員(包括州長Jerry Brown)對于囚犯七月絕食的惡意造謠攻擊和報復。 囚犯們曾經在7月1日至 7月20日期間絕食,要求結束他們所面臨的恐怖的非人待遇。 監獄當局承認,從9月26日(星期一)起,截至9月29日,4252名在8所州立監獄的犯人已經連續九頓飯停止了進食,(以下為8所監獄名稱)。 (監獄當局CDCR計算絕食人數的方法是從某名囚犯連續九頓餐拒絕進食算起。)  

A very just, very significant and courageous battle is rapidly spreading in California’s state prisons—and beyond. On September 26, prisoners at Pelican Bay State Prison in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) resumed their hunger strike—in the face of vicious lies and attacks and retaliation by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and other state officials, including Governor Jerry Brown. They had been on a hunger strike from July 1-July 20, demanding an end to the horrifically inhuman conditions they face. On September 29, the CDCR admitted that 4,252 inmates in eight state prisons had missed nine consecutive meals since Monday, September 26, and that state prisons at Calipatria, Centinela, Ironwood, Pelican Bay, San Quentin, and Salinas Valley, as well as the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and state prison at Corcoran, had all reported inmates on hunger strike. (The CDCR won’t count a prisoner as being on hunger strike until he or she has refused nine straight meals.)  

事實證明這些官方的數字,大大低估了囚犯絕食的人數。 10月1日,“囚徒絕食抗議團結會”的網站報道,“聯邦政府收到的數據顯示,9月28日,近12000囚犯絕食,包括在亞利桑那州,密西西比州和俄克拉荷馬州安置的加州囚犯。”(該網站補充說,“絕食代表曾表示,這將是一個滾動輪流的絕食斗爭,期間容許囚徒中斷絕食以恢復體力。正因為如此,數字很可能會在整個絕食期間波動”。)  

These officials figures, it turns out, underestimated the number of prisoner hunger strikers. On October 1, Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity’s website reported, “Numbers released by the federal receiver’s office show that on September 28, nearly 12,000 prisoners were on hunger strike, including California prisoners who are housed in out-of-state prisons in  Arizona, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.” (The website adds, “Representatives of the hunger strikers have previously stated that this will be a rolling strike, allowing prisoners to come off strike to regain strength. Because of this, numbers will likely fluctuate throughout the duration of the strike.”)  

7月份的長達三個星期的絕食,有超過6500名囚犯參加了。當時監獄官員承諾,他們會滿足囚犯的一些要求并研究囚犯提出的主要問題,于是,Pelican Bay的囚犯于7月20日中止了絕食。然而到9月份,囚犯們在一份書面聲明中說,這些承諾并沒有兌現:“我們無限期地被押在單人監房內,被剝奪了基本人權,這是非法的政策和做法,我們實際是在受到酷刑折磨,也折磨了我們在外面的家人和友人。CDCR仍然拒絕改變,并繼續傳播謊言,以非人化/妖魔化我們,……”  

More than 6,500 prisoners joined the three-week hunger strike in July.  Prisoners at Pelican Bay suspended the strike on July 20 after prison officials promised they would meet some of the prisoners’ demands and address the main issues prisoners were raising. Then in September, prisoners wrote a statement saying these promises had not been kept: “We remain in SHU indefinitely, deprived of our basic human rights—based on illegal policies and practices, that amount to torture; torture of us, as well as our family members and loved ones on the outside. CDCR remains in denial, and continues to propagate the lies re: ‘worst-of-the-worst’ 3000 gang generals, etc.—in order to dehumanize/demonize us,” (Go to revcom.us/s/pelicanbay-hungerstrike-en.html for extensive coverage of the July hunger strike.)  

這些囚犯現在再次不顧生命危險,要求被當作人類對待,要求CDCR結束整個加州監獄的野蠻的、不人道的監禁狀況,特別是在“Security Housing Units”即SHUs(就是“小號監牢”)。在那里,數以千計的囚犯被隔離閉鎖、單獨監禁在沒有窗戶的小囚室里,7.6英尺寬,11.6英尺長,終年累月每天22小時以上不得與任何人接觸。

僅僅在Pelican Bay 一所監獄內,就有1111名囚犯被隔離禁閉在 SHU(單人監房)內,而且平均閉鎖期竟長達6.8年! 超過500人被禁閉10年以上;78人竟然已經被禁閉20年以上了。

These prisoners are now putting their lives on the line again, demanding to be treated as human beings—demanding that the CDCR end the barbaric, inhumane conditions of imprisonment throughout California prisons, particularly in the “Security Housing Units” or SHUs. There, thousands of prisoners are locked in solitary confinement in windowless cells, 7.6 feet by 11.6 feet, for 22 hours or more a day for years, denied human contact.

