本月10日,激進的美國革命共產黨想出解決美國困境的新方法:那就是推翻政府,推行新憲法。規模不大的革命共產黨主動聯系了媒體,公布了《北美新社會主義共和國憲章(草案)》?! ?/p>
同一天,革命共產黨在聲明中承諾,“新憲法”將扮演帶頭角色,“建立并帶領我們走向完全不同,更加美好的共產主義社會?!薄 ?/p>
美國極端保守的政治人物與媒體人士,常把民主黨總統奧巴馬的自由主義傾向,形容成社會主義或共產主義。但是,革命共產黨并不把奧巴馬視為革命同志?! ?/p>
“新憲法”稱:北美新社會主義共和國在是統一戰線在無產階級領導的戰略方向的延續,在新的社會,無產階級的利益相一致,作為一個階級,最根本和最大的意義,取消一切剝削,并通過遍布世界的革命斗爭實現這一目標,共產主義原則的完美體現。社會主義新共和國在北美,像所有的國家,是一個階級的獨裁,專政,即無產階級專政的形式,這意味著,在其本質特征及其基本原理,結構,體制和政治進程中,它必須體現和服務其所有目標的無產階級,它的開發是對資本主義的財富和資本主義社會的運作積累的發動機,其解放的條件,只能通過共產主義革命帶來的根本利益關系消滅剝削和壓迫,實現全人類的解放?! ?/p>
美國革命共產黨被稱作美國國內目前最大的“毛主義”組織。它是受中國“文革”影響成立的。該組織的前身是1968年由美國一些青年學生在加利福尼亞州建立的“灣區革命聯盟“。1971年,”灣區革命聯盟“召開全國代表大會,改稱”革命聯盟“,1975年9月,”革命聯盟“又改稱”革命共產黨“。該黨成立之初,有黨員近1000人, 1977年最鼎盛時達到2000人左右?! ?/p>
至今,該黨的指導思想一直沒有發生根本變化,仍然主張在美國發動由工人階級領導的暴力革命,通過武裝奪權來使美國走上社會主義道路。1978年前后,主要因為對中國問題看法上的分歧,“美革共”發生分裂,成員逐漸減少。到上世紀80年代末,黨員人數大約只有成立時的一半。根據有關資料,近年來,“美革共”的黨員有所增加,在20來個城市設有支部。該黨自建立后,總部一直設在芝加哥?,F任領導人羅伯特.阿瓦基安,1943年出生,是該黨的創建人之一?! ?/p>
據本博秦全耀回憶,早在上世紀文革時,中國的媒體就常常報道美國革命共產黨。但老秦要提示一句美國革命共產黨不是美國共產黨。美國共產黨當時被罵成是修正主義。蘇東劇變使美國共產黨跌入了低谷,但美共中央堅持不改黨名,不變黨性,從組織和思想上保全了黨。美國共產黨一直認為社會主義建設要基于美國民主傳統之上,把民主作為社會主義的核心和本質特征。在黨章修改前后美共圍繞“社會主義權利法案”的問題展開了非常活躍的討論。黨的主席韋伯提醒全黨不要把“社會主義權利法案”變成陳詞濫調,也不要把它變成新的頌歌?! ?/p>
美國共產黨在上屆的美國總統選舉中,沒有提出自己的總統候選人,而是號召黨員及其支持者投奧巴馬一票,而美國革命共產黨抵制總統選舉,在奧巴馬當選后,則極力反對政府和各種改革措施,繼續鼓吹暴力革命?! ?/p>
The New Socialist Republic in North America could only have beenbrought into being as a result of heroic, self-sacrificing strugglecarried out by millions and millions of people who had been forcedto live under a system of exploitation and oppression in the formerUnited States of America; who could no longer tolerate thecontinual outrages and injustices perpetrated by the system ofcapitalism-imperialism and the structures and institutions of powerand repression which enforced all this with violence and brutalityas well as lies and deception; who refused to any longer acceptthat this was the best possible society and world, and wereincreasingly aware of and inspired by the possibility of aradically different and better society and world; and who thereforerose up, with the leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party,to defeat, abolish and dismantle the imperialist system in theformer USA and its institutions and apparatus of repression andviolence. At the same time, this new socialist state could onlyhave resulted from a whole process of revolutionary work andstruggle, in the realm of theory as well as practical-politicalactivity, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, acting as thevanguard of the revolutionary process, to enable both the Partyitself and growing numbers of broader masses to prepare for andthen to seize on the emergence of a revolutionary situation, todefeat and dismantle the forces of the old, oppressive order, andestablish the new socialist state. In this whole process, theinteraction and mutual reinforcement between the vanguard role ofthe Revolutionary Communist Party–with its theoretical basis in thescience of communism and the further development of this sciencethrough the new synthesis brought forward by Bob Avakian–and thegrowing consciousness and increasingly determined struggle ofmasses of people, constitute a decisive element in the success ofthe revolution and the founding of the new, revolutionary socialiststate. The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in NorthAmerica continues and gives further expression and initiative, inthe conditions of the new society, to the fundamental principlesand motive forces that constitute the basis for the establishmentof this new socialist state.
