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喬納森•索布爾 · 2010-09-20 · 來源:《金融時報》
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Corporate Japan sows seeds for Chinese growth
作者:英國《金融時報》 喬納森•索布爾



Buy a take-out chicken dinner in Los Angeles or an onigiri rice ball from a convenience store in Tokyo, and there is a good chance the plastic bag it comes in will have been made in China.


Just as likely, the bag's journey to the checkout counter from its birthplace in a Middle Eastern oil patch will have been shepherded by a Japanese trading company, Mitsubishi.


Mitsubishi's five-year-old plastic bag business – a tiny part of its huge trading and investment empire – is an example of how China is playing a more central role in the operations of some of Japan's biggest companies, the sogo shosha, or general trading companies.

三菱的塑料袋業務已開展了5年,在這個龐大的貿易和投資帝國中,這塊業務微不足道。但此項業務證明了中國是如何在日本一些最大公司——即綜合性貿易商社(sogo shosha)——的運作中,扮演著越來越重要的角色。

Shosha such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo and Marubeni have been among the biggest beneficiaries of China's rise. Having built their businesses supplying resource-poor Japan with raw materials, in the 1990s they switched from simple fee-based trading to investing, taking stakes in everything from Siberian gas fields to Australian iron ore mines.


The timing was perfect. When roaring Chinese demand lifted commodities prices a few years later, the shosha booked windfall profits.


Their traditional import-export businesses flourished too. Shosha brokered sales of Japanese capital goods to China – from factory equipment to power plants to bullet trains – and arranged imports of Chinese processed food and clothing to Japan.


“China is the only country that we dedicate a separate office to managing. That shows you how important it is to our business,” says Shohei Hino of Mitsubishi's China unit.

三菱中國業務的Shohei Hino表示:“中國是我們唯一單獨設立辦事處進行管理的國家。這說明了它對我們的業務有多么重要。”

Today the shosha are looking at new ways to take advantage of China's growth by increasing their direct investments in the country.


The enterprises that are taking shape as a result are often more “foreign” and complex than anything they have tried before – taking the companies well beyond their roots in Japan.


Take the plastic bags. Mitsubishi exports polyethylene sheets to China from Sharq, a Saudi Arabian petrochemical company in which it owns a minority stake.


Once in China, the sheets are turned into bags by a Mitsubishi-affiliated manufacturing company, before being shipped to KFC chicken outlets and Lawson convenience stores – also part-owned by Mitsubishi – in the US and Japan.


Another big Japanese trading group, Itochu, has been an active investor in China's domestic food market.


In 2008 it paid $710m for a 20 per cent stake in Ting Hsin, a big food processing group. That followed a deal with Cofco, China's state-owned food processor, to buy grain and other agricultural commodities in global markets, an effort to build pricing power and combat rising food costs.

2008年,伊藤忠以7.1億美元購得大型食品加工集團頂新(Ting Hsin) 20%的股份。隨后,又與中國國有食品加工企業中糧集團(Cofco)達成協議,在全球市場上采購谷物及其它農作物,以增強定價權,并應對食品價格的不斷上漲。

Other traders are also targeting Chinese stomachs. Last year Marubeni agreed a soyabean-procurement deal with Sinograin, a state-owned grain importer, and has invested in a bakery in Shanghai that makes bread using Marubeni-sourced wheat. It has moved into China's nascent wine industry as a co-investor with Asahi, the Japanese brewer, in a winery in Nantong.


Marubeni is also investing in water, taking a 40 per cent stake in a purification plant in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, that is majority-owned by Veolia of France.


Some of the shosha's most intriguing moves have involved brokering trade between China and third countries. Mitsubishi, for example, has sold Chinese-built cement-making equipment to Vietnam, and sees future opportunities in marketing Chinese-made railway cars to India and other developing countries.


“China doesn't have experience selling its own products overseas, so Mitsubishi's job would be to find customers,” says Mr Hino of Mitsubishi.


One risk to the strategy is that as Chinese companies grow and gain more international experience, they will see less need to piggyback on the shosha.


That has already happened with manufacturers in Japan, and is one reason the shosha were forced to shift away from trading to investment.


Another obstacle is lingering resentment of Japan's wartime occupation of China, which some trading company managers worry might surface if they seek majority control of their Chinese ventures.


“Can you imagine a Japanese-controlled utility raising water rates in China?” asks one. “There's no way we would even try.”


This is the third in a series on Japan's business relations with China.


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