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A Letter to the American People

 China Yan'an Spirit Research · 2024-05-13 · source:  China Yan'an Spirit Research Association Shandong Group
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  The students' just struggle should be supported unequivocally, the shameless and hypocritical deception of the Biden administration should be exposed and criticized from the students' standpoint firmly, and the heinous crimes of the Biden administration and the American police in persecuting the students should be thoroughly recognized and judged.

  Ladies and gentlemen of the American people at large:

  The American students are now engaged in a great and just struggle, which has shattered the Biden government's dream of making war money, and the Biden government, enraged at this, is suppressing the students in a hysterical and ferocious manner. Have you come to your senses? The time has come for you to rise up and fight, for the whole nation to unite in support of the American students in their just struggle, regardless of whether they are from the north or the south, regardless of whether they are old or young, because the American students are fighting alone, bleeding, and going through an ordeal like purgatory. Since April 18, American students have been brutally suppressed by the American police, and a large number of unarmed students have been beaten and arrested at every moment, which is really hateful and intolerable.

  The reactionary government of the United States empire is “tyrannical and wise in the world”, and it is intransigent, corrupt and completely in the hands of the monopolizing bourgeoisie. They are so obsessed with profits that they plan wars year after year, month after month and day after day. They are outright warmongers and public enemies of the world. They exist for the purpose of waging war and creating war disasters. The war policy of the U.S. imperial reactionary government is, first of all, to attack the American people, to collect cannon fodder for war from the American people, and to collect the people's fat and wealth from the American people. Which war launched by the reactionary government of the U.S. empire did not cause casualties among the sons and daughters of the U.S. people, and which war did not mean that many families of the U.S. people were torn apart and destroyed? This kind of war machine is not the government that the American people need, and it is the public enemy of the whole world, including the American people. Can the war policy of the U.S. reactionary government, which is like a war machine, not chill you to the bone? It hurts your heart.

  In order to protest against the war policy of the U.S. government and to support the Palestinian people against the Israeli genocide, the American students painfully put down the books in their hands, unarmed and unarmed, but with the world in their hearts, and resolutely embarked on the path of just struggle, which is so tragic. This American students' struggle for justice, if not supported by the American people, the American students' feat is doomed to failure, how can the students with bare hands and empty fists withstand the armed to the teeth of the military police. If the students' struggle for justice fails, there is no telling how many students will be killed, how many students will face jail time, and how many students will be suspended and expelled from school. Such a brutal reality is hard to accept and painful to watch, and without the strong support and help of the American people, such a brutal reality will come soon.

  America is for the American people. America is a great country and the American people are great people. The greatness of America lies in the greatness of the American people, not in the American monopoly class. The United States has always belonged to the American people, not to the monopoly bourgeoisie, and they cannot be allowed to rule for a long time, obstinately and corruptly; the American people should liberate themselves and should be their own masters.

  The American people are not to be deceived. In the face of the surging struggle for justice of the American students, the Biden government is in a hurry and panic, and hastily put a pocket charge of “anti-Semitism” on the struggle for justice of the students so that it can arrest and kill the students at any time, any place, anytime, anywhere, as it pleases, and is really shameless and evil to the extreme. The just struggle of the American students is innocent and justified, and the guilty ones are the Biden administration and its minions, accomplices and thugs - the U.S. military and police - who suppress the American students. The American people have long recognized the reactionary nature of the Biden government and will not and should not be deceived by it at all. Instead, they should unequivocally support the just struggle of the students, stand firmly in the position of the students to expose and criticize the shameless hypocrisy and deceit of the Biden government, and thoroughly recognize and judge the heinous crimes of the Biden government and the U.S. military and police in persecuting the students.

  The American people have the power. The history of the United States was created by the American people, and the present and future of the United States are likewise created by the American people. In order to support the just struggle of the students, the American people, with “the weather as their soul and the earth as their spirit,” have the power to support and protect the American students from harm; they have the power to organize and carry out the workers' movement in combination with the students' just struggle, and to make the final struggle against the reactionary government of the United States--the final struggle to smash the old American Empire and build a new America. smash the old American empire to build a new America; and the strength to fight for the double victory of the students' struggle for justice and the workers' movement.

  The reactionary, rotten and evil rule of the monopoly bourgeoisie in the United States has long been the cause of human and divine indignation and anger. Let the shocking storm come more fiercely! Wash away its monstrous evil. We are counting on the American people.

  China Yan'an Spirit Research Association Shandong Group

  April 26, 2024

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