      There are 1,111 inmates confined to the SHU at Pelican Bay alone, where the average length of confinement is 6.8 years. More than 500 prisoners have been in the Pelican Bay SHU for more than 10 years; 78 have been in the SHU for more than 20 years!  








Vicious Retaliation Against Hunger Strikers   

Prison officials were deeply shaken by the breadth and strength of the July 1-20 hunger strike. This courageous action brought to light the horrific conditions of solitary confinement—amounting to torture—and there was broad support for the prisoners’ just demands.

監獄官員對于7月1-20日絕食的廣度和強度深感震驚。 因為這種勇敢的行動揭露了獄方單獨隔離囚禁的可怕狀況——等同于酷刑。而且囚犯的正義要求得到了廣泛支持。

在囚犯宣布將再度絕食后,監獄當局發出了兩個公告給165,000囚犯,警告他們不要行動,聲稱獄方正在做出改變。 戒律警告也發給了成千上萬的絕食者。 一些絕食行動的支持者報告說,許多人失去了工作,作為對其支持7月絕食的懲罰。一些人收到了戒律懲罰通知書,一些參與談判的囚犯被單獨挑選出來,威脅要轉移監押,監舍也受到強制搜查。

獄方負責人Matthew Cate在9月27日受到伯克利的KPFA電臺采訪時說,“我們不容許媒體接近絕食囚犯。”   

After prisoners announced the strike would be resumed, prison authorities issued two memos to 165,000 prisoners—warning them against going on strike, claiming they were making changes. Disciplinary warnings were issued to thousands of hunger strikers. Supporters of the strikers report that a number of prisoners lost their jobs as punishment for supporting the strike in July, that some received punitive disciplinary write-ups, and some prisoner negotiators were being singled out and threatened with transfers and subjected to cell searches.  

Matthew Cate, Secretary of CDCR, interviewed by Berkeley’s KPFA radio on September 27, said that the media are not allowed access to the prisoners on strike  

獄方當局CDCR在7月29日曾經專門針對群體性有組織的絕食抗議,發布了醫療政策和程序的修訂案,包括給犯人強行喂食的標準。 這意味著CDCR計劃強行喂食囚犯,以打破絕食斗爭。美國“公民自由聯盟”已聲明說“填鴨式強制喂食違反了美國國內法和國際法,并被普遍認為是一種殘忍的、不人道的和有辱人格的手段”。  

On July 29 the CDCR released a revision to its Medical Services Program Policy and Procedures regarding a mass organized hunger strike—including criteria for when the force-feeding of inmates will take place. This could mean the CDCR plans to force-feed prisoners to break the hunger strike. The American Civil Liberties Union has written that “force-feeding contravenes U.S. domestic and international law and is universally considered to be a form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.”  

參加絕食的囚犯的家庭成員探訪也被取消了。“囚犯絕食聯盟”報告,Carol Strickman 和 Marilyn McMahon兩位律師,對于絕食調解中間人小組的和去直接調解囚犯的兩項合法訪問,都被監獄當局禁止了。 這是當局為了進一步竭力隔絕囚犯,防止囚犯處境的真相暴露于監獄圍墻之外。  (“CDCR禁止律師采取新行動”,2011年9月30日)  

Family members of prisoners participating in the hunger strike are having their visits cancelled. And the Prisoner Hunger Strike Coalition reports that Carol Strickman and Marilyn McMahon, both attorneys who have served on the hunger strike mediation team and have coordinated legal visits for prisoners in the SHU, have both been banned from prisoner visits by the CDCR. This is a further effort to isolate the prisoners and prevent the truth of their situation from being known outside prison walls. (“CDCR Bans Lawyers: TAKE ACTION NEW!” Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity, September 30, 2011)  


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聲明:文章僅代表作者個人觀點,不代表本站觀點——烏有之鄉 責任編輯:wuhe






  • 兩日熱點
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  6. 到底誰“封建”?
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  9. 我們還等什么?
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  5. 重慶龍門浩寒風中的農民工:他們活該被剝削受凍、小心翼翼不好意思嗎?
  6. 央媒的反腐片的確“驚艷”,可有誰想看續集?