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Kapital gain
Karl Marx is now the Home Counties' favourite
Mark Seddon
Thursday July 14, 2005
The Guardian
Karl Marx is the nation's most revered philosopher. No, this isn't old Soviet agitprop, but the result of a Radio 4 listeners' poll organised by the broadcaster Melvyn Bragg for his series In Our Time. The veteran Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm, thinks he knows why. His reasoning is as contemporary as Marx's was visionary. "The Communist Manifesto," he says, "contains a stunning prediction of the nature and effects of globalisation."
Taking 28% of the votes cast, the former down-at-heel Victorian gent, who suffered appalling outbreaks of boils, beat the Economist magazine's trumpeted candidate, David Hume, hands down. So with even the communist daily Morning Star keeping tight-lipped, the strange exhumation of Marx can only be attributed to thousands of Radio 4 listeners in the Home Counties. This is clearly a very real middle-class conspiracy, designed to give those ex-Marxists in the cabinet - John Reid and Charles Clarke among them - sleepless nights.
But should we really be so surprised? Marx, now freed from his flawed pupils, is as liberating as he was when he published the Communist Manifesto 150 years ago. Re-visiting Marx's theories on historical and dialectical materialism, it is possible to see a genius at work because, as Bragg would have it, "everything can be explained".
But then, as the self deprecating Marx once argued: "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Marx reaches through the centuries not only because he understood how modern capitalism would exacerbate the divide between rich and poor, but because he could see that, left to its own devices, it would create monopoly and exploitation.
He could have left it there, but of course he believed that there had to be an alternative. And in these dumbed down times where Lord Birt's blue-sky thinking and management consultancy gobbledegook has our technocratic political class in a vice-like grip, it is refreshing to discover that thousands of Britons must believe that real change is possible. Amazingly for the slayers of social democracy in New Labour, as many of these people probably live in places like Esher and Surbiton as they do in Oxford and Cambridge.
Market fundamentalism has now replaced Marxism and its many derivatives in the west, as it has done in the east. Elsewhere, nationalism and religious fundamentalism vie to fill a dangerous, illiberal void. It is as if the age of enlightenment, of the Renaissance, had never happened. Marx spawned some horrors, and the flight from him by the political class has been so total that the gentler tradition of democratic socialism has been all but lost.
Marx's mother despaired at the futility of it all. "I wish you could make some capital rather than just writing about it," she once remonstrated. Well, maybe his old bankroller, Friedrich Engels, might have agreed, but Marx has left a rich intellectual inheritance. Before Gordon Brown has another chance to say "No return to boom and bust", I heartily recommend to him a few hours spent perusing Das Kapital.
· Mark Seddon is a member of Labour's national executive committee
Marx voted top thinker
Charlotte Higgins
Thursday July 14, 2005
The Guardian
In a shock result, Karl Marx has been voted the greatest ever philosopher following a poll by Melvyn Bragg's Radio 4 show In Our Time.
In the public's poll, which assessed 20 philosophers, Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, got 27.93% of the 30,000 votes. In second place came David Hume with 12.67%, followed by Ludwig Wittgenstein with 6.8%. Plato trailed in fifth place and Socrates at eighth.
Andrew Chitty, who, at Sussex University, teaches the UK's only MA in Marxist philosophy, said: "This shows that philosophy should take Marxism seriously. It is possible he won because Marxists organised a mass vote; they're much more organised than Hegelians, for instance.
"But I think it's more likely that people understand that in this increasingly capitalist world Marx gives us the best vision with which to understand that world. Marx talks about capital in a philosophical way - he's unique in that."
Marx wins BBC In Our Time's Greatest Philosopher vote
July 13, 2005 by Staff
LONDON - If you had ever pondered the political leanings of BBC Radio 4 listeners, the vote is now in as Karl Marx was nominated as the Greatest Philosopher of all time.
The German philosopher and socialist topped the poll of 20 of the best known, most respected and influential philosophical thinkers.
With 28% of the 30,000 votes cast, Marx, who was championed by author and journalist Francis Wheen, came out as the clear winner.
Marx, who lived in London for many years and based his study of capitalism 'Das Capital' on some of his experiences of industry Britain, had more than twice as many votes as his nearest rival Scottish philosopher David Hume.
Hume, who picked up 12.7% of the vote, was championed in the poll by philosopher and author Julian Baggini.
Coming in third was another German, Wittgenstein, who was championed by Jonathan Sachs and nominated by, among others, Will Self. Wittgenstein garnered 6.8% of the vote.
In Our Time, presented by Lord Melvyn Bragg, ran the online poll over a period of five weeks and attracted more than a million hits to its website.
The programme will be devoting tomorrow's July 14 edition from 9.00-9.45am to a discussion of Marx and his ideas.
The poll sparked a wide-ranging debate with everyone from celebrities to newspapers getting involved.
The Guardian came out in favour of Kant; The Economist, Hume; and The Independent Wittgenstein, then changed its mind, playing on Wittgenstein's famous change of philosophical position.
BBC Radio 2 DJ Terry Wogan backed Marcus Aurelius; Anne Robinson nominated Nietzsche; Mariella Frostrup came out in favour of Kierkegaard; Stephen Fry nominated Plato; and John Humphrys French footballer-turned-actor Eric Cantona.
The 20-strong shortlist was decided after a first round; those with the highest number of votes went through to the next round where they had a specialist advocate, an expert academic who put the case forward for voting for that particular philosopher.
The final stage of the vote began on June 6 when listeners were able to vote for a philosopher from the final shortlist via the Radio 4 website. The vote ended at midnight on July 7.
Since the vote started, the MP3 downloads for 'In Our Time' have increased by 50%. The programme now records 30,000 downloads a week. Half of all downloads across BBC Radio are from the programme.
Before the vote, the 'In Our Time' website was getting 150,000 hits a week, that rose to 300,000 during the vote and has settled to around 220,000 a week now. 'In Our Time' is currently the most popular Radio 4 programme on the internet after 'The Archers'.
Nominee % Accepted votes
1. Marx 27.93%
2. Hume 12.67%
3. Wittgenstein 6.80%
4. Nietzsche 6.49%
5. Plato 5.65%
6. Kant 5.61%
7. Aquinas 4.83%
8. Socrates 4.82%
9. Aristotle 4.52%
10. Popper 4.20%
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