In contrast to the way in which the capitalist-imperialist stateserves and enforces the interests of a small ruling group ofexploiters, the New Socialist Republic in North America, with thecontinuing leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party, basesitself on, and proceeds from, the fundamental interests of thosemost bitterly exploited and oppressed under the old system, and themasses of people broadly, and provides the means for them to playan increasingly widening role in the exercise of political powerand the functioning of society in accordance with thoseinterests–in order to carry forward the struggle to transformsociety, with the goal of uprooting and finally eliminating alloppressive and exploitative relations among human beings and thedestructive antagonistic conflicts to which these relations giverise.
This is a process and goal which, fundamentally and in the finalanalysis, can only be achieved on a global scale, with the advanceto communism throughout the world. The orientation and principlesof this state, as embodied in this Constitution, areinternationalist: While giving due emphasis to meeting thematerial, intellectual and cultural needs of the people within thisstate, on a continually expanding basis, and to promoting thefurther transformation of this society to continue uprooting socialinequalities and remaining aspects of exploitation and oppression,the socialist state must give fundamental priority to the advanceof the revolutionary struggle, and the final goal of communism,throughout the world, and must adopt and carry out policies andactions which are in accordance with and give concrete effect tothis internationalist orientation.
Regardless of differences, even very great and qualitativedifferences, in their political structures, institutions andguiding principles, all states have a definite social contentand class character: they are an expression of the prevailingsocial relations, and most fundamentally the economic relations(relations of production), which have a decisive and ultimatelydetermining role in regard to how the particular society functionsand is organized. The state serves to protect and expand thoserelations and to enforce the interests of the social group–theruling class–which holds the dominant position in society, as aresult of its role in the economy, and in particular its ownershipand control of the major means of production (including land, rawmaterials and other resources, technology and physical structuressuch as factories, and so on). In capitalist society, it is thecapitalist class which holds this dominant position: the governmentstructures and processes–and above all the organs of thestate as an instrument of class rule and suppression (thearmed forces, police, courts and prisons, the executive power, andthe bureaucracies)–are controlled by this capitalist class as ameans of exercising its rule over society and its repression offorces whose interests are in significant opposition to, and/orwhich resist, its rule. In short, all states are an instrument ofdictatorship–of a monopoly of political power, concentratedas a monopoly of "legitimate" armed force and violence–exercisedby, and in the interests of, one class or another. Any democracywhich is practiced in this situation is democracy on the terms of,and fundamentally serving the interests of, the ruling class andits exercise of dictatorship. And it will remain the case thatthere will be a state, and that the state will constitute adictatorship of one kind or another, serving the interests of oneruling class or another, so long as society is divided into classes(and other groups) with interests that are fundamentallyantagonistic–a division rooted in the underlying social relations,and above all the production relations, which predominate in thegiven society.
