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Please cast them a glance of appreciation and admiration!

Guo Songmin · 2024-05-13 · source: 昆侖策
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  Protests in support of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and against Israel's genocidal policies have intensified on U.S. college campuses.

  According to the United States Axios News Network, since last week, demonstrations against Israel's policy of massacres have spread to colleges and universities across the United States, with students from more than 20 prestigious universities, including Yale, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton, the University of California at Berkeley, Boston University, the University of North Carolina and others, joining in the protests.

  Protests at American universities have also spread to Europe.

  On April 24, students at the University of Political Science in Paris, France, also reportedly demonstrated and set up a tent encampment in preparation for a prolonged protest, with students demanding that the university cut ties with universities and businesses involved in the genocide in Gaza.

  The demonstrations by university students have been brutally suppressed by the United States authorities, and more than 100 people have been arrested.

  U.S. House Speaker Johnson threatened that if order could not be quickly bring to this chaos, Columbia University President Shafik should resign and there is an appropriate time for the National Guard.

  Johnson said he would demand President Joe Biden to take action.

  In Texas, police arrested 34 people at the request of the university and Texas Governor Abbott.

  Abbott said, “These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.”

  American and Israeli dignitaries were unanimous in their attempts to label the demonstrators as fascists and racists by invoking the label of “anti-Semitism”.

  Speaking at Columbia University, where the first demonstrations broke out, Johnson said, “Wejust cantallow this kind of hatred and anti-Semitism to flourish on our campuses,and it must bestopped inits tracks.”

  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities,they call for the annihilation of Israel, they attack Jewish students, they attack Jewish faculty.

  But what is the reality?

  There is no anti-Semitism, only protest against Israel's policy of slaughter.

  The demands of American college students can be summed up in the three English words beginning with D, namely, DISCLOSE, to expose all university investments involving Israel; DIVEST, to cut ties with acts of colonization and genocide; DEFEND Gaza, to defend the people of Gaza, as well as all students, staff, faculty, etc., who have stood up to Israel's policy of massacres.

  It could not be simpler that opposing Israel's policy of massacre is not the same as opposing the Jewish people.

  What's more, many of the students who are at the forefront of this anti-riot demonstration movement are themselves Jews.

  In this movement, many slogans and words have emerged that can be familiar and relatable to those familiar with the history of the Chinese Revolution, marking the spiritual connection between the two.


  “Comrade,” the long-forgotten and affectionate term, echoed in the night sky on Wednesday, local time, in the face of police armed to the teeth and ready to violently disperse the crowd of demonstrators.

  “Will you be ready to turn up for comrades”


  Liberated Zone!

  The college students called the camps they set up, “Liberated Zone”!

  Demonstrating students at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, USC, etc., all the schools you can think of by name, united. They stood up and bravely resisted, vowing to defend liberated areas in the face of repression from school administrations, campus police, and even bomb police.

  A video circulating on social media platforms shows students from California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, occupying one of the school's buildings. Holding hands, they confronted the shield-wielding riot police, defending their liberated zone with their flesh and blood.



  This student movement is impressive.

  The slogans and demands of the students mean that the mainstream of the progressive movement in the United States has stepped out of the quagmire of identity politics and "my gender, my decision" and has once again returned to its origins - opposing the internal and external policies of imperialism and colonialism, and supporting the national liberation movement.

  Apparently, left-wing progressive students in the United States are trying to find a third way beyond the rusty "universal values" and Trump's brand of "American nationalism".

  In the past few days, I have been collecting and watching videos from American university campuses, as if I could hear the singing of "Unity is Strength" and the melody of the "Internationale"!

  At this moment, the campuses of American universities have become the most progressive places in the world, and those students who have been arrested and persecuted for supporting the liberation movement of the Palestinian people represent the conscience of mankind!

  Perhaps, for the time being, we can't do more than that, but cast a glance of admiration and envy at them!

  What is happening on American college campuses reminds me of the fifties to seventies and the youthful years of the Republic.

  At that time, China led the progressive movement all over the world, and was the hope of all oppressed nations and oppressed people. Chinese campuses were full of fervor, passion, a sense of justice, and the ambition to liberate all mankind ......

  Now, are we old and greasy?

  Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!


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