The New Socialist Republic in North America is, like all states,a form of dictatorship–the dictatorship of theproletariat–which means that, in its essential character andits basic principles, structures, institutions and politicalprocesses, it must give expression to and serve the fundamentalinterests of the proletariat, a class whose exploitation is theengine of the accumulation of capitalist wealth and the functioningof capitalist society and whose emancipation from its exploitedcondition can only be brought about through the communistrevolution, with its goal of abolishing all relations ofexploitation and oppression and achieving the emancipation ofhumanity as a whole. In accordance with this, the governing bodiesand processes of this socialist state, at all levels, must bevehicles for the furtherance of the communist revolution; and, as akey dimension of this, they must provide the means for those whowere exploited and oppressed in the old society–and wereeffectively locked out of the exercise of political power and thegovernance of society, as well as the spheres of intellectualendeavor and working with ideas overall–to increasingly take partin these spheres, with the aim of continually transforming societyin the direction of communism. All this is given expression throughthe principles and provisions, and the institutions, structures andprocesses which are set forth and provided for in thisConstitution.
At the same time, the New Socialist Republic in North America isa continuation of the strategic orientation of United Front underthe Leadership of the Proletariat, in the conditions of the newsociety which has been brought into being through the revolutionarystruggle. This means that, while it must be recognized that theessential nature, and the basic principles and processes, of thisRepublic are oriented in accordance with the interests of theproletariat, as a class, in the most fundamental and largestsense–abolishing all relations of exploitation and oppressionthrough the advance to communism throughout the world–the struggleto achieve this goal cannot be, and will not be, carried out simplyby PROLETARIANS, as some idealized "perfect embodiment of communistprinciples," and in some uniform and linear sense. As the newsynthesis brought forward by Bob Avakian has given emphasis to, theprocess of making revolution, and then continuing the revolution inthe new socialist state toward the final goal of communism, mustinvolve the active participation of broad ranks of the people, ofdifferent strata, and will proceed through many different"channels," involving many diverse forces among the people in manydifferent spheres of human endeavor, not only those more directlypolitical or relating more directly, at any given time, to thefunctioning and objectives of the leadership of the revolution andthe new socialist state; and the orientation and aim, consciouslytaken up by growing numbers of the people, must be to work so as toenable all this to contribute, in the final analysis, to thestruggle to further transform society in the direction ofcommunism.
In keeping with this orientation and these objectives, theprinciple of "solid core, with a lot of elasticity" must beapplied. This means that, on the one hand, there must be acontinually expanding force in society, with the revolutionarycommunist party as its leading element, which is firmly convincedof the need to advance to communism and deeply committed tocarrying forward this struggle, through all the difficulties andobstacles; and, on the basis of and at the same time as continuallystrengthening this "solid core," there must be provision and scopefor a wide diversity of thinking and activity, among peoplethroughout society, "going off in many different directions,"grappling and experimenting with many diverse ideas and programsand fields of endeavor–and once again all this must be "embraced"by the vanguard party and the "solid core" in an overall sense andenabled to contribute, through many divergent paths, to the advancealong a broad road toward the goal of communism. This orientationand approach is embodied in the Constitution for the New SocialistRepublic in North America .
The New Socialist Republic in North America is a multi-nationaland multi-lingual state, which is based on the principle ofequality between different nationalities and cultures and has asone of its essential objectives fully overcoming nationaloppression and inequality, which was such a fundamental part of theimperialist USA throughout its history. Only on the basis of theseprinciples and objectives can divisions among humanity by countryand nation be finally overcome and surpassed and a world communityof freely associating human beings be brought into being. Thisorientation is also embodied in the various institutions of thestate and in the functioning of the government in the New SocialistRepublic in North America .
The oppression of women arose together with the emergence ofexploitative class divisions among human beings thousands of yearsago, has been carried forward and become deeply entrenched in allsocieties ruled by exploiting classes, and was a marked feature ofthe imperialist United States of America and its domination andinfluence in the world. Abolishing and uprooting all this is one ofthe most important objectives of the New Socialist Republic inNorth America . This is expressed not only in full legal equalitybetween women and men, but beyond that in the declared orientationand policy of this Republic to overcome all "tradition’s chains"embodied in traditional gender roles and divisions, and all theoppressive relations bound up with this, in every sphere ofsociety, and to enable women, as fully as men, to take part in andcontribute to every aspect of the struggle to transform society,and the world, in order to uproot and abolish all relations ofoppression and exploitation and emancipate humanity as a whole.
In an overall sense, and in accordance with the principles andprovisions of this Constitution, the Revolutionary Communist Partyprovides leadership to the state and its key institutions. Membersof the Party, at all levels, dedicate themselves to upholding,propagating and implementing the Constitution of the Party as wellas the Constitution of the New Socialist Republic in North America.While there are differences between these two Constitutions–asaspects of the viewpoint, objectives and responsibilities of Partymembers, embodied in the Party Constitution, extend beyond what isset forth in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic–thereis a fundamental unity between the principles of the twoConstitutions; the Party, and all its members, are accountable toand may not act in violation of, and on the contrary mustconsistently act on the basis of and in accordance with, theConstitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.
As historical experience has demonstrated, socialist societywill–for a considerable period of time–contain, and in factregenerate, elements of exploitation, social inequality andoppression, which have been, unavoidably, inherited from the oldsociety and cannot be uprooted and abolished all at once, or soonafter the establishment of the socialist state. Further, there islikely to be a protracted period in which new socialist states comeinto existence in a situation where they are, to one degree oranother, encircled by imperialist and reactionary states, whichwill continue to exert significant influence and force, and mayeven occupy a dominant position in the world for some time. Thesefactors will, for a long time, repeatedly give rise to forceswithin socialist society itself, as well as within the parts of theworld still dominated by imperialism and reaction, which willattempt to overthrow any socialist states that exist and restorecapitalism there. And historical experience has also demonstratedthat, as a result of these contradictions, forces will emergewithin the vanguard party itself, including at its top levels,which will fight for lines and policies that will actually lead tothe undermining of socialism and the restoration of capitalism. Allthis underscores the importance of continuing the revolution withinsocialist society, and of doing so in the overall framework of therevolutionary struggle throughout the world and with theinternationalist orientation of giving fundamental priority to theadvance of this worldwide struggle toward the achievement ofcommunism, which is only possible on a world scale–and theimportance of struggle within the party itself, as well as insociety as a whole, to maintain and strengthen the revolutionarycharacter and role of the party, in keeping with itsresponsibilities to act as the leadership of the continuingrevolution toward the final goal of communism, and to defeatattempts to transform the party into its opposite, into a vehiclefor the restoration of the old, exploitative and oppressivesociety.
With the final abolition of class divisions and all otherexploitative and oppressive relations among people, throughout theworld, there will still remain a need for government, in the senseof providing an organized framework for decision-making and theadministration of the common affairs of the human beings who makeup society, on its various levels, and for the pursuit byindividuals and groups within society of their particularinclinations, preferences and concerns within the overallcooperative functioning and ethos of society. But the need and thebasis for a state–as an organ of class rule and of suppression ofclasses and groups antagonistically opposed to the rulingclass–will have been eliminated, and the state will have beenabolished. In these conditions, the basis and need for an organizedgroup of people exercising a disproportionate influence in thesphere of government, and in society overall, will also have beensurpassed, and vanguard parties, with a special role in thegovernance of society, will have been eliminated. Advancing to sucha communist society, bringing into being the conditions that makethat possible and achievable–through continuing revolutionarystruggle to transform all spheres of society, within a particularsocialist state and in the world as a whole–is the fundamental aimof the socialist state and of the vanguard party which plays aleading role within that state. While recognizing the complex andprotracted nature of the struggle to overcome the relations anddivisions which make a state and a vanguard necessary, thesocialist state and its leading party must, at every stage in thisprocess, not only propagate this goal but promote and give effectto concrete measures which lead in this direction.
The preceding constitutes the basis and foundation for theArticles that follow in this Constitution for the New SocialistRepublic in North America